Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1650 I’ll do the same thing! (1 update)

"Damn it!"

Liu Donglin clenched his fists tightly, his teeth itching with hatred. He originally wanted to use the healing medicine to humiliate the Dongling Fairy Pond disciples, but as soon as Ling Feng appeared, his plan failed, and instead he made the kid do something. Quite a limelight!

Especially when Liu Donglin saw that his senior sister Yue Huaqing showed a look of approval, he became even more angry.

When Helianxiao recovered from his injuries, he looked at Ling Feng, looking slightly complicated.

He had been so dismissive towards Ling Feng before, yet Ling Feng actually took out such an elixir to heal himself.

For a moment, a trace of shame appeared on Helianxiao's face, he clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you, Junior Brother Ling."

"You and I are from the same sect, so we naturally have the same guns."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. Although he didn't have a good impression of Helian Xiao, there was no direct conflict between the two. It was related to the reputation of the sect, so it didn't hurt to help him once.

"I'll give these pills back to you."

He Lianxiao quickly handed the remaining elixir back to Ling Feng. In his opinion, this elixir must be very precious.

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly: "Since I gave it away, it's yours."

As soon as these words came out, the disciples from the major holy places present could not help but twitch the corners of their mouths.

Good guy, such a bottle of the ultimate healing elixir, you can give it away as soon as you say it, without blinking an eye!

How rich and powerful this must be!

a long time.

Ye Changge glanced around the crowd and looked at Ling Feng with a solemn look. He could take out such a precious elixir at any time, and with the cultivation level of a human emperor at the extreme level, he could participate in the Sunset Selection.

This kid, I'm afraid it's not simple. Behind him, it is very likely that there will be high-level figures in Donglingxianchi.

Although Wulei Holy Land and Yunluo Holy Land have always been dissatisfied with Donglingxianchi's claim to be the first of the three holy lands, in terms of background, the two holylands are indeed more than one and a half stars behind Donglingxianchi.

That's why they want to rely on the Sunset Selection to prevent Donglingxianchi from occupying the top ten spots in the five seats. In a sense, this can be regarded as a serious loss to Donglingxianchi.

If they really want to fight for high-level combat power, they may not be able to challenge Donglingxianchi if the two holy places are tied together.

But this is a battlefield for geniuses after all, and no elder can interfere.

"Okay, now that Helian Xiao is out of harm's way and Liu Donglin has also given out the elixir, both parties will take a step back and discuss the martial arts competition and continue!"

Ye Changge said lightly. At this moment, Xu Ming and He Lianxiao, the strongest people in Donglingxian Pond, were defeated one after another. Even if Ling Feng used the elixir to regain some face for Donglingxian Pond, they were already in Donglingxian Pond. Being at the bottom of this martial arts competition, his goal has been achieved.

If the disciples of Donglingxianchi continue to stay here, they will only be ridiculed and made a joke.

Although the Yunluo Holy Land side harshly criticized Liu Donglin's impulsive behavior, they were actually secretly happy in their hearts.

Being able to suppress the fourth and fifth young emperors of Donglingxian Pond by oneself can be regarded as greatly increasing the prestige of Yunluo Holy Land.

On the other hand, the disciples of Donglingxianchi were all downcast.

Even Helian Xiao was defeated. They continued to stay here, feeling like they were sitting on pins and needles, wishing they could find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

The Donglingxianchi side is in desperate need of a victory.

He immediately had the guts to propose Tuoba Yan to fight, but was stopped by Ling Feng.

"Victory, right?"

Ling Feng shrugged and Feng Qingyun said calmly: "There is no need for Yan'er to take action. I will do the same."

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