Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1584 Forbidden God Realm! (1 update)

Seeing the blood mist exploding in mid-air, Chu Tiange and Fairy Qingping both felt awe-inspiring in their hearts.

Ling Feng's strength is simply abnormal!

That was a powerful emperor at the third level of Destiny Realm!

Reaching out to grab it, Ling Feng took back a space spirit ring with an expressionless face. There should be a lot of wealth in the spirit ring of the three great emperors in the destiny realm, so naturally it cannot be wasted.

"It's a pity that one of them ran away!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, a cold light flashing in his eyes. However, as the saying goes, don't chase the enemy when you are poor. The most urgent task should be to find out the current situation of Higashisenchuan.

As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng flew back to Chu Tiange and asked solemnly: "Senior Brother Chu, what happened? If you were not led by Holy Lady Huiyue personally, and you were accompanied by all the elders, how could you end up like this?" kind of situation?"

No matter how strong the Blood Shadow Alliance is, as long as they don't go out in force, is it possible that they can still challenge Donglingxianchi head-on?

If this is the case, it is not the Dongling Immortal Pool that rules the Eastern Spirit Realm now, but their Blood Shadow Alliance.

Ling Feng knew very well how powerful this woman, Huiyue Shengji, was. She was a fierce person who could break into the forbidden land of the Northern Barbarians alone, kill more than ten high-level emperors, and still escape unharmed.

With Holy Princess Huiyue leading the team, it stands to reason that it shouldn't be so miserable.

Hearing this, Chu Tiange showed sadness and anger: "There is something strange in the veins!"

"How do you say that?" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. In fact, as soon as he arrived at the boundary of Dongxianchuan, he faintly felt that something was wrong.


Chu Tiange sighed softly, and then said in a deep voice: "I don't know what the thieves of the Blood Shadow Alliance did in the Yuanshi mine, which caused the area of ​​1,000 miles near the mine to be shrouded in a huge field. Anyone who goes in The power of the person, the power of spiritual consciousness, and the power of attribute rules have all disappeared! We are no different from mortals inside!"

Hearing this, Ling Feng couldn't help but frowned. This kind of field was unheard of.

Then, he heard Chu Tiange continue: "The difference is that the Blood Shadow Alliance can use the techniques practiced by them, their blood flames, and the power of blood thunder. In addition, the thunder system monks have a general physique. They are relatively powerful, so in that domain, killing our disciples in Donglingxianchi is as easy as slaughtering chickens and dogs. In fact, their Human Emperor can even put our emperor-level elders into desperate situations. middle!"

"Hey, if Sheng Huiyue didn't have some special secrets that could make those disciples of the Blood Shadow Alliance fall into dreams, our losses would have been even more serious. I also managed to escape under the cover of Sheng Huiyue. I came out, but who would have known that I would meet the powerful emperor of the third level of destiny on the way. If I hadn't met you, junior brother, I'm afraid..."

"I see!"

Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly, does it cover an area of ​​thousands of miles?

This is somewhat similar to the laws of heaven and earth of the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, but it is more domineering than the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss. Yuanli, the power of divine consciousness, and even the attribute rules that the powerful emperor is best at are all sealed, so As a result, wouldn’t it mean that we would fall into a situation where we are at the mercy of others?

There is actually such a treasure in the Blood Shadow Alliance that can create such a Forbidden God Realm. It seems that their action this time has been planned for a long time.

This is a rather tricky area. Once released, all the magical powers and abilities of the person covered will be suppressed and become a mortal!

Only certain specific forces are uncontrollable and thus become the masters of the field.

Ling Feng's heart tightened slightly. If this happened, wouldn't it be dangerous for Lin Mu and the others who entered the domain?

Chu Tiange's face was filled with sadness, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Sage Huiyue and the senior elders, in order to protect most of the disciples, I am afraid that they are at the end of their efforts in the past few days. Those people from the Blood Shadow Alliance are going to Use ordinary disciples to overwhelm the elders, and want to swallow up our high-level emperor of Donglingxianchi!"

"Furthermore, the rest of our brothers are running away. I have seen more than a dozen of them with my own eyes, and many of them are strong men on the list of stars. Even Brother Xu Xinghe, he has been in trouble. !”

Ling Feng's face turned cold: "Senior Brother Xu, is he also dead?"

He and Xu Xinghe were not very familiar with each other, but they had cooperated many times. Whether they were fighting for the spiritual land in the Emperor's Pond or fighting against the barbarians in the Palace of War, they could be regarded as companions fighting side by side.

He died just like that, and Ling Feng felt somewhat depressed.

Chu Tiange clenched his fists tightly. Although he was usually very arrogant towards Xu Xinghe, in fact, the two were disciples who entered the Dongling Immortal Pond in the same class, and they had a deep friendship with each other.

However, Xu Xinghe has always been quite unconvinced with Chu Tiange, and Chu Tiange is arrogant by nature, so the two often have some verbal conflicts.

When he saw Xu Xinghe died tragically in front of his eyes, Chu Tiange realized that he actually valued the friendship with Xu Xinghe very much.

"In order to protect a junior sister from escaping, he actually jumped out and entangled a disciple of the Blood Shadow Alliance. I saw him being burned by the blood flames with my own eyes. I think about it... I think about it already..."

Speaking of the latter, Chu Tiange's voice was completely choked with sobs, and he cursed: "These damn bastards! Sooner or later, I will avenge Junior Brother Xu!"

Fairy Qingping also showed a solemn look, bit her silver teeth and said, "Senior Brother Chu, do you know why the Blood Shadow Alliance suddenly became so menacing that it actually attacked Dongxianchuan?"

"It is said that something has appeared under the mine veins. Those people from the Blood Shadow Alliance are determined to get it! In order to prevent the news from leaking, they will kill all the disciples like us who have entered the depths of the mine veins. No one will be spared!"

Fairy Qingping's eyes swayed violently, her delicate body trembled slightly as she stepped back a few steps, bit her lip slightly, and said in a trembling voice: "Then...Senior Brother Qin, are you alive?"

Chu Tiange shook his head: "Young Emperor Wushuang? I don't know, everyone is running for their own lives, how can we take care of others? Young Emperor Wushuang, I have never seen him since he entered the mine."

With sadness and sullenness in her eyes, Fairy Qingping tipped her toes and turned into a ray of blue light, flying towards the mineral vein.

"Fairy Qingping! What are you doing? There are many Blood Shadow Alliance disciples defending around the mines. You are throwing yourself into a trap!"

Chu Tiange was shocked and quickly called Fairy Qingping to stop.

Fairy Qingping did not look back, with a look of determination in her eyes: "I want to find Senior Brother Qin. Even if he dies, I will die with him!"

Even powerful people like Huiyue Shengji, after entering the Forbidden God Realm, were greatly reduced in strength and could only passively defend, let alone a second-level human emperor like her?

Although she is arrogant and cold as ice, she is also a stupid woman.

Knowing that there is a dead end, he still insists on going his own way.

What a stupid woman!

Ling Feng looked at Fairy Qingping's back and couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart. When Yue Yunlan used the Three Lives Lotus, he also knew that he would definitely die, but he didn't hesitate at all.

Is this because of love...

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Maybe what she did was stupid, but it was unbearable to criticize.

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