Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1595 You are not worthy! (2 updates)

Glancing at Elder Cangyue casually, Ling Feng said calmly: "It was just now that the disciples took action to deal with the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples. As for whether the Supreme Headmaster sent someone to rescue him, the disciples did not know. The disciples only heard about Dongxianchuan Something happened here, so come here to rescue your fellow disciples!”

Xu Xinghe and the inner disciples all had their eyelids twitching wildly. This Junior Brother Ling Feng is really incredible!

He is indeed a fierce man who has won the first prize in the hunting battlefield!

"Did you really do it?"

The elder Cang Yue showed a look of disbelief at first, then nodded again, his eyes sparkling, and said urgently: "Very good! You and Qingping escort me out of the Forbidden God Realm as soon as possible!"

Ling Feng shook his head and said with an indifferent expression: "I'm sorry, elder, the disciple has to rush to rescue others. Elder, why don't you find a secret place to hide first, and wait until the disciple rescues the others, and then we can meet you again."

If it weren't for the fact that this person was a senior elder of the sect and had a high status, Ling Feng wouldn't bother to talk to her.

Elder Cang Yue looked slightly cold, suppressed his anger, and ordered: "Take me away first! The situation under the mine is complicated. If you go, you will die in vain!"

Fairy Qingping was secretly frightened. Elder Cang Yue had a high status. If he disobeyed orders and returned to the sect in the future, he would inevitably be punished.

"Please forgive me for not obeying my orders."

Ling Feng sneered in his heart, this old woman just wanted him to protect her, and it was beautiful to think so!

Although she is a strong person at the sixth level of Destiny Realm, in Ling Feng's opinion, her life is not as good as a fingernail of Lin Mu and the others!

"How dare you, I have the highest status here, you must obey my orders!"

Elder Cang Yue frowned deeply, as if "You, a little disciple, dare to disobey the elder's order."


Ling Feng glanced at the old woman coldly, turned around and left, not bothering to answer her.

He had already given elder Cang Yue a lot of face, but she insisted on forcing him as an elder. Why should Ling Feng be so polite?

Not to mention that he is also a natural killer, and he is not without foundation in Donglingxianchi. He has made great achievements in the Palace of War, and even the Supreme Headmaster owes him a promise.

In other words, if he proposed to become the headmaster's personal disciple, his status would immediately rise sharply. Even if Elder Cang Yue's status was not low, he would not take it seriously.

"You! Come back!"

Elder Cang Yue was trembling with anger and her voice was sharp. Thanks to Xu Xinghe who supported her, otherwise she would have fallen down.

Ling Feng turned a deaf ear and headed down the canyon.

"Okay! In the Forbidden God Realm, if you feel your wings are strong, you can stop listening to the elders of the sect?"

Elder Cang Yue's face was gloomy. She had heard about Ling Feng's unruly behavior for a long time. Because Ling Feng broke into the Huanyue Temple secretly and was expelled by the Huiyue Holy Lady, so most people in the Huanyue Temple looked down upon Ling Feng.

When they met today, Elder Cang Yue regarded Ling Feng as a heretic. After returning to the sect, he must make him unable to eat and carry around!

"good very good!"

Seeing Ling Feng moving forward without any move, Elder Cang Yue gritted his teeth and said: "You little bastard who eats everything! If you have the ability, don't come back to the sect again!"

When the time came, Ling Feng paused, a trace of evil spirit flashing in his eyes.

After all, he saved this old woman's life, so he didn't even say a word of thanks, but he actually called himself a "little bastard"?

Ling Feng turned back coldly, fixed his cold eyes on Elder Cang Yue, and said in a cold voice: "Old man, you'd better be polite! Although I, Ling Feng, am not a big shot, I can't step on anyone. Yes! You are not worthy!"

The disciples around him all took a breath of cold air.

Good guy, Ling Feng is Ling Feng after all, how dare he contradict Elder Cang Yue like this!

That is a strong man with the sixth level of destiny!

Ling Feng looked disapproving, what about the sixth level of destiny? What about senior elders? This is the realm of the Forbidden God, and this old woman was seriously injured.

In front of so many Donglingxianchi disciples, it may not be realistic for Ling Feng to kill Elder Cangyue.

But while she's seriously injured, it's not a bad idea to give her a taste of the pain.

As for revenge in the future, Ling Feng is not afraid, not to mention that Gui Lao, one of the three semi-saints, is his backer, and the Supreme Headmaster also owes him a promise.

Thinking back then, Ling Feng wasn't even afraid of the Holy Lady Huiyue. How could he be afraid of Elder Cangyue today?

"How dare you! How dare you be disrespectful to me!" Elder Cang Yue suddenly turned around and said angrily with glaring eyes.

"Those who humiliate others will always be humiliated!" Ling Feng said coldly: "You are disrespectful and rely on your elders. Why should I be polite to you?"

"It's against! It's against!"

Elder Cang Yue was so angry that his lips trembled: "You little bastard, when I return to the sect, I will accuse you of deceiving my master and destroying our ancestors!"

Xu Xinghe smiled bitterly and raised his head to glance at Ling Feng. He knew that Ling Feng valued loyalty the most. Now that Lin Mu and the others were still deep in the mines, they didn't know whether they would live or die. How could Ling Feng delay time for Elder Cang Yue?

In order to protect himself, Elder Cang Yue's face was really ugly. He used his status to pressure him and used the headmaster as a threat.

It is indeed difficult to be a disciple by following such an elder.

"Let's go! Is it possible that I will still beg you, a traitor like me!"

Elder Cang Yue urged sharply.

Xu Xinghe shrunk his neck, hurriedly carried the elder on his back, cast an apologetic look at Ling Feng, and immediately burrowed into the stone forest.

The other disciples had no choice but to follow. Whether they wanted to follow Elder Cang Yue or not, they had to wait until they left this place.

However, at this moment.


Two Blood Shadow Alliance disciples returning from patrol just happened to come back from outside.

"Unlucky! That Ling Feng escaped!"

"There is no other way. We took a shortcut and spent a day and night rushing there. We have reached our limit. It is common sense for the boy to escape during this period. We should go back as soon as possible to assist Junior Brother Amaterasu and the others. Wait until Elder Yuan and the others destroy Huiyue Sheng. It won't be easy for Ji and the others to come out and deal with that kid!"

"That's true. That kid has killed quite a few of us in the past few days. I'm afraid it won't be easy to deal with. If we really encounter him, we might have to take our lives!"

"That's right. Although we have blood thunder and blood flames, it's like killing chickens and dogs to deal with ordinary Donglingxianchi disciples, but it's not enough to deal with body refining monks. After all, our Yuanli has also been sealed. I don't know. How did that kid develop such brute strength? How much brute strength is required to knock back Hall Master Di with one punch!"

While talking, the two of them stepped into the stone forest with a "whoosh" sound. By coincidence, they bumped into Elder Cang Yue and his party who were about to leave.

Both sides were stunned for a moment and looked at each other to confirm that they were enemies!

"There are actually so many Donglingxianchi disciples who have escaped!"

The two sides immediately became tense, and the next moment, the two Blood Shadow Alliance disciples suddenly realized that all the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples stationed in this canyon area had disappeared!

In an instant, the expressions of the two Blood Shadow Alliance disciples with dual destiny changed in shock!

"Damn it!"

The thin man on the left had a cold gaze and stared directly at Elder Cang Yue behind Xu Xinghe. He immediately thought that she had used some big killing move to kill all the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples here.

However, it was obvious that she must have paid a heavy price to appear so weak.

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