Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1618 Challenge! (2 updates)

One day later, Ling Feng followed the four palace masters and returned to Donglingxian Pond via the teleportation array in Huiyuan City.

As for the follow-up and finishing work of the Dongsenchuan incident, the senior leaders of the sect have also sent many elders to strictly guard against it.

Of course, the Shenhuang Catalog has been released, and people from the Blood Shadow Alliance should not harass them again in the short term. However, the mining of the mineral veins in Dongxianchuan is related to the cultivation materials of the entire sect, because the Blood Shadow Alliance has interfered with it and almost spent money on it. After a month, the subsequent reconstruction work and excavation work will be quite arduous.

But all this has nothing to do with Ling Feng.

Finally returning to the sect he had been away from for a long time, Ling Feng felt an unfamiliar feeling inexplicably.

From the time when I first went to the Palace of War, to the time I went back and forth because of the affairs of the Tianbai Empire, I have been away from the Dongling Immortal Pond for almost three or four months.

After returning to the sect, Ling Feng first returned to his residence in the underworld, the No. 1 Mingjian Tower in Tianzi.

Although Ling Feng had left the sect for a long time, due to his original majesty in the sect, no one dared to come and provoke him.

With Ling Feng's current strength, not to mention the outer sect disciples, there are only a handful of inner sect disciples who can defeat him.

Only the top three young emperors in the inner sect may be comparable.

Of course, Ling Feng has made great achievements many times. After returning to the sect this time, he will no longer be a small outer disciple. Promotion to the inner sect is already a certainty.

To Ling Feng, it didn't matter whether he was an inner sect or an outer sect, but if he wanted to participate in the Sunset Selection, he had to be a disciple of the inner sect.

After running around for several months, the Sunset Chosen is approaching, and Ling Feng is also preparing to take a quiet retreat for a while, fully preparing for the Sunset Chosen battle.

After all, just thinking about being able to fight against the top geniuses in the Eastern Spiritual Realm makes Ling Feng's blood boil. What's more, there is also a chance to enter the Sunset Ancient City to seek opportunities.

(PS: When I introduced the Sunset Chosen before, it was written that you need to have a cultivation level below the realm of the Great Emperor to participate. However, as the saying goes, the plan cannot keep up with the changes. Some readers kept urging that the progress of Ling Feng's cultivation level was too slow, so I had to I modified the initial setting, and as I write this, Ling Feng is already invincible under the Great Emperor. If Guang fights warriors under the Great Emperor's realm, all that will be left is unilateral killing, so I participated in Sunset Sky The selection criteria were changed to inner disciples under fifty years old.)

Entering the Tian-level No. 1 Mingjian Tower, a graceful figure was meditating silently.

Her cultivation has reached the sixth level of the Human Emperor. It was Fang Wen who followed her and became her "maid" on the first day she worshiped in the Dongling Immortal Pond!

Relying on some cultivation materials and pills that Ling Feng gave her, her cultivation has made great progress in the past few months since Ling Feng left.

After all, Ling Feng was famous among the outer sects, and was the number one in the Heavenly Sword, unrivaled by anyone.

Fang Wen had been with Ling Feng for a long time and moved into Ling Feng's Mingjian Building. She was naturally regarded as Ling Feng's woman, so even if Ling Feng was not around, no one dared to provoke Ling Feng.

Coupled with the care of Master Ye Xiongye and others from the Alchemy Hall, she basically doesn't even need to do daily chores and has plenty of time to practice.

Therefore, in just a few months, her cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. With her current strength, she is fully capable of breaking into the outer gate by herself and winning a Mingjian Tower of her own.

However, she still stayed with Ling Feng as Ling Feng's maid.

"Who!" Fang Wen suddenly opened her eyes, feeling slightly shocked!

She hadn't even noticed that someone was walking behind her. This person's strength was so high that it was difficult to predict.

After taking a closer look, Fang Wen was overjoyed and was filled with surprises: "Senior Brother Ling, you are back!"

Ling Feng looked at Fang Wen and nodded slightly: "Your strength has improved very quickly."

Fang Wen modestly said: "No matter how strong I am, I can't compare to Senior Brother Ling. How strong are you now? Why can't I see through it at all?"

"He has not yet become a great emperor."

Ling Feng smiled casually. Because of the eleven Qi-forging Hunyuan Locks, his own cultivation seemed to have fallen below the realm of the Human Emperor, so Fang Wen felt that it was impossible to judge his own cultivation.

"That's right." Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and said calmly: "In the past few months, has anyone challenged me?"

Fang Wen shook her head, "Senior Brother Ling, you have a great reputation. Recently, there was news that you have become the most powerful person in the Palace of Conquest. How can anyone dare to challenge you?"

"Is that so?" Ling Feng pursed his lips, and the figure of the original Tianjian No. 1, Wenren Longzhan, flashed in his mind.

This person gave him the feeling that he was a little unpredictable. With his strength, he could have been promoted to the inner sect long ago, but he had been dormant in the outer sect, and he didn't know what his plans were.

Shaking his head, Ling Feng stopped thinking about it and just asked lightly: "Then has anyone come to see me?"

Fang Wen nodded and said: "Senior Brother Yan Guyingyan came here a few times, but he didn't find you, so he left the sect again and went out to practice."

"Senior Brother Yan."

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's lips. He didn't have many friends among the outer sects, but Yan Guying was one. When he came back, he would give him a little encouragement so that he could be promoted to the inner sect as soon as possible.

"Senior Brother Ling, do you have any other instructions? If not, I'll prepare the food first. If Senior Brother comes back, he doesn't even say a word in advance. I don't even have time to pick you up."

Fang Wen glanced at Ling Feng, pursed her delicate lips and said.

"Haha, no need for now, I'm not hungry yet."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and then said: "By the way, Fang Wen, go help me prepare a letter of challenge and give it to Wushuang Young Emperor. Tell him that in three days, I will challenge him!"

With the character of the unparalleled young emperor who must repay his flaws, now that he returns to the sect, he will definitely challenge himself.

Instead of doing this, it's better to take the initiative to challenge him.

He also wanted to see how powerful this unparalleled young emperor was, who had abandoned his cultivation and started practicing holy-level techniques again, and now he had once again broken through to become a great emperor.

When they were in the Dongxianchuan underground mine, the two had a quick fight, and Ling Feng could feel that this unparalleled young emperor was not as weak as he thought.

Since this battle is unavoidable, it is better to complete this last battle before he is promoted to the inner sect.


Fang Wen nodded, but the next moment, she reacted suddenly, raised her beautiful eyes, stared at Ling Feng in disbelief, and said incoherently: "Who...who...challenge...? Wu? Wushuang Young Emperor?"

"Yes, Wushuang Young Emperor Qin Zusheng, what's wrong?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips, and when he saw Fang Wen dumbfounded, he couldn't help but feel angry and amused.

Isn't it just a challenge to a young emperor? It's not a challenge to the eight palace masters. There's nothing surprising about it.

"I see."

Fang Wen took a deep breath, "Senior Brother Ling, you want to challenge Wushuang Young Emperor, right?"

Fang Wen was not sure and confirmed again.

"What? There is a second person named Qin Zusheng in the sect?" Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"No, I'm just a little shocked." Fang Wen took a deep breath and thought about it carefully. Since Ling Feng is already the top ten in the Palace of Conquest, his strength is naturally beyond what she could have imagined.

"Okay." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled: "Hurry up and prepare the challenge letter and send it to the Wushuang Young Emperor."


Fang Wen nodded heavily, she knew exactly what this letter of challenge meant.

This will be Ling Feng's last stop before being promoted to the inner sect, and he will challenge the Wushuang Young Emperor. If he wins this battle, Ling Feng will become the young emperor as soon as he enters the inner sect!

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