Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1566: Appreciative but useless! (3 updates)

The hatred buried deep in his blood was suddenly aroused by the void chess game, and Ling Feng could not suppress the anger in his heart.

The world around him began to change because of Ling Feng's anger.

Suddenly, countless enemy troops in black leather and black armor swarmed in and attacked the camp where Ling Feng was located.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The boundless anger grew stronger as he killed, and Ling Feng's chest gradually rose and fell, as if he was about to blow himself up while holding his breath.

Ling Feng kept slashing with his sword, but more and more enemies were killed.

What he didn't know was that as he killed more people, there were more and more black chess pieces belonging to the local area on his chessboard, and they soon surrounded the white chess pieces.

On the entire chessboard, only Ling Feng, the last living chess piece, was left!

If this continues, Ling Feng will probably lose this chess game completely because of his anger.

"No! No!"

The next moment, the shadow of a red lotus suddenly appeared in Ling Feng's mind, and he immediately stopped swinging his sword. He suddenly realized that this was a chess game and a test!

If you are carried away by anger, you will lose everything!

"I must take the Lotus Root of Nothingness back and save Miss Yue!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and his originally red eyes became calmer, revealing a hint of contempt.

"Everything I have experienced has only made me strengthen my will! My opponent is the immortal gods in the sky. Is this small chess game trying to trap me?"

Ling Feng's energy instantly lifted and he sneered: "Okay, then, let me show you my true anger! Kill!"

He was still swinging his sword, and he was still fighting, but this time, Ling Feng was extremely calm, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, uniting vertically and horizontally to control the overall situation, and constantly harvesting the lives of those black-armored soldiers.

After a while, on the chessboard, the white stone started to brew again and competed with the black stone.

"Miss Yue, somehow, you helped me again!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and as he swung his last sword, all the millions of enemy troops around him retreated.

This is a battle of will and spirit. When Ling Feng's willpower completely gains the upper hand, the so-called million-strong army naturally becomes vulnerable.

The next moment, Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes and found that he was standing in front of the chessboard. On the chessboard, all the black stones disappeared, and it was densely filled with white stones.

"Looks like I won!"

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's lips. After this battle, his willpower became stronger. Perhaps, in the near future, he would never lose control and run away because of the power of the Eye of Shura.

At this time, the Void Twins were sitting patiently in the stone pavilion outside the palace, waiting quietly.

They are all spirits, and they have been waiting in this tomb for thousands of years. The most important thing is patience.

At this moment, suddenly, a golden light suddenly flashed on the door of a secret room, and the Void Twins both raised their heads.

"Huh? Someone can't hold on and gives up so quickly? It's just a cup of tea. Oh my god, I've never seen such a weak person before!"

Wuyazi narrowed his eyes, looking incredulous.

"Humph, no one with such a low level of cultivation has come in here before, okay!"

The Xu Lingzi looked intently at the secret room with golden light, and laughed and said: "It's just as I expected, second sister, this secret room is the secret room where the boy you support is. He's only a little older now. I was killed by the chess game of nothingness. You see, you can’t just look at people superficially. Now you understand!”

Fatty Wuya snorted softly, looking angry, and muttered in a low voice: "Really, it's useless, it's so fast!"

If Ling Feng heard these words, he would probably be quite speechless.

"Haha, considering that boy's cultivation level is only at the third level of the Talent Emperor, it is not easy for him to get here. Forget it, let him go to the Huang-level treasure house in the Holy Tomb to pick out a treasure at random, and then send him away."

The Holy Tomb is divided into four treasure houses: Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang, and the Yellow-level treasure house is naturally the second largest.

For thousands of years, most people have been at the level of the Yellow Level Treasure House, and those who can enter the Xuan Level Treasure House to select treasures are already considered very remarkable beings.

However, how did they know that Ling Feng did come out very quickly, but he did not come out losing the chess game, but winning the chess game!

After Ling Feng passed the chess game, he sat cross-legged and did not rush to leave. Instead, he began to comprehend the insights he had gained from the previous chess game.

This chess game is very helpful for improving your mood.

In the past six months, Ling Feng's cultivation has improved too fast. From the Divine Origin Realm to the Divine Sea Realm, and now to the third level of the Human Emperor, ordinary people may not be able to reach this step after spending ten or eight years, but Ling Feng only spent half a year. time.

The realm has improved too quickly, but the cultivation of the state of mind has fallen far behind.

This chess game of nothingness is more of a blessing than a test for Ling Feng.

About half an hour later, the door of the first secret room opened, and the person who came out was Emperor Tianyun.

At this moment, Emperor Tianyun looked a little depressed, his face turned blue, and he seemed to be still immersed in the emotions in his eyes, unable to extricate himself.

The void chess game is not just about the anger that Ling Feng felt, but the tests in it also vary from person to person.


Xu Lingzi's eyelids twitched slightly, but he didn't expect that Emperor Tianyun would be the first to come out.

"Meet the two seniors."

Emperor Tianyun looked around and found that he was the first one to come out. He couldn't help showing a hint of joy and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


Xu Lingzi nodded expressionlessly, returned to his previous cold posture, and said calmly: "Let me take a look at your chessboard!"

As he spoke, Xu Lingzi raised his hand and swiped, and a curtain of light suddenly appeared in the void in front of him. Within the curtain of light was the chessboard where Emperor Tianyun was tested.

"It's okay. Bai Zi's power has reached 75%. Unfortunately, it took more than half an hour to clear the level, which is a little short."

Xu Lingzi glanced at Emperor Tianyun and said calmly: "Let's wait and see other people's results first. If you are not first, you may die."

"Haha...yes, yes..."

Emperor Tianyun was sweating slightly on his forehead. He was really frightened by this Xu Lingzi. He secretly prayed in his heart that he must be the first!


Seeing Emperor Tianyun shrinking his neck like a chicken in fear and trembling at the corners of his mouth, Wu Yazi couldn't help covering his mouth and snickering. However, this smile was too serious for Emperor Tianyun. It looked like a death knell that was mocking him. , which scared him to the point of death.

"Don't worry, the first person to come out has at least an 80% chance of being the first!"

Xu Lingzi smiled coldly, but the more he saw the Xu Lingzi laughing, the more unsure Emperor Tianyun felt.

For Emperor Tianyun, waiting is undoubtedly painful.

At this time, with a bang, another secret room door opened, and the Purple Lightning Sword Emperor appeared!

However, looking at his dejected look, it looked like the situation was not going to be too good.

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