Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1645 Martial Arts Competition! (4 more updates)

"Young Emperor Haotian is so terrifying!"

After a long time, Naye Changge got up tremblingly, feeling frightened for a while.

Young Emperor Haotian is Shi Haoxuan, the number one in the inner sect of the Dongling Immortal Pond. Although he has long been famous in the Dongling Domain, he is too mysterious and the dragon is always seen but not seen, so few people know how strong he is. .

But now, Ye Changge finally understood that Donglingxianchi should not be insulted lightly.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Changge's expression calmed down a little, and then he turned around, his eyes resting on Fairy Tuoba Yan and Qingping, and said proudly: "The two junior sisters also held a small competition, although it was not as good as that of Ye Junior Brother Ting's martial arts tea party, but only the top geniuses from the three holy places are eligible to enter. If the two junior sisters don't object, it will definitely be of great help to the Sunset Chosen Competition. "

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and realized that it was no wonder that he had not found any first-class masters before. It turned out that most of them had been invited by Ye Changge to participate in his martial arts competition.

Before the Sunset Selection officially begins, if you can find out the details of the masters from all parties, you will at least not be caught off guard when you encounter them in the competition.

In the arena competition, realm cultivation is only one aspect. In the battle between masters, the details often determine victory or defeat. If you can see the opponent's flaws in advance and attack the enemy's shortcomings, your chances of winning will naturally increase.

There are many players who hold this idea.

"Of course, if you are interested, other disciples from Donglingxianchi can also go and have a look, but it is best to weigh your own strength. If you lose someone in the martial arts competition, you can't blame others."

The ridicule in Ye Changge's words clearly showed that this guy was an arrogant and domineering person at heart. He was warned by Shi Haoxuan that "trouble comes from the mouth" and turned around and forgot about it.

"You! Humph! It's just a martial arts competition, what's the big deal? I won't go even if you invite me!"

The disciples of Donglingxianchi were naturally able to hear what this person was saying, and they were all filled with indignation.

"Hey! You don't take a piss to look at yourself, and you actually dare to take advantage of Fairy Hanyan and the others. It's better to give up as soon as possible! We are not interested in participating in any of your martial arts meetings!"

"Yes, Fairy Hanyan, Fairy Qingping, please don't go, this guy has no good intentions at all!"

Ye Changge didn't even look at the disciples, and said teasingly: "It doesn't matter if you don't come, anyway, just like Murong Bai, you have to make up for the fate."

Helian Xiao looked gloomy and stared at Ye Changge coldly: "I will let you know who is the one who can make up the number!"

Xu Ming's handsome face showed a flash of anger in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Ye, please lead the way!"

As the fourth and fifth young emperors of Donglingxianchi, as soon as they expressed their opinions, the other disciples naturally expressed their intention to go together.

"Humph, let's go then."

Ye Changge casually glanced at Helian Xiao and the two, and then said to Tuoba Yan and Fairy Qingping warmly: "Two junior sisters, how about we discuss it together?"

Tuoba Yan and Fairy Qingping both have the intention to compete with the Sunset Chosen genius in advance, which is of great help in understanding the opponent's strength.

However, the two women did not express their opinions immediately, but looked back at Ling Feng at the same time.

Tuoba Yan glanced at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and said, "Ling Feng, are you going? I'll go if you go."

Fairy Qingping also nodded slightly, her pretty face flushed slightly and said: " too."


Ye Changge frowned, and then he noticed that among the group of beauties, there was also a young man who seemed to have no sense of existence.

The aura on this guy's body is simply pitifully weak. He is the ultimate Human Emperor. I really don't know how Donglingxianchi would agree to let such a person come to participate in the Sunset Selection!

What made Ye Changge even more dissatisfied was that these two stunning beauties seemed to be vaguely centered on this young man.

Not only that, beside Ling Feng, there were Li Fei, Feng Ling, and Yu Linglong, all of whom were also surrounding her. Although they were not as beautiful as Tuoba Yan and the others, they were already stunning beauties.

"No need to ask, this guy can't bear to go."

Feng Ling frowned and pushed Ling Feng casually, "Hey, you guy, please say something quickly!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "You might as well go and have a look."

Although he couldn't see the strength of those top powerhouses yet, he also wanted to see what the strength of the first-class powerhouses were like below the top powerhouses.

Seeing Ling Feng's statement, Tuoba Yan and Fairy Qingping nodded and said in unison: "Then I'll go too."

Ye Changge clenched his fists, stared at Ling Feng with a pair of sinister eyes, and said in a sinister manner: "Who are you? I've already said it before. People who are not strong enough should not humiliate themselves."

"Are you asking for humiliation?"

Ling Feng shrugged and released his luck power a little. The next moment, Ye Changge felt that nine golden dragons suddenly flew up in front of his eyes, and his eyelids suddenly bulged in fear.

"What...what's going on?"

Ye Changge rubbed his eyes desperately and looked at Ling Feng in surprise. However, Ling Feng had already used the red gold talisman to block his own luck.

When Ye Changge sensed the talisman again, he could only detect that the light of luck emitted by Ling Feng was far beyond that of ordinary people, even greater than that of Ye Ting, the peerless genius who emerged from the Five Thunder Holy Land. Shine brighter.

"How about it, am I qualified to go?"

Ling Feng's expression remained unchanged and he asked calmly.

After a long while, Ye Changge recovered from the shock of the Nine Dragons taking off. He stared at Ling Feng for a while and then said bitterly: "Yes, as long as you are not afraid of making a fool of yourself, you can come!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and stopped talking.

On the other hand, Helian Xiao frowned slightly. A month ago, Ling Feng fought against Wushuang Young Emperor. Although he won, it was not easy.

With his high-profile style, I am afraid that after going to the martial arts competition, he will immediately become the target of public criticism.

It doesn't matter if he is challenged by others, but after all, everyone is one now. If Ling Feng makes a fool of himself, the entire Donglingxian Pond will also make a fool of himself.

At this point, he could no longer dissuade him, so when he passed by Ling Feng, he twisted his eyebrows slightly and said, "Junior brother Ling, be careful not to exercise restraint and don't attack easily. There are many masters in the martial arts competition, so you need to be careful in your actions."

Ling Feng shrugged nonchalantly and said casually: "I'll do my best."

"Hmph, you can take care of yourself!"

He Lianxiao was obviously extremely dissatisfied with Ling Feng's lazy attitude. He snorted lightly and glared at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng shrugged, naturally he would not take such a self-righteous guy seriously.

"Well, I...I won't go!"

Yu Linglong glanced at Ling Feng timidly. She had been ordered to die by Biluo Shengji, and now that Lin Mu was gone, she instantly felt that the whole world was unsafe.

Only Ling Feng had a good relationship with Lin Mu, so he was regarded as his big brother by Yu Linglong.

"Okay, then you go back with the other senior brothers first. I don't think it will be long before Brother Lin is here!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, that guy Lin Mu was very tough backstage!

Ordinary disciples may not be able to live with these participating disciples, but this is not necessarily the case for Lin Muke. After all, one of the three palace masters responsible for leading the team this time is Biluo Shengji.

The Master of Chiri Palace and the Master of Xutian Palace had to give her some face, so naturally they could only turn a blind eye or close one eye.

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