Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1609: Entrusted to a wrong person! (4 more updates)

"Huh? Are you talking to me?"

The Wushuang Young Emperor raised his eyebrows, and his expression suddenly darkened!

He and Fairy Qingping have known each other until now. Fairy Qingping doesn't even dare to say a word to him loudly, not only to scold him, but to follow his orders at all times.

After a few months, you actually reprimanded him in person?

He had never seen such Fairy Qingping before, and it made him feel a little strange.

Suddenly, Wushuang Young Emperor's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly became furious!

The two of them were so close! You know, even he has never had such close contact with Qingxue, but Ling Feng has gone one step further than him!

Suddenly, the Wushuang Young Emperor was filled with jealousy, and his gaze on Ling Feng became even colder.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng shrugged, raised his fist and saluted the Wushuang Young Emperor, and said calmly: "Senior Brother Qin, if you want to settle a score with me, wait until you return to the sect. Now I have fulfilled my promise. Senior Sister Yu sent it to you."

Fairy Qingping felt warm in her heart and raised her beautiful eyes to cast a grateful look at Ling Feng.

When Wushuang Young Emperor heard this, he became even more angry and scolded with disdain: "Who do you think you are? My woman, I can do whatever I want, and it's your turn to discipline me?"

Shaking his head, Ling Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with the Wushuang Young Emperor. His goal was to find Huiyue Shengji and the whereabouts of Lin Mu and the others!

In this case, there is no need to add extraneous details.

"Sister Yu, congratulations on finding the person you are looking for. Farewell!"

Ling Feng finally gave Fairy Qingping a fist salute and prepared to run away.

"Wait a minute Ling Feng... Junior Brother Ling."

When Fairy Qingping finished speaking, she immediately changed her words and whispered: "Take care of yourself!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly and flew away immediately.

The bitch, on the other hand, looked unmotivated. He worked for a long time and didn’t start fighting. This is unscientific!

Fairy Qingping looked at Ling Feng's retreating figure and was startled, feeling a little empty in her heart.

This sense of loss even shocked Fairy Qingping herself, and she couldn't help but comfort herself: "I'm just used to him carrying me on his back, it's nothing..."

"Humph, the relationship is quite intimate!"

The Wushuang Young Emperor clenched his fists, and his bones made a "clicking" sound. He suddenly turned his head and stared at Fairy Qingping coldly.

"Senior Brother Qin, he and I are's just that he saved my life and my leg was injured, so he would carry me on his back. He and I..."

"Okay, you don't have to explain!"

There was a hint of impatience on Wushuang Young Emperor's face, he stared at Fairy Qingping for a long time, and then coldly snorted: "Why are you still in a daze? Come with me!"


Yu Qingping nodded. For the first time, she noticed that Senior Brother Qin had become so rough and savage.

As he got closer and closer to the bottom of the mine, Ling Feng's walking became increasingly difficult.

You can imagine how terrifying the confrontation between Huiyue Shengji and her opponent below was.

"Holy Princess Huiyue is indeed a being with quasi-half-saint strength. She has been imprisoned by the Forbidden God Realm and can still exert such terrifying power!"

Ling Feng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes. Although he now has a strength comparable to the level of three great emperors in the Destiny Realm, he is not so arrogant as to think that he can be compared with the peak emperors.

There is another watershed between the third level of the Destiny Realm and the fourth level of the Destiny Realm. Most of the great emperors of the Destiny Realm cannot cross this threshold even after hundreds of years of practice.

For example, the powerful people like the Zidian Sword Emperor that Ling Feng met on Heiliu Island have all stayed at the Destiny Realm for hundreds of years, but they can hardly make any progress.

And their strength is already considered to be relatively outstanding among the third level of Destiny Realm.

Breaking through the fourth level of the Destiny Realm, one becomes an intermediate-level emperor. Existences of this level are beyond what Ling Feng can deal with. However, this is within the realm of the Forbidden God. With the power of the Dragon Elephant to swallow flames, he unexpectedly Under certain circumstances, it may be possible to create miracles.

Raising his hand to touch the bridge of his nose, Ling Feng secretly sneered in his heart, "That Wushuang Young Emperor has been lingering nearby. I'm afraid he has some serious plans. He probably also wants to steal the treasures that the Blood Shadow Alliance is looking for."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head secretly: "This person is very ambitious and ruthless. He has no sense of belonging to the sect at all."

If the Wushuang Young Emperor has the so-called friendship of the same sect, with his physical strength, the combat power he can exert in the Forbidden God Realm may not be too inferior to Elder Wuyue. If he and Elder Wuyue join forces, outside Those disciples would not have fallen into that miserable situation.

However, he ignored the life and death of his fellow disciples and lurked quietly under the mines, probably hoping to fish in troubled waters at the critical moment and become the final winner.

"Senior Sister Yu is really blind, she actually likes this kind of person." Ling Feng couldn't help but shook his head.

"I'm telling you, Ling Feng boy, if you think that girl is trusting someone, just snatch her away." Bitch encouraged with a smile.

"Haha!" Ling Feng rolled his eyes, ignored Bitch, stopped thinking about it, and continued on his way.

Finally, half an hour later, Ling Feng quietly groped to the edge of the bottom of the mine.

Ahead is a huge deep pit, about one mile in diameter and one mile deep, which was dug manually.

The stone walls inside the mine are covered with shining crystals!

With such a huge amount of Yuan Jing, even a person like Ling Feng who is used to seeing wealth can't help but feel his eyelids twitch wildly.

Especially that bitch, he was drooling because he couldn't live up to expectations. If he didn't know that it was not safe down there, this guy would probably rush down immediately and take away all the Yuan Jing below.

Of course, within the realm of the Forbidden God, it is impossible to activate the space magic weapon. How far can his donkey hooves move...

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