Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1589 Curing Poison! (3 updates)

About half an hour later, Ling Feng found a cave formed by a stone forest, which was quite hidden.

He found a slightly flat stone slab and laid Fairy Qingping flat.

Seeing her face, Ling Feng's expression was slightly stern.

I saw that Fairy Qingping began to turn blue all over at this moment, not only her lips, but her entire cheeks became dark blue, and her breath became weaker and weaker, dying.

Her body was also completely cold, and her body temperature gradually dropped.

In the outside world, this little bit of poison would not pose much threat to the powerful Human Emperor. But in the forbidden god realm, the Human Emperor is just an ordinary person. If his physique is not slightly stronger than that of ordinary people, I am afraid he would have died of poison!

Can't wait any longer, must remove the poison as soon as possible!

"Bitch, you go to the outside of the cave to keep watch, I will clean up the poison for her."

Ling Feng's face was a little solemn, but he did not expect this situation, otherwise he should have taken out the red-eyed ice silkworm in advance.

Fortunately, as a doctor, he still has the habit of carrying golden needles with him, so Fairy Qingping is not destined to die.

Ling Feng stared at Fairy Qingping and began to examine her.

First, we must find the place where the poisoning occurred and seal the poison to prevent the poison from continuing to flow through the blood and spread throughout the body.

"It's here!"

Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly, and he saw that the collar on Fairy Qingping's shoulder had been stained black by poisonous blood. Obviously, this was the wound of the poisoning.

As a doctor, Ling Feng did not have the so-called secular view of "men and women should not touch each other". Anyway, Fairy Qingping had fainted from the pain, and in order to save her life, he could not care so much.

He raised his hand to uncover the blackened clothes stained with blood. The wound had turned blue and black, and black blood was flowing out. There was no beauty at all.

"I owe you in my last life!"

Ling Feng quickly took out the golden needles and sealed all the tendons near Fairy Qingping's left shoulder. In an instant, a row of golden needles pierced Fairy Qingping's skin, and the black poison gas began to gradually shrink and flow back, all gathered near the wound.

Then, Ling Feng reached out and tapped Fairy Qingping's wound a few times. With a "whoosh" sound, a black poison needle shot out, and with a "ding" sound, it fell to the ground.


After doing all this, Ling Feng took a deep breath, lowered his head and leaned over. After a slight hesitation, he could only suck out the poisonous blood himself.

With a sudden suction, all the poisonous blood inside was sucked out.


Spitting out a large mouthful of poisonous blood, the ground made a "sizzling" burning sound, which shows how strong its toxicity is.

Fortunately, Ling Feng is also half of a body that is immune to all poisons, otherwise he would never dare to suck out the poisonous blood directly like this. But even so, Ling Feng also felt a slight numbness in his mouth.

If he were in the outside world, Ling Feng could use his energy to force out the venom. But now that all his abilities were sealed, he could only use this method.

Fortunately, it finally worked!

Ling Feng took out a bottle of Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow, evenly applied it on his hands, and then gently applied it on Fairy Qingping's wound.

Not long after, after some effort, he finally got results.

Fairy Qingping's complexion returned to normal, with only a little black and blue on her lips, and her breathing stabilized.

It seemed that her life was saved.

After a few dry coughs, Ling Feng casually took off his coat and gently covered Fairy Qingping, and fed some Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow to Fairy Qingping. In this way, the powerful medicinal power of Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow quickly circulated in the body, clearing out the last trace of toxins left.

Not long after, Fairy Qingping's lips gradually returned to a rosy color, and finally woke up leisurely.

Slowly opening her beautiful eyes, she found a young man who seemed to be sitting opposite her.

No need to think, it should be Ling Feng.

This guy finally has a little humanity!

Fairy Qingping knew that she should have been saved by Ling Feng.

However, the next moment, "Ah!!!"

A sound that pierced the clouds and split the sky exploded from the cave, almost enough to shatter the eardrums of the emperor.

Outside the cave, the donkey laughed strangely.

It seems that Ling Feng is in trouble this time!

"Shut up! Do you want to call all the people from the Blood Shadow Alliance?"

Ling Feng's forehead rose with countless black lines, and he quickly went up to cover Fairy Qingping's mouth.

There were Blood Shadow Alliance disciples patrolling everywhere here. If she yelled at her like this, she might be discovered.

After being yelled at by Ling Feng, Fairy Qingping instinctively shrank her neck, but her beautiful eyes were filled with incomparable anger.

She was covered with Ling Feng's clothes, but the clothes inside...!

This beast, what on earth did he do!

"You...what on earth did you do to me!"

Fairy Qingping was filled with grief and anger, her eyes filled with shock and anger, and then she started to cry again, "You beast!"

"I'll kill you!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "If I hadn't saved you, would you still be alive here to call me a beast?"

"Even if you wanted to save me, didn't have to do that!"

Fairy Qingping's eyes turned red, and she sobbed softly, "I...I don't have the face to see Senior Brother Qin, wuwuwu..."

(PS: It will be gone in the evening, no need to wait. Normal updates should be resumed tomorrow.)

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