Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1636 Longxiao Holy Mountain! (2 updates)

The next day, Ling Feng went to pay a visit to Biluo Shengji and learn about the specific matters regarding the Sunset Selection.

"Ling Feng, you're here."

In the main hall of the Earthly Spirit Hall, Biluo Shengji looked at Ling Feng. After a long while, she asked in a deep voice: "Yesterday, you were the one who condensed three emperor gates at the same time and caused the changes in the sky, right?"

"Um..." Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said slowly: "It should be so."

Biluo Shengji took a deep breath. Although she had already guessed that the person was Ling Feng, she was still shocked when she heard Ling Feng admit it personally.

"It seems that this time our Earth Spirit Palace will definitely be able to shine above the Sunset Chosen."

A faint smile appeared on Biluo Shengji's face, she clapped her hands gently and said calmly: "You guys, come in."

Ling Feng was slightly startled, and when he looked back, he saw five disciples filing in from outside the hall. Their aura could not be underestimated. They were obviously elites in the Earth Spirit Hall.

"Ling Feng, after you entered my Earth Spirit Hall, you went directly to practice in seclusion. You haven't gotten to know the senior brothers and sisters in the Earth Spirit Hall."

Biluo Shengji introduced softly: "These are the disciples who are going to participate in the Sunset Selection on behalf of our Earth Spirit Palace. You guys, please introduce yourselves to each other."

Ling Feng nodded and saluted the disciples of the Earth Spirit Hall with cupped fists, "Ling Feng, brothers and sisters, please give me your advice."

"It turns out that you are Junior Brother Ling Feng, and I have heard of your name for a long time!"

One of the young men in silver robes took a step forward, clasped his fists and saluted Ling Feng, and said with a faint smile: "My name is Han Lin. I am ashamed to say that I am also the seventh young emperor in the inner sect's top ten."

"It turns out to be Senior Brother Han." Ling Feng quickly smiled and complimented, "I'm sorry."

"Haha, who among the inner sect doesn't know that Junior Brother Ling defeated Young Emperor Wushuang. Although Young Emperor Wushuang is ranked eighth, his actual combat power can definitely be ranked among the top five. I, the seventh, am probably better than Junior Brother Ling. Not even close.”

"Senior Brother Han is too humble."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. This Han Li felt quite friendly.

"I am Li Furen, I have admired the name of Junior Brother Ling for a long time."

"My name is Luo Sanyang!"

"Dong Yueshu!"

Then, three more disciples paid tribute to Ling Feng in turn. Finally, a timid girl walked out from the end of the crowd, always keeping a distance of ten steps from the senior brothers in front. When she saw Ling Feng, she also He gritted his silver teeth and said weakly: "Ling... Young Master Ling, no, no, Master Ling... Junior Brother, I... I am Yu Linglong."

"Haha, Miss Yu! No, I should change my name to Senior Sister Yu from now on."

Ling Feng smiled casually, he had a deep memory of this Yu Linglong. Even though she looked frail and naive, the strange power hidden in her body was probably not inferior to his own dragon-elephant power.

Although she is not ranked as a Young Emperor, nor does she have any achievements on the Stars of Creation list, her strength, let’s put it this way, once knocked a Young Emperor away with one punch!

The Sunset Selection, once every ten years, is a major event in the three holy places of the Eastern Spiritual Realm. Therefore, although Yu Linglong does not like to fight with others, it is impossible for Biluo Shengji to leave such a powerful weapon unused.

Lin Mu, on the other hand, has neglected his cultivation. Although his strength has improved a lot recently, he has not yet reached the qualifications to participate in the Sunset Selection.

During this trip, Lin Mu was destined to be just a spectator.

Hearing Ling Feng call her Senior Sister Yu, a sweet smile appeared on Yu Linglong's face, and she said with a smile: "Great, I am no longer the youngest!"

Biluo Shengji shook her head and smiled, and then said: "This time, you must perform your best in the Sunset Selection. If you are qualified to enter the Sunset Ancient City, you must help each other, do you understand? ?”

"Yes, Palace Master!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

Seeing that the disciples were full of confidence, Biluo Shengji paused for a moment and then reminded: "Having confidence is a good thing, but don't be careless. The competition for the Sunset Chosen has been extremely brutal in the past. Not only do you need your fellow apprentices and brothers, There are also those elites from the three sects who are under fifty years old and traveling abroad. Their actual combat experience is much richer than yours. Even if they are in the same realm, you will never get any advantage if you participate. When competing, you must remember that even if a lion fights a rabbit, you must do your best, and don’t underestimate any of your opponents!”

"Disciples must keep this in mind." Everyone nodded again and again, and the expression on Biluo Shengji's face softened slightly.

"There are still many taboos in the Sunset Ancient City. I will tell you in detail when the time comes. Now, you are ready to set off for the Holy Mountain of Longxiao in ten days."

Ling Feng's eyes revealed a strange light: "Dragon Xiao Holy Mountain?"

"Yes." Biluo Shengji nodded slightly, "Every time the ruins of the Sunset Ancient City appear, the location is uncertain. This time they will appear in the Longxiao Holy Mountain. Therefore, the Sunset Selection will be opened directly in the Longxiao Holy Mountain. After the Selection is over, , qualified disciples can directly enter the Sunset Ancient City to seek opportunities."

A ray of light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. He was determined to get the spot in Sunset Ancient City!

Biluo Shengji explained a few more words to everyone, and then asked everyone to step back and prepare individually. Ten days later, the sect will open the teleportation formation and directly send the participating disciples to Longxiao Holy Mountain.

Of course, if you want to go and watch, you have to either fly thousands of miles there, or pay a certain amount of contribution points and take the teleportation array there. Therefore, most of the disciples who are not well-off have already started to set off, preparing to watch this grand event. .

At the same time, high above the Star Throne, Murong Bai, the young emperor ranked third in the inner sect, was also in meditation.

"Senior Brother Murong, I heard that Ling Feng has been released from seclusion. Before the sunset, how about giving it a try?"

A man in green robe looked at Murong Bai with a smile.

This person is able to appear here, so he is naturally one of the top ten young emperors, ranked fourth, and his name is Helian Xiao.

On the other side, there was an elegant young man dressed in white, who said calmly: "If Senior Brother Murong takes action, Ling Feng probably won't be able to make three moves."

Murong Bai slowly opened his eyes with a calm expression: "No need, Sunset Heavenly Chosen, if he can pass all the way to me, then it won't be too late to compete with him again. If he loses in the middle, it can only mean that he is still alive." Not qualified enough for me to take action.”

Helian smiled faintly: "I'm afraid that Senior Brother Murong will never meet him in Sunset Chosen. Judging from his battle with Qin Zusheng, although this person has some strength, he will only be at the fourth level if he can survive. He I probably don’t understand how big the gap is between third and fourth.”

"That's right." The elegant young man nodded and smiled, "Qin Zusheng thought that he could catch up with the top three by abandoning his cultivation and practicing holy level skills. In fact, the years he wasted have already made him and the top three The strong ones opened up a wider gap.”

He Lianxiao smiled disdainfully and said: "Not to mention Senior Brother Murong, I'm afraid Qin Zusheng may not even be my opponent. That Lingfeng is indeed a figure. He was born out of nowhere and rose to prominence. It's a pity that he lacks some background after all. The next Sunset The Chosen One may be able to make a big splash, but this time, there’s still a bit of a gap!”

The elegant young man smiled lightly and said, "In comparison, I am more optimistic about Tuoba Yan, the peerless genius of the Huanyue Temple! Tsk, tsk, this girl is really amazing and beautiful, and she has the demeanor of the Huiyue Holy Princess back then!"

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