Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1574 The body of nothingness! (3 updates)

After leaving Heiliu Island, Ling Feng found a desert island on this vast sea to stay temporarily.

The Lotus Root of Nothingness has been obtained. The next step is to use the Lotus Root of Nothingness to reshape Yue Yunlan's body.

Yue Yunlan exhausted all his energy. Although he relied on the red lotus relic to survive, he was still in a coma most of the time after waking up.

After entering the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, Ling Feng directly entered the palace in the Wood Yuan Realm.

At this time, Qiaoqiao was carefully serving Yue Yunlan. More than half a month had passed, and the effect of the red lotus relic began to gradually weaken, and Yue Yunlan's physical condition was deteriorating.

"Master Ling."

Seeing Ling Feng come in, Qiaoqiao quickly asked: "How's it going? Have you found the Lotus Root of Nothingness?"

"Finally the trip was not in vain."

Ling Feng quickly walked to Yue Yunlan's bedside, and immediately took out the black lotus root from the Naling Ring, and said lightly: "This is the lotus root of nothingness. Miss Yue is the red lotus holy body. After merging with the lotus root of nothingness, it should be You will be completely healed.”

"Very good!"

Qiaoqiao suddenly became excited, "Master Ling, I knew you would find a way! You did it!"

"Okay, let me heal Miss Yue's injuries first."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Miss Qiaoqiao, go and help Miss Yue up. In a moment, you may be asked to help her remove her upper body clothes."


Qiaoqiao nodded, but didn't feel anything was wrong.

Yue Yunlan used Sanshenglian in order to save Ling Feng and almost died. Ling Feng also worked hard to save Yue Yunlan. It can be said that the two of them have become friends in adversity.

Perhaps, even in the eyes of Yue Zhonglian and Madam Honglian, they had already acquiesced that Ling Feng was their son-in-law.

Ling Feng slowly collected his mind and guided it with his own Yuan Power. The lotus root of nothingness contained extremely pure power of nothingness. However, for Yue Yunlan's current state, the energy contained in it was undoubtedly a bit violent. .

Ling Feng first took the power of nothingness into his body, and after it circulated in his body for a week, he made the power of nothingness gentle and tamed before penetrating it into Yue Yunlan's body.

After a while, Yue Yunlan's breath gradually recovered, and her pale complexion gradually regained a trace of color.

"Qiaoqiao, it's time to take action."

Ling Feng closed his eyes and gently pushed the remaining lotus root of nothingness to Yue Yunlan's chest.

Qiaoqiao understood and quickly took off the clothes on Yue Yunlan's upper body.

The lotus root of nothingness flickered with light, and Yue Yunlan's body was originally like a dead red lotus, but under the influence of the lotus root of nothingness, it actually began to regain its vitality.

Time passes little by little...

Yue Yunlan's red lotus holy body, as expected, began to transform towards a void body, as Emperor Tianbai said.

If Yue Yunlan's physique evolves into a void body, which is much higher than the original Red Lotus Holy Body, her future martial arts advancement will naturally be rapid.

Speaking of which, it was Yue Yunlan's creation. The piece of lotus root that Ling Feng obtained was almost the most precious piece in the entire lotus pond. The power of nothingness contained in it was, compared to the ordinary lotus root of nothingness, I don’t know how many times higher it is.

The origin of that little goldfish is quite mysterious, and even the Void Twins have no idea about it.

Ling Feng could only think that the little goldfish was a spirit of nothingness born from the lotus pond of nothingness. Anyway, letting it swim in the water elemental world by itself would have no effect.

An hour...

Two hours...

Within the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, one does not know the passage of time at all.

Finally, Yue Yunlan coughed lightly and woke up leisurely. At this moment, her whole body was filled with energy and blood, and there was also a void force covering her whole body, making it impossible for people to see through at a glance, what kind of cultivation level Yue Yunlan was.

"The body of nothingness is indeed different from the ordinary holy body."

Ling Feng was secretly happy for Yue Yunlan. After she cultivated for a while, with her current talent, it was basically a certainty that she would take the entrance examination of Donglingxian Pond next year.

"Miss! Wuwuwu, you are finally feeling better! That's great, Wuwuwu..."

Qiaoqiao immediately hugged Yue Yunlan and cried with joy.

"Master Ling, Qiaoqiao..."

Yue Yunlan opened her eyes, vaguely aware that something was wrong. When she woke up before, she always felt as if she was holding her last breath. When she breathed out this breath, she was afraid that she would soon fall into a long sleep.

But this time, Yue Yunlan felt that she seemed to have endless strength, and her whole body was still a little hot. She just wanted to do more than a dozen somersaults without stopping.

"Miss Yue, you finally woke up!"

He opened his eyes again and again, and the next moment, he quickly turned away, his old face blushed slightly, "Sorry, I forgot about you..."

Yue Yunlan looked down and realized that she was completely naked!


Yue Yunlan blushed and quickly grabbed her clothes to cover her chest.

"I'm sorry, miss, I was so happy to see you wake up!"

Qiaoqiao wiped her tears and quickly helped Yue Yunlan put on her clothes. Then she shouted to Ling Feng: "Okay, Mr. Ling, you can turn around now!"


Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said with some embarrassment: "Miss Yue, do you have any other discomforts?"

Yue Yunlan looked at Ling Feng, her cheeks were slightly hot, she shook her head and said as thinly as a mosquito: "No... no more."

"Hehe, miss, there is nothing to be ashamed of. You will marry Mr. Ling sooner or later anyway!"

Qiaoqiao glanced at Yue Yunlan with a half-smile, then stood up immediately, walked towards the door, and said with a smile: "Then you guys talk first, I'm going to find that big black donkey!"

"Qiao Qiao..."

Yue Yunlan called softly, but Qiaoqiao had already pushed the door open and cast an encouraging look at Yue Yunlan.

For a moment, the room fell into silence.

Ling Feng was never good at sweet words. He just looked at Yue Yunlan and said after a while: "Miss Yue, thank you!"

"Master Ling, I should be the one to thank you. I didn't expect that you would actually show up that day."

Yue Yunlan gritted her silver teeth and summoned up the courage to say: "You know, at that moment, Lan'er's heart was actually...actually so happy! Because, I know, it turns out that Mr. Ling always has Lan in his heart. "

"Miss Yue..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry! Maybe, I'm not worthy of you blooming the Three Lives Lotus to save me that day. I...I..."

Yue Yunlan's expression darkened slightly. She understood everything from Ling Feng's attitude.

With a bitter smile, Yue Yunlan said lightly: "It turns out that the goddess has a dream, and Prince Xiang has no intention. I understand, I'm sorry, Mr. Ling, it's Lan'er who is being sentimental."

"No, that's not what I meant."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Yue Yunlan, "I just can't see my true heart clearly... Miss Yue, you and I have experienced so many things since we met until now. If I say that I don't have the slightest affection for you, I’m afraid I can’t even fool myself. But I have to tell you something.”

Immediately, Ling Feng told Yue Yunlan truthfully about the fact that Mu Qianxue saved him at the Holy Land of the Monster Clan at the expense of divine blood, but was forced by the family power to leave him.

"It turns out that Miss Mu actually has such an origin and background. She treats you, Mr. Ling..."

After listening to Ling Feng's story, Yue Yunlan finally nodded, "Yes, Miss Mu is indeed very affectionate and loyal to Mr. Ling. I...are far behind."

"No, Miss Yue, you did not hesitate to sacrifice your life for me. I, Ling Feng, will never forget this friendship."

Ling Feng looked at Yue Yunlan and said in a deep voice: "But now, in my heart, I just want to go to the Jiuli Divine Clan and go to Qianxue to ask everything. Before that, I...I really can't make any promises to you. I'm sorry, I...I..."

"Okay, Mr. Ling, I understand."

A faint smile appeared on Yue Yunlan's face, "It's precisely because Mr. Ling values ​​​​love and justice so much that maybe I can't help myself from you. Mr. Ling, you don't need to say anything more, Lan'er, Willing to wait for you!”

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