Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1569 The inheritance hall! (2 updates)

"I didn't say it! I didn't say it! I don't admit it! It's not me! If you don't listen, I won't listen!"

Wu Yazi blocked his ears, and suddenly, with a "swish", his figure flashed, and he lifted Ling Feng onto Disaster's shoulders, and then ran away without a trace.

There was silence.

All the great emperors looked at each other, suddenly feeling a tight feeling in their anus, with a trace of sympathy on their faces.

Various signs indicate that Wu Yazi is definitely an old pervert!

"Poor Senior Brother Ling!"

"The chrysanthemum is broken and the buttocks is full of wounds!"

Only Queen Huanxin didn't know what these people meant, and what on earth did Wu Yazi do when he took Ling Feng away?

"Uh-huh! Be quiet!"

The remaining Xu Lingzi snorted coldly, and the whole place immediately fell silent.

Although Ling Feng may die, their lives are in danger!

"Okay, what happened just now has nothing to do with you. Those who failed the chess game test, stand on the left! Those who passed the chess game test, stand on the right! Don't try to cheat, otherwise, hum!"

Xu Lingzi's cold eyes scared everyone into two teams.

The next moment, Xu Lingzi's figure flashed and appeared behind those who failed to pass the test. Each of them kicked those people hard on the buttocks. A crack in the void suddenly appeared in front of them, including the Purple Lightning Sword Emperor. The four great emperors were all swallowed up by the cracks in the void and disappeared without a trace.

Everyone was shocked and could only obey the orders.

After everyone disappeared into the transmission channel, Xu Lingzi suddenly transformed and returned to his handsome and extraordinary appearance.

This is his true form.

"How many years have you been waiting? It's been almost eight thousand years. Is the new master finally coming? Hey, I can finally leave here!"

A hint of excitement flashed in Xu Lingzi's eyes.

It turns out that only geniuses who complete the game of Void Chess to 100% within half an hour are eligible to receive the true inheritance of Saint Void, including Saint Void’s cultivation techniques and the weapons of Saint Void during his lifetime - the Void Double. blade!

Divine weapons all have spirituality, and the best among them can even give birth to sword spirits.

The double blades of nothingness, the double blades are integrated, and the double sword spirit is born, which is considered to be of first-class quality among the immortal swords.

Since the death of the Holy Lord of Nothingness, the divine weapons have been covered in dust and have been buried in this tomb for thousands of years. Although every time there is an obsidian day of nothingness, humans will enter the tombs to search for treasures. It is a pity that in the end they can truly pass through the Holy Lord of Nothingness. There was not even one person to test him.

Until today, Ling Feng appeared!

Within a quarter of an hour, the chess game was completed and all the black chess pieces were eliminated. This was the new master they had been waiting for for eight thousand years!

As soon as his figure flashed, Xu Lingzi couldn't restrain his inner impulse and disappeared from the place.

the other side.

When Wu Yazi knew that Ling Feng had completed the test of the Holy Lord of Nothingness and was about to become the new master of the Double Blades of Nothingness, the excitement in his heart was like a flash flood, out of control.

Ling Feng was resisted by Wu Yazi, and after a while, he was taken to a secret room.


The stone door was closed, and the corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. He looked at the "behemoth" in front of him and didn't know how to deal with it for a moment.

This fat man, both in expression and character, is very wrong. He is too effeminate and coy, so he can't really have any abnormal hobbies.


When Ling Feng was still thinking about what Fat Wu Ya had brought him for, he saw that guy actually hugged his thigh and kept rubbing his cheek on his thigh.

Ling Feng's heart suddenly went crazy. No matter who this fat man was, he kicked him out hard, "You old pervert, stay away from me!"

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