Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1633 Goodbye Tuoba Yan! (3 updates)

"What's going on?"

Ling Feng was sucked away by the void passage. On the one hand, he was shocked by Gui Lao's unpredictable methods. On the other hand, he didn't know what kind of joke this old man was trying to play on him.

After knowing Gui Lao's "true temperament", Ling Feng was really afraid that the old guy would throw him directly into the female disciple's bathroom, and his reputation in this life would be completely ruined.

Fortunately, this place didn't seem to be a bathroom. Ling Feng looked at the surrounding environment. It looked more like a secret room for meditation.


Suddenly, a stone door rose slowly in front of him, and in an instant, a white mist with a strong cold air flowed out, like a dense cloud of immortal energy.

In the graceful white mist, a graceful and graceful woman is looming.

The silhouette is soft and charming, yet also fresh and girlish.

The white fairy mist, wrapped in the familiar body fragrance, is intoxicating.

Uh-huh! ——

The jade feet, like lotus flowers, gently poked out of the secret room, wrapped in a touch of moisture, and a woman of extraordinary elegance suddenly revealed her fairy face.

Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's you! Yan'er!"

The girl in front of me is suddenly Tuoba Yan!

At first, Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan worshiped in the East Lingxian Pond together. However, after Tuoba Yan was admitted to Huanyue Temple by Ling Feng, the two never had the chance to meet again.

Even more, because of Huiyue Shengji, Tuoba Yan was unable to leave the Huanyue Temple without permission, and could only paralyze himself with practice every day.

Secretly sizing up Tuoba Yan, Ling Feng was slightly shocked. In less than a year, Tuoba Yan's cultivation had surpassed him and reached the ultimate level of the third level Human Emperor!

It seems that Huiyue Shengji has put a lot of thought into her, so that she can make rapid progress in a short period of time.

Obviously, Huiyue Shengji wanted Tuoba Yan to represent Huanyue Temple and participate in the Sunset Chosen.

With the guidance of a strong person like Huiyue Shengji, coupled with Tuoba Yan's own Xuanyin body, her current strength is probably far different from what it used to be, and even Ling Feng will be impressed.

"Ling...Ling Feng!"

The moment he saw Ling Feng, Tuoba Yan was completely stunned and even thought he was dreaming.

This is the secret training room deep in Huanyue Temple. How did Ling Feng get in?

She even rubbed her eyes hard, feeling that she must have missed Ling Feng too much and was hallucinating.

"long time no see."

Ling Feng was naturally happy to meet Tuoba Yan again. Thinking of the ambiguous smile on Gui Lao's face when he sent him here, it seemed that the old guy definitely did it on purpose!

However, Ling Feng has always been dull about relationships. He just said "Long time no see" and then fell into silence. He scratched the back of his head from time to time. The situation was very embarrassing for a time.

"Ling Feng!"

At this moment, another extremely cold voice came from the secret room.

Ling Feng didn't have to look up to know who the owner of that voice was.

Of course, the only person who can appear here and not have any good feelings towards her is the woman Huiyue Shengji.

"This disciple has met the Master of Huiyue Hall."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and bowed his hands to Huiyue Shengji.

"You bastard! Why are you here?"

Huiyue Shengji stared at Ling Feng angrily. Although her view of Ling Feng had changed somewhat, it did not mean that this "stinky man" could appear unscrupulously in Huanyue Temple, and even appeared in her secret retreat. Inside.

"If I say that I was thrown in, Master Huiyue Hall, can you believe it?"

Ling Feng shrugged helplessly. Mr. Gui was just playing with himself. It didn't matter that Tuoba Yan was here. Even the Holy Fairy Huiyue was here.

Although my strength has greatly increased, I don't dare to challenge an existence like Huiyue Holy Princess who has half a foot on the threshold of a semi-saint.

If she goes crazy again and gives herself a slap, then she won't have to participate in the Sunset Chosen One.

While speaking, Ling Feng glanced around and immediately saw something extraordinary.

Perhaps because he felt that there would never be a man in this place, the clothes on Huiyue Shengji were so thin and transparent. At a glance, Ling Feng could see the towering snow hills on her chest.

Only then did Ling Feng realize that this woman was so talented!

Ling Feng couldn't help but sniffed and quickly turned his gaze to one side.

Huiyue Shengji noticed that Ling Feng's expression was different, and when she lowered her head to look, her face suddenly turned red.

"Bastard!!" Huiyue Shengji gritted her teeth, her face flushed with embarrassment!

She is cultivating the power of the cold moon. When exercising, she will naturally choose thinner clothes to prevent heat from accumulating in the body and causing difficulty in exercising.

How could she have imagined that Ling Feng would step in out of nowhere.

"Boy, I'll kill you!"

Huiyue Shengji immediately condensed into a layer of mist around her body, blocking the scenery on her chest. She stared at Ling Feng angrily and gritted her teeth: "What kind of death method do you want to choose!"

As soon as Tuoba Yan heard this, he immediately stopped in front of Ling Feng, grabbed Huiyue Shengji's palm, and begged: "Master, Ling Feng didn't mean to offend, please Master, don't argue with him! "


Huiyue Shengji had no intention of killing Ling Feng originally. Just when Tuoba Yan begged for mercy, she got off the stairs. Then she glanced at Ling Feng coldly and said coldly: "For Yan'er's sake, forgive me. If you don't die! What are you doing here? Get out of here and disappear in front of me within ten breaths!"

"Thank you Master, thank you Master!"

Tuoba Yan was grateful for a moment, but felt a little strange in his heart. Why did the master become so easy to talk to this time?

The last time, Ling Feng just set foot in Huanyue Temple, and his cultivation was almost destroyed by Huiyue Shengji.

But this time, the situation was much more serious than last time. Ling Feng also saw...

Little did she know that Ling Feng had saved the life of Holy Princess Huiyue several times. If not, Ling Feng would not have been able to die even if he had ten more lives.

"Yan'er, let's meet again at the sunset."

Ling Feng glanced at Tuoba Yan. This silly girl seemed to have lost a lot of money after not seeing him for half a year. However, because he trained with Holy Princess Huiyue, his temperament is somewhat close to that of Holy Princess Huiyue.


Tuoba Yan nodded deeply and looked at the man in front of him with a look of attachment.

Huiyue Shengji observed her words and knew that Tuoba Yan was probably obsessed with Ling Feng, so she shook her head.

Maybe it’s because he has already changed his mind about Ling Feng and knows that he is not a waste, but also a peerless genius who is finally worthy of being his disciple. Or maybe it’s because he has been with Tuoba Yan for almost a year and can’t help Tuoba Yan. Too cruel, he snorted softly and said slowly: "That's it, Yan'er, you have been in seclusion for a long time. Today I will treat you as a teacher and give you a holiday. Who you want to go out with is your own freedom."

After saying that, Shengji Huiyue waved her sleeves and turned around to leave.

Tuoba Yan looked at Huiyue Shengji's back, a trace of gratitude flashed in his eyes, and he lightly pursed his delicate lips and said, "Thank you, Master!"

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