Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1607 Yuehua Pearl! (2 updates)

After about half an hour, as a group of hungry Donglingxianchi disciples devoured it like a storm, the Dapeng Demon Emperor was finally eaten until only a bare skeleton was left.

Although Ling Feng's cooking skills were definitely not good, the taste of the Dapeng meat, which was just dry-roasted without any condiments, was not much better, but everyone ate it with great enthusiasm.

Especially, after eating that big roc demon emperor, there is a sense of revenge!

The essence of the flesh and blood of the Demon Emperor Dapeng was so rich. The physical strength they had lost was restored instantly with the flesh and blood of the Demon Emperor Dapeng. After carving up the Demon Emperor Dapeng, everyone had basically recovered to a certain extent.

As Ling Feng said, this is indeed an unforgettable meal!

After eating Demon Emperor Dapeng's barbecue, everyone wiped the grease from their mouths and felt instantly filled with happiness.

Only that bitch, because he drank too much of the Dapeng Demon Emperor's essence and blood, almost burst his belly. He could only watch others eating meat, while he was breathing hard on the spot, his eyes burning.

As the barbecue was eaten, the donkey's belly gradually shrank, and he absorbed a large amount of the essence and blood of the Dapeng Demon Emperor. The Golden-winged Dapoc lineage is only a descendant of the Suzaku family, and the bloodline is not pure, but no matter what It is said to be a branch of the divine beast's bloodline. Having absorbed such a huge amount of Dapeng's essence and blood, Bitch's own bloodline must be at a higher level.

When he recovered a little, he immediately stared at the bare bones on the grill, muttering and complaining, "Beast, you didn't even leave a bite to this beast!"

Fairy Qingping chuckled, "Who told you to just suck the essence and blood? Giggle..."

"Damn it, this beast is the one who got rid of this big stupid bird. Shouldn't it get more meat?" The bitch complained for a while, staring at Ling Feng with a pair of donkey eyes, as if he wanted to ask Ling Feng for an explanation. .

Ling Feng didn't bother to talk to this bitch. How could he ask for an explanation? He had already eaten, could he still vomit it out to him?

Ignoring the bitch, Ling Feng looked at Elder Wuyue. After being treated with the Flame Marrow of the Burning Sky Dragon and recovering his physical strength from the barbecue of Demon Emperor Dapeng, Elder Wuyue's condition was basically fine.

"By the way, elder, I have one more thing I want to ask. I hope you can tell me the truth."

Ling Feng looked at Elder Wuyue and asked in a deep voice.

Elder Longyue nodded and said calmly: "Ling Feng, I owe you a life, even if I want to give you my main training technique, it doesn't matter!"

"Haha, Elder Longyue was joking. The disciple just wanted to ask about the whereabouts of some friends."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and his expression immediately became serious.

Ling Feng carefully searched among the disciples trapped in the cave, and even among the dead bodies outside the cave, but there was no sign of Lin Mu or the others.


Elder Long Yue glanced at Ling Feng, nodded and said, "But it's okay to ask. As long as I know, I will definitely tell the truth."

"I wonder if Elder Longyue knows the whereabouts of Lin Mu?" Ling Feng asked the question in his heart.

"Lin Mu?" Elder Longyue thought for a while, "Is he the younger brother of the Lord of the Earth Spirit Hall, Biluo Shengji?"

"Exactly, Lin Mu is also a very important good brother to this disciple! I hope the elder can tell me." Ling Feng asked with a sincere face.

"When I entered the mine, I did see traces of Lin Mu, but later, the Blood Shadow League disciples suddenly attacked. I was too tired to deal with it, but I didn't notice his whereabouts." Elder Wuyue shook his head and said His face looked apologetic.

"Is that so..." Ling Feng frowned and searched all the way, where are Lin Mu, Li Fei and the others?

Or should I say, they have already...

Ling Feng clenched his fists, still unwilling to believe the worst outcome.

"Ling...Junior Brother Ling!"

At this time, a disciple in the crowd suddenly raised his right hand and gritted his teeth and said: "Junior Brother Ling, before I left the bottom of the mine, I met Junior Brother Lin Mu. He was with Senior Sisters Li Fei and Fengling. We were supposed to They escaped with us, but later they were intercepted by several members of the Blood Shadow Alliance and the team got separated. I think they may not have gotten out of the deepest part of the mine. "

As soon as the disciple said this, someone immediately echoed: "Yes, yes, I also remembered it. When they escaped, Senior Brother Lin and the others said they wanted to take the rear, and then...hey!"

"Is it still deeper?"

Ling Feng frowned. The deeper the mine, the higher the risk.

"Ling Feng, you don't have to worry too much." Elder Longyue glanced at Ling Feng and said slowly: "In the deepest part of the mine, there is also the Moon Spirit Thousand Illusion Array of the Palace Master as the final barrier. If Lin Mu They are still staying deep in the mines, and they should seek protection from the Lord of the Palace."

"Well...Lin Mu has always been witty, so he shouldn't have thought of this."

Ling Feng nodded. In this way, finding the Huiyue Holy Lady also means being able to find Lin Mu and the others.

However, there are many crises at the bottom of the mine, and the senior elders of the Blood Shadow Alliance are all gathered there.

Even a fierce person like Huiyue Shengji was trapped and died below. If he went in rashly, I'm afraid...

However, in order to save people, I can't control that much.

The Flame Swallowing Domain can be used again. As long as you find a way to find the Holy Princess Huiyue and cooperate with her inside and outside, there is no chance.

"Tell me, how can I find Holy Fairy Huiyue?" Ling Feng asked anxiously.

Elder Wuyue said in a deep voice: "The Dongxianchuan mineral vein extends in all directions and is complicated. If there is no road map, it is indeed easy to go astray."

After thinking for a while, Elder Wu Yue took out a pearl the size of a thumb and said calmly: "This moon pearl contains a trace of the palace master's aura. As long as it is within a thousand feet of the palace master, it will automatically glow."

"Okay." Ling Feng nodded, took the Yuehua Pearl, and walked away without saying a word.

"Ling Feng!" Elder Long Yue hurriedly called to Ling Feng, "Are you really going?"

"I, Ling Feng, will never give up on my companions, so I must go!" Ling Feng looked back at Elder Wuyue and said in a deep voice.

"Hey!" Elder Long Yue sighed softly and took a deep look at Ling Feng, "If possible, I hope you can protect the safety of the palace master, even though she once..."

"Elder, don't worry. Personal grudges are private grudges. At this time, I think Holy Princess Huiyue should know what to do."

Ling Feng nodded, no matter what, Huiyue Shengji was still Jiang Biyi's mother.

"You can deal with the Demon Emperor Dapeng, so I don't have to worry about you too much. Now that I have recovered my strength, it's time to take everyone out of here."

Elder Long Yue said lightly.

"Yes." Ling Feng nodded. Most of the Blood Shadow Alliance disciples outside were dealt with by himself, and Elder Wuyue and the others would not encounter any big trouble.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Elder Wuyue has recovered 70% to 80% of his strength. Although he cannot use his Yuan Power, he at least has a way to save his life.

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