Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1505 The bitch wakes up! (1 update)

"It's just too strong a word!"

Ling Feng laughed angrily at Yang Zhen's remarks. This kind of person only knows how to shirk all the responsibilities on others. Now that he has not repented, he still wants to be buried with him?



Ling Feng's eyes turned cold. Originally, now that Yang Zhen was awake, he had considered letting him go. But since he still had this attitude, he just had to eradicate it!

"No matter what, you die!"

Yang Zhen's face became distorted, looking like a ferocious evil ghost.

At this moment, the shark beast controlled by Zifeng no longer had much strength left, and Ling Feng himself was also extremely weak.

However, what made Ling Feng calm down a little was that Yang Zhen's situation was not much better.

With him and Zifeng joining forces, it would be easy to kill a Yang Zhen.

A strong feeling of weakness came to his mind. Ling Feng bit the tip of his tongue and forced himself to cheer up. Now was not the time to relax.

"Ling Feng, go to hell! It's all because of you! Just die!"

Yang Zhen had completely fallen into madness, and with all his energy, he forcefully knocked out the shark beast. His body transformed into a bolt of thunder, and in an instant, he had already reached Ling Feng.

"Master, I can't bear it anymore!"

Zifeng's voice came. The giant shark monster controlled by that guy had reached its limit, and its vitality was rapidly exhausted. As a last resort, Zifeng could only give up this host body.

As for his Binglin body, it was only at the mid-level Demon King level, so it couldn't be of much help at all.

Ling Feng's face condensed. Without the ferocious beast controlled by Zifeng, in his current state, it might not be easy to face Yang Zhen, even if he is also weak.

After all, he didn't expect that Winter would be so difficult to deal with and consume him to this point.

After all, I must have overestimated my own strength!

"Hey, Ling Feng boy, it seems you can't do it without this divine beast!"

At this moment, a "cheesy" voice came from his mind, full of teasing and ridicule, but Ling Feng was perked up by it!

It's that bitch!

After more than a month, that bitch finally completely refined half of the spiritual core, no, it should be said to be more than half of the spiritual core!

"You bitch, you finally woke up!"

Ling Feng reluctantly used the divine thunder incarnation and slightly dodged Yang Zhen's blow, but the terrifying energy still pushed Ling Feng away. His chest was rubbed by the exploding thunder snake, and half of his body was paralyzed by the electricity.

Yang Zhen is known as "Thunder Absolute", and the thunder magic power he displays is indeed extraordinary.

However, the next moment, Ling Feng no longer needed to dodge.

"You bitch, quickly use beast soul fusion!"

Ling Feng quickly asked Jianlu for help. This guy woke up in time!

"Hey, boy, I saw that there are a lot of good things in the Yuan Realm of Wood! Shouldn't I share half of them?"

That bitch started laughing strangely.

"Depend on……"

Ling Feng's head darkened. This bitch was indeed as mean as ever. He took advantage of the situation at the critical moment!

Although, even if he didn't mention it, Ling Feng would definitely share some of these treasures with him, but this guy would feel uncomfortable if he didn't do something mean for a day!

"Point by point, you bitch!"

Ling Feng's teeth itched with hatred, why did he end up with such a thing!


The bitch laughed loudly, "You brat, let me show you the unparalleled strength of this divine beast after this promotion! Beast soul - fusion!"

Along with a billowing demonic energy, it rose into the sky, and the power of the bitch instantly poured into Ling Feng's body.

After refining that spiritual core, this guy suddenly reached the level of the Eight-Star Demon King. Coupled with this guy's special bloodline, he could faintly produce the power of the Dragon Elephant. A resonance!

An unprecedented strength filled his body, making Ling Feng almost unable to help shouting!

As he and Bitch both improved, the power exerted by the fusion of beast souls was simply terrifying!

If it weren't for the fact that Ling Feng had very little vitality left in his body at this moment, the power he could unleash at his peak state would have been even more powerful!

"Well, you bitch, you didn't waste most of your spiritual core in vain!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed. In an instant, he turned from passive to active. He stared at Yang Zhen with a hint of chill in his eyes.

"Humph, what does this mean? If this divine beast further returns to the level of the Demon Emperor, as long as the demon bones in this divine beast are re-energized, by then, not to mention the elementary emperor, even a semi-saint, this divine beast will dare Let’s fight!”

Ling Feng just smiled and said nothing. This bitch always liked to brag, but he still had some abilities.

Right now, the best strategy is to kill Yang Zhen first!


As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng's speed suddenly soared, and he actually dodged directly in front of Yang Zhen, and slammed Yang Zhen's face with an old punch.


Sensing Ling Feng's sudden surge of aura, Yang Zhen's expression changed drastically, and he stared at Ling Feng in disbelief, "How is that possible? You are clearly at the end of your game!"

"Then maybe even the sky will accept you! Just accept your fate!"

Ling Feng's eyes widened. Although it was a bit of luck that Jianlu could wake up in time, even if Jianlu didn't wake up, he still had some other trump cards. Even if he paid some price, he might not be able to defeat Yang Zhen. kill.


It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Ling Feng's punch was nothing fancy and had hit Yang Zhen hard on the bridge of the nose.


The bridge of his nose cracked directly, and Yang Zhen's entire nose collapsed. Because he was at the bottom of the water, his body was like a ball, hitting the ground hard, and then bounced high, drawing a weird arc in the water. .


Ling Feng's figure arrived in an instant, and he was not prepared to let him go so easily!

"Shocking disaster!"

At the moment when Yang Zhen was beaten to the point where he was unable to parry, a terrifying beam of light suddenly shot out from Ling Feng's eyes, hitting Yang Zhen with an unavoidable force!


Yang Zhen hugged his head that was about to explode. He felt like a knife was slashing into his soul. He couldn't help but scream in agony!

At the same moment, Ling Feng turned his palm into a knife and hit him hard on his left shoulder. There was a sound of bones breaking. Yang Zhen's entire arm was cut off completely by Ling Feng's hand knife!

Ling Feng had no mercy at all when dealing with such people.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng stepped on Yang Zhen's chest with another kick, slamming him into the ground.


A mouthful of blood spurted out wildly, and the severe pain caused Yang Zhen to scream miserably, with an expression of pain and an extremely distorted face!

At this time, he had been completely defeated, and there was nothing but miserable screams...

"So fast, so strong!"

Ling Feng raised his fist and was quite satisfied with the state of the beast soul fusion. This bitch had improved a lot.

Of course, it was mainly him who had cultivated the "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique" to the point of fifty dragon power. Coupled with the ability of the monster beast, he himself was equivalent to a humanoid beast.


At his feet, Yang Zhen was trembling all over, vomiting blood, and was extremely embarrassed and miserable.

However, all this is his own fault!

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