Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1598: Flying Monster! (1 more)

"That day..."

Following Xu Xinghe's narration, it turned out that after receiving the message from Dongxianchuan asking for help, the top management of Donglingxianchi immediately sent Huiyue Shengji to provide assistance.

They quickly arrived at the core mineral vein. After entering the mine, they went all the way to the bottom of the mineral vein, and then they encountered the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples.

The disciples of the Blood Shadow Alliance, for some unknown reason, were doing some mysterious thing. After leading the Holy Princess Huiyue into the depths of the mines, they suddenly opened the Forbidden God Realm.

Everyone was caught off guard. Without the power of their original energy and spiritual consciousness, they faced off against the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples who mastered blood flames and blood thunder.

As you can imagine, the result was almost a one-sided massacre.

Donglingxianchi mainly focuses on Yuanli cultivation. Whether it is the Three Temples or the Five Spirits Temple, there are almost no warriors who practice body training or specialize in swordsmanship.

However, within the realm of the Forbidden God, apart from the blood flames and blood thunder of the Blood Shadow Alliance, the only things that can be used are brute force and swordsmanship.

Fortunately, Huiyue Shengji still had profound knowledge and relied on the magic circle to withstand the offensive of Blood Shadow Alliance elder Yuan Yangzi, but she was also trapped deep in the mine veins.

After Huiyue Shengji attracted a lot of attention from the enemy, some elders of Donglingxianchi, with several groups of disciples, forcibly rushed out of the mine, and finally hid in the stone forest, fighting with the chasing blood The Shadow Alliance disciples hide and hide.

Fortunately, everyone's consciousness was banned, otherwise, they might not be able to hold on long ago.

Speaking of which, Elder Cang Yue was not completely without merit. At least he tried his best and saved many disciples. And Xu Xinghe also followed Elder Cang Yue's team and was lucky enough to save his life.

At the beginning, in addition to Elder Cang Yue, there was another elder from Huanyue Temple in the team, named Elder You Yue, who was slightly stronger than Elder Cang Yue.

After being trapped in the stone forest for five days, they finally decided to lead the disciples to launch a breakout.

After all, within the realm of the Forbidden God, everyone has become a mortal. Without food and water, they cannot survive at all.

Rather than sit back and wait for death, it is better to fight once and for all. If you can escape as many as possible, there will finally be a glimmer of hope.

However, when they launched a breakout, a demon emperor-level flying monster suddenly appeared from the depths of the mine!

How powerful must the Demon Emperor's body be?

Even without the demon essence, the ability to fly and the powerful demon body are enough to plunge humans who have lost their essence into a place of eternal disaster.

As one can imagine, the team led by Elder Cang Yue and Elder You Yue failed to break out, and a large number of their fellow disciples died. Even Elder You Yue was buried in the belly of the monster.

As for what happened later, when Ling Feng met Xu Xinghe and the others, they were stuck in the canyon, hiding in various places, and were frightened every day. They could only eat some grass roots and moss to replenish water.

It is miserable for these personal emperors and great emperors to have fallen to such a low level.

"According to your statement, Huiyue Shengji was trapped deep in the mines by the elders of the Blood Shadow Alliance. This means that the strongest combat power of the Blood Shadow Alliance was actually held back by Huiyue Shengji. Huiyue Shengji Ji can’t leave, and they don’t dare to act rashly!”

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. This could be considered good news.

After all, Holy Princess Huiyue is still Holy Princess Huiyue, she is still stronger!

"Besides, a flying demon beast at the demon emperor level is quite a trouble!"

Within the realm of the Forbidden God, there is no objection to cheating on the flying ability, and the most powerful monster is the monster body. Even if he encounters it, I am afraid it will be a big trouble.

Unless he uses his remaining swallowing flames to deal with the flying monster, but in this case, if he meets other Blood Shadow Alliance elders, he will inevitably fall into passivity.

The most hateful thing is that the ability of infinite vision cannot be used, otherwise it would not be so troublesome to directly understand the overall situation.


Ling Feng glanced at Xu Xinghe and asked in a deep voice: "Have you met Lin Mu, Li Fei and the others?"

Xu Xinghe shook his head and sighed softly: "I don't know, the situation was too chaotic at that time, and I don't know if Junior Brother Lin and the others were there, but most of the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples were instantly killed by Huiyue Shengji, and they were able to escape. Basically all of them have escaped. If they can’t be found outside, they are either still under the mine, or they have already…”

Xu Xinghe clenched his fists and did not continue speaking.

Ling Feng naturally understood what Xu Xinghe meant, but even if there was only a glimmer of hope, he would not give up on Lin Mu and the others.

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded, took out a few wild fruits from a cloth bag on his waist, and threw them into Xu Xinghe's hands.

"Take it and eat it!"

Seeing Xu Xinghe's chapped lips, you knew that he hadn't eaten anything for several days.


Xu Xing swallowed, but driven by hunger, he immediately threw the wild fruit into his mouth and chewed it.

Speaking of which, Xu Xinghe was also the young master of a famous family before joining the Donglingxian Pond. With his status and honors, ordinary wild fruits would probably not be able to catch his eye, but now, this kind of fruit is so cheap that it can’t be any cheaper. The food has become a delicacy.

The inner disciples around them were all so hungry that their eyes were green. It was okay if they didn't eat. But when they saw food, their stomachs started growling.

"Take it and eat it."

Ling Feng shook his head. There were dozens of wild fruits in this small bag, which was enough to distribute among the six surviving inner disciples present.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Ling!"

"thanks, thanks!"

One by one, the Extreme Human Emperors went to Lingfeng to collect wild fruits with great excitement. Some were even reluctant to eat them. They took the wild fruits and licked them several times. When they tasted the sweet smell, they were almost moved to tears. .

Although these inner disciples did not care about their image at all, Ling Feng knew this feeling very well.

When he was a child, he experienced too many similar things between hunger and fullness.

Fairy Qingping's beautiful eyes twinkled and she stared at Ling Feng. She suddenly felt that although Ling Feng looked a little unfriendly to strangers and unkind, in fact, he was an out-and-out good person.

"Senior Brother Qin doesn't have this kind of humanity."

Inexplicably, a strange thought flashed through Fairy Qingping's mind, which startled her.

This was the first time that she felt that there was another man better than her senior brother Qin.

Thinking of this, she quickly shook her head and put this "terrible" thought behind her.

"This place should be safe for the time being, so you can stay here and recuperate."

Ling Feng glanced at everyone and said calmly: "Perhaps it won't be long before the Forbidden God Realm will dissipate on its own, and then you can leave."

After saying that, Ling Feng walked out of the cave without intending to stay any longer.

"Wait for me!"

Fairy Qingping saw Ling Feng leaving and immediately followed her.

"Depend on!"

The bitch, on the other hand, complained in a low voice. He originally thought he could sleep in!

Soon, two people and one donkey left the cave, leaving only a group of inner disciples from Donglingxian Pond. They sighed in their hearts: Senior Brother Ling is such a good person!

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