Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1503: Soldiers versus soldiers, versus generals! (2 updates)

"Ling Feng, you will definitely die this time!"

Winter stared intently at Ling Feng. At this moment, Sein Feilian had already fought against the demon clan. No one in the palace of war could help Ling Feng. With his own strength, he was able to fight against two Heavenly Killing Ten Jue level juniors at the same time. The only way to become a great emperor is to die.


Suddenly, a sharp energy hit his back!

Yang Zhen had already taken action brazenly. Although he was still under the control of Wu Ling's wisdom Gu, his hatred for Ling Feng seemed to have not changed at all. He swept over with murderous intent and struck Ling Feng with a fierce sword.

"Hmph, it's so sad to be treated like a weakling as one of the top ten most talented people in the world!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, and immediately used the divine thunder incarnation, surrounding himself with thunder and lightning, turning into a bolt of thunder and shooting into the nine heavens, teleporting ten miles away!


When Winter saw Ling Feng trying to escape, he immediately spread his body skills, his figure turned into a streak of blood, and chased after him. Yang Zhen also pursued him at the fastest speed.

If you don't kill Ling Feng today, you will be in serious trouble in the future!

"Ling Feng, don't even think about escaping, you will definitely die today!"

Anger surged in Winter's eyes. Everything was because of this damn boy. Otherwise, his plan would have been successful long ago.

Today, a conclusion must be made.


Ling Feng didn't look back, he just ran fast towards the water area where Zifeng was lurking. Thunder God Shadow pushed to the extreme, and for a while, he wouldn't be easily caught up.

Three figures turned into rainbows in the sky, flying at lightning speed.

"Ling Feng, can you only run?"

"Aren't you very arrogant? Why do you just run away now?"

Behind him, Winter kept yelling, how could this damn boy be so fast!

Moreover, what is even more strange is that this guy's vitality is so strong. It took more than half an hour to perform that level of movement without any signs of exhaustion. Even he began to feel the slightest trace of fatigue. So tired!

Is this guy really in the Divine Sea realm?

Finally, Ling Feng's speed gradually slowed down, and a trace of ecstasy flashed in Winter's eyes behind him, "Huh, brat, you are only in the Divine Sea realm after all! Die!"

A palm was swung out, and at the same moment, Yang Zhen also swung his sword to attack. At this moment, the two top experts in the hunting battlefield used 100% of their strength to kill Ling Feng completely.


Ling Feng turned around and smiled strangely. Everything was in his plan, exactly!


Just as he was about to be overtaken by the two great emperors, Ling Feng plunged into the river at his feet.

Wen Te and Yang Zhen, worried that Ling Feng would escape, pursued him into the river bottom without hesitation.

Never give this kid another chance! As long as you let him escape once, who knows how powerful he will be next time!

Unexpectedly, the two of them chased into the water, only to find that Ling Feng had enough time to stand on a dark underwater boulder, looking at them coldly.

"You guys are a little late! I've been waiting for you for a long time, hum!"

Ling Feng crossed his arms, with a cold arc hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Winter's pupils shrank slightly, and he had a bad feeling in his heart. However, he still had Yang Zhen as a puppet, so he didn't need to worry about what other tricks Ling Feng could use.

"Ling Feng, you are so bold. Do you think that with your little ability, you have the right to challenge me?"

Winter kept his eyes on Ling Feng. Today, even if he paid some price, he would never let Ling Feng leave alive.

Of course, Ling Feng also had this idea.

Public or private, he must kill this Winter quickly.

As for Yang Zhen, although he was being manipulated, since there is no turning back, he will never be soft.

"Whether you have the qualification or not is not up to you."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Come out, Zifeng!"


At this moment, the "boulder" under his feet suddenly started to move on its own, and a behemoth more than a hundred feet tall suddenly raised its head high.

What kind of boulder is this? It’s clearly a shark beast!

Moreover, it is definitely a ferocious beast of overlord level!

As an elemental life form without attributes, Zifeng can hide its aura, but its specialty is the giant shark. Under its control, although its strength may be slightly reduced, Zifeng's brain is much better than that. The fierce beast is much more flexible.

The brain is a good thing!


Winter's pupils shrank suddenly. No wonder Ling Feng tried so hard to attract them. It turned out that he had a ferocious beast as a helper at the bottom of the river.

But, how could this kid have the ability to control ferocious beasts?


The shark beast, under the control of Zifeng, released an extremely terrifying aura, and the power of energy and blood was boundless. Even for a strong man like Winter, it had a considerable sense of oppression. .

"Master, tell me, which one do you want me to deal with?"

Zifeng controlled the shark beast to grin, and the sound waves rolled up the river. For a moment, the entire river was tumbling with waves, causing all creatures within a hundred miles of water to flee far away.

"Soldier against soldier, against general!"

Ling Feng stared at Winter, with boundless murderous intent surging in those dark eyes.

Zifeng and Ling Feng had the same mind. With a flick of his huge tail, he immediately bit down in the direction of Yang Zhen.

Although Yang Zhen was controlled, his fighting instinct was still there. Facing the giant shark monster controlled by Zifeng, he flashed his figure and struck hard at the giant shark monster with a backhand sword.


Blood gushes out of the giant shark's body, and the beast's huge body sometimes becomes a burden.

However, this little bit of blood is just a drop in the bucket for a huge shark monster. What's more, the shark monster is injured and has no effect on Zifeng.

Zifeng's trajectory remained unchanged, like a super battleship, slamming into Yang Zhen, and a huge force rolled back from the blade.


Yang Zhen was directly knocked dozens of feet away. If it weren't for the huge resistance in the water, he might have been knocked directly out.

For a while, the two sides started fighting fiercely. In a short period of time, it might be difficult to determine the winner.

At this moment, Winter weighed the pros and cons, and finally did not choose to evacuate. Instead, he stared at Ling Feng, smiling instead of angry, "Boy, do you think that I am really afraid of you?"

"Afraid or not, I'll see the truth under my hands!"

Ling Feng's whole body was filled with energy and blood, and the divine power of the fifty dragon elephants gathered around his body. When the fist passed by, there was a sound of dragons roaring and tigers roaring, shaking the heaven and earth.

"Phantom Wave Hunyuan Palm!"

Ling Feng punched Winter. What he relied on was strength!

Nearly overwhelming power!


Under the river, Ling Feng's Phantom Wave Hunyuan Palm was even more powerful. The two sides exchanged punches, and Emperor Winter was forcefully knocked back dozens of steps.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Winter's mouth, and his eyes were also bloodshot, with overwhelming hatred bursting out!

"You bastard! I want you to live today! You can't die!!"

Winter roared with a thick neck, and the roar shook the sky, as if we were sworn in.

Ling Feng was unmoved and charged back to kill him: "Let's talk about it if you have the ability!"

Bang bang!

The two quickly fought together!

Ling Feng's cultivation principles were much inferior to those of Winter, but with the power of the Dragon Elephant, he was able to compete with Winter on a par!

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