Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1613 A different world! (1 update)

"Come back again?"

Ling Feng looked around for a while and said a little strangely: "Master Huiyue Hall, why are you coming back here? Aren't there other mine passages? There shouldn't be any other passages here, right?"

However, Huiyue Shengji ignored Ling Feng and just walked to a stone wall. Suddenly she made a hand gesture. The stone wall shook with a "rumbling" sound and actually split from the middle, and a long alley appeared inside. .

"Sure enough, there is a different world!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but ask: "Could it be said that the top management of Donglingxianchi already knew the treasure hidden under the Dongxianchuan mine?"

"No, this is not a treasure house, it is just a spiritual gathering circle. Because it is located under the Yuanshi mine veins and gathers the spiritual energy of countless mine veins in the East Immortal River, this secret room is an excellent cultivation treasure place. Generally speaking, , only those at the level of the eight hall masters are qualified to enter it, absorb spiritual energy, and achieve breakthroughs in cultivation."

"Just a closed room?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, he couldn't believe it.

"Of course it's not that simple." Huiyue Shengji said slowly with a solemn look on her face: "I suspect that there may be some secrets in this secret room that have not been discovered before?"

"Isn't this secret room opened by the ancestors of Donglingxianchi? Is there any secret that even you don't know?" Ling Feng was stunned for a while.

"You really got it right."

Huiyue Shengji glanced at Ling Feng and said lightly: "This secret room was discovered by an elder who was proficient in formations more than three thousand years ago accidentally. When he was digging for Yuanjing, he accidentally discovered I dug out a jade, and learned a set of exquisite ancient magic formations from this jade."

"Then what?"

"Later, he learned from the information about Yubi that there was another cave deep in the Dongsenchuan mine. After more than ten years of painstaking excavation, he finally found this secret room. According to him, inside The Yuan Gathering Array is a technique that has been lost for a long time and can be traced back tens of thousands of years!"

"Later, the headmaster of Donglingxianchi and the Supreme Elder searched this place many times, but only found the Juyuan Array, so they simply used this place as a blessed place for cultivation. Only the headmasters of the past dynasties and the eight palaces Only the Lord can open this secret room. Apart from this, no one can open this stone door. In fact, even a strong semi-saint can't break open this seemingly ordinary stone wall with all his strength. ”

"No wonder."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. No wonder the battle between Huiyue Shengji and the six Blood Shadow Alliance elders was so fierce before, but the surrounding stone walls did not seem to be greatly affected.

It turns out that this place is still an ancient ruins.

"Since the sects and palace masters of the Dongling Immortal Pond have often entered it, they must have searched it countless times. Didn't they find anything unusual?" Ling Feng frowned slightly and asked curiously.

"Perhaps those evil heretics from the Blood Shadow Alliance have gotten some other clues."

Huiyue Shengji's face condensed, her whole body suddenly became aura, and she said coldly: "Is that so, Yuan Yangzi? I have already opened the secret door, do you still want to hide in the dark?"

"Hahaha, Holy Princess Huiyue is indeed the Holy Princess Huiyue!"

In the darkness of the mine, light and shadow floated. The next moment, several figures jumped out from the shadows. The leader was none other than Yuan Yangzi who had fled in a hurry.

In addition, behind him, there were several Blood Shadow Alliance elders, including Elder Chi Duan Shui Chi.

Swish, swish, swish!

For a moment, six more figures appeared, formed a formation, and appeared in front of Huiyue Holy Lady.


Yuan Yangzi frowned slightly and said in a cold voice: "Why hasn't that stupid bird arrived yet? It's too presumptuous to rely on the fact that you are the leader's pet!"

Hearing Yuan Yangzi's words, Ling Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and smile: "Hey, old guy, if you are waiting for that golden-winged roc, you probably won't be able to wait!"


Yuan Yangzi's eyes were fixed on Ling Feng coldly. It was Ling Feng who ruined his big event before!


Ling Feng patted his belly, grinned and said, "I forgot to tell you, that stupid bird is already here, and I have to say, it's quite delicious!"

"You bastard, how dare you eat the alliance leader's demon pet!"

Yuan Yangzi's eyebrows stood up in anger, and his falcon-like eyes were filled with extremely cold murderous intent.

"Just eat it, what can you do?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and sneered: "Why, aren't you afraid that I will use the flame-swallowing domain trick again and burn you old bastard to death?"

Yuan Yangzi was secretly worried. Ling Feng's move was extremely powerful. If he didn't deal with it carefully, he might be in trouble.

After all, when he fought against Huiyue Shengji before, he also got a solid blow. If the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance hadn't repeatedly warned him to bring back the things under the mineral veins at all costs, he wouldn't have. I don’t want to face the Holy Princess Huiyue again.

"So it's you, the kid who killed hundreds of our disciples outside, and yet you dare to sneak back quietly!"

Chi Duanshui frowned. He asked himself that he had set up a dragnet outside, but he didn't expect that Ling Feng could still break out of the snare.

"What, he also killed hundreds of our disciples?"

Yuan Yangzi was even more furious. In addition to the five Blood Shadow Alliance elders he had killed before, Ling Feng had killed several times more Blood Shadow Alliance disciples than Huiyue Shengji!

"Hey, I'm disrespectful, I'm the best at killing people from your Blood Dog Alliance!"

Ling Feng, however, had no awareness at all. He actually looked relaxed in the face of those Blood Shadow Alliance elders who had murderous intentions.

In fact, his flame swallowing domain can no longer be used. At this time, he must act more arrogant and arrogant to form a certain deterrent to these people.

"Hmph, this guy is quite clever."

Huiyue Shengji glanced at Ling Feng again, and she was not afraid of the six enemies.


Taking a deep breath, he didn't look at Ling Feng's hateful face anymore. He just stared at Huiyue Holy Princess and said solemnly: "Huiyue Holy Princess, you can't defend this place on your own. How about this?" I can make the decision and let you go. After you take what you need, I will leave naturally. This Dongxianchuan Mine is still your Donglingxian Pond's property, how about it?"

"Hahaha!" Huiyue Shengji laughed loudly, "Then we might as well discuss it separately. You tell me what secrets are hidden in the secret room, and I might consider letting you go."

"Hmph, you stinky woman, you are so shameless. Do you think you, in a half-dead state, can beat the six of us? Why? Just this kid? Or that black donkey?"

Chi Duanshui pulled out a long knife from his hand and said coldly: "Elder Yuan, don't waste your time. This woman doesn't know the current affairs, so kill her. What's inside will naturally belong to us!"

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