Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1564 Chess game! (1 update)


Wu Yazi still looked at everyone with a smile, and did not seem to be angry, but Xu Lingzi's expression seemed a bit more gloomy.

"Hmph, second brother, should you take action or should I?" Xu Lingzi sneered.

Wu Yazi took a step forward with a smile: "Brother, let me do it. If you can't control it for a moment and kill everyone, wouldn't you have nothing to play with anymore?"

The emperor who suggested that everyone get together to fight against these two old monsters changed his face and felt a little uneasy in his heart. He forced himself to calm down and said: "Huh, what do you want? Don't think that I am easy to mess with. I am always the same no matter what." Famous…”

Before the Emperor's word "Emperor" could be uttered, the voice suddenly stopped, and there was only a "bang" explosion. The first-level Emperor of the Destiny Realm exploded into a rain of blood all over the sky!

Everyone's expression changed with shock and they gasped!

A junior emperor was directly obliterated by a look!

Moreover, not even a ray of his soul could escape the fate of being swallowed by Wu Yazi.

Don't look at this fat Wuya who acts cute and seems harmless to humans and animals, but when he uses his hands, he is ridiculously strong!

Ling Feng's eyes flashed violently, and he lost his voice in shock: "Is this the power of the great sage!"

The expressions of Emperor Yaori Sword Emperor, Emperor Tianyun and Purple Lightning Sword Emperor also changed. This kind of power made them feel frightened!

"You have good eyesight!"

Wu Yazi grinned at Ling Feng, "He is indeed the man I like!"


The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he felt an inexplicable tightening of his anus.

"Although the master has been dead for thousands of years, it is not your juniors' turn to question the strength of our black and white twins yet!"

Xu Lingzi glanced at everyone and said coldly: "Those who do not want to participate in the gambling game or dare to cause trouble will end up like this person!"

"Don't dare..."

Everyone was scared. This time they really boarded a pirate ship. There was a chance of a narrow escape. They secretly regretted in their hearts why they came here greedily. Wouldn't it be better to dig some treasures outside the tomb?

"Very good, then you voluntarily participated in the gambling game? I, Xu Lingzi, did not force you!"

The Xu Lingzi stared at the crowd and asked loudly.


Everyone was yelling and cursing in their hearts. Is this called no persecution? Then forcing a good girl into prostitution is not considered forced!

Apparently, the Holy Lord of Nothingness should have ordered the Twins of Nothingness to let those who came to explore opportunities voluntarily choose whether to participate in the gambling game, but the results were forcibly misinterpreted and tampered with by the Twins of Nothingness.

However, it makes sense to have a big fist!

Frightened by the force of the Void Twins, although everyone was dissatisfied, they had no choice but to grit their teeth and participate in the so-called gambling game.

Xu Lingzi's eyes scanned the crowd and nodded with satisfaction. However, when he saw Ling Feng and Queen Huanxin, he couldn't help but show a hint of surprise.

"Human Emperor level? When can even the Human Emperor level reach this point? Hum, that's interesting!"

After saying that, Xu Lingzi flicked his sleeves, turned around, and said calmly: "Come in with me!"

The group of people followed Xu Lingzi through the gate of the Holy Tomb, and what they saw was a flowing water, pavilions, water pavilions, and a small courtyard with birds singing and flowers fragrant. The environment was quiet and the scenery was elegant, which made the group stunned.

This is a little different from the gloomy and ghostly tomb that I imagined!

The Void Twins continued to lead the way without squinting, leading them through the courtyard and arriving at a black hall with an open door. There were many separated secret rooms in the hall.

"Okay, here's the gamble. Each of the eight of you choose a secret room to enter."

Xu Lingzi said coldly: "In the secret room, each has a chessboard. What you have to do is very simple. As long as you win the chess game, you will naturally win."

"Chess game?"

Someone immediately frowned, "No, I've never learned to play chess. Isn't it clear that I will die!"

"It's over, it's over, I'm not good at playing chess either, I'm dead, I'm dead!"

For a time, many powerful emperors panicked. Although most of them were over a hundred years old, they had been practicing in seclusion for many years and had no time to delve into things like Go.

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. Since it was a great sage chess game, it naturally couldn't be compared to ordinary chess games like ordinary people.

Sure enough, Emperor Yaori Sword was obviously aware of this and asked slowly: "Senior, don't you know who we want to play chess with?"

“You’ll know when you go in.”

Xu Lingzi sneered, "Okay, don't waste time. You only have one hour to complete the chess game. If you exceed the time, you will die!"

"Damn it!"

Many great emperors have completely lost confidence before the gambling game has even begun. This hour may be the last hour of their lives.

"Two seniors, this way of playing chess has nothing to do with martial arts. Is this kind of gambling really of any testing value?"

Emperor Tianyun also frowned and expressed his doubts.


Xu Lingzi sneered coldly and said: "Thousands of ways and methods lead to the same goal through different paths. Who said that the way of playing chess has nothing to do with martial arts? When the master was alive, he was known as the master of chess and sword. He used chess to understand the sword, and used the sword to understand chess! What do you ordinary people know?"

"The Holy Lord of Nothingness is a senior expert, so naturally we cannot compare with him, but there are probably very few warriors who are good at chess!"

Emperor Tianyun said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, this chess game has nothing to do with your chess skills. Even if your chess skills are at their peak, it won't be of any help to you in winning the bet."

Is that so?

Only then did everyone feel relieved. Among the people present, the most skilled chess players might not be able to win over the pawns and traders who like to play chess in the mortal world.

Then, everyone, including Ling Feng, each chose a secret room and strode into it. As all eight secret room doors were closed, the Void Twins seemed to be relieved.

The next moment, two shadows, one fat and one thin, one tall and one short, suddenly transformed. The fat one turned into a girl in white, and the thin black one turned into a young man in black robes. One of them was obviously cute and cute. The other one is personable, which is really different from his previous appearance.

"Brother, I won't turn into a big fat guy next time. Humph, he's so ugly!"

The girl in white, with deeply furrowed eyebrows, stared at the young man in black robe with a resentful look on her face, pouting her little mouth, looking extremely aggrieved.

"That won't work, Second Sister. It's not like you don't know that those human beings are very bad. If they don't change their ferocity, they won't be able to control them! In the past, we were so polite to the human beings who came here, but there are What’s the use? They just stole the owner’s burial items and ran away!”

The young man in black robe walked up to the girl in white robe, patted her shoulder gently, and comforted her: "I only pretend like this once in a thousand years, okay!"

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