Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1654 Xuanxin Purple Eyes! (1 update)

The sparring arena was supposed to be a place for fighting, but it turned into a one-sided slap!

In everyone's field of vision, Ling Feng kept transforming into thunder and teleporting.

Every time he appeared, it was a slap in the face, and then he teleported, making Liu Donglin freeze with the force of thunder, and then another slap in the face!

The sky was filled with the roar of thunder and the sound of slaps.

On the other hand, Liu Donglin looked as if he was white and stupid, motionless, and let Ling Feng slap him one slap after another, one after another.

Both sides of his cheeks, after being beaten for more than ten times in a row, were already bloody and mutilated, and they were no longer human-like.

Not only was the flesh and blood splattered, but the facial features were also indistinguishable, and it was beaten to the point where it no longer resembled a human being!


All the onlookers couldn't help but take a breath. Ling Feng's methods were indeed cruel.

Especially for the disciples of Donglingxianchi, they have long heard of Ling Feng's "glorious deeds" in the outer sect. This guy almost always stepped on the "corpses" of his senior brothers along the way. Any Anyone who sins against him will end up very miserable.

He is an evil god in the Dongling Immortal Pond. Although after entering the inner gate, people seem to have restrained themselves a little, but when the evil spirit's essence is exposed, people will recall the terror and shadow of the past.

"That boy named Liu has fallen into the hands of Junior Brother Ling this time."

In the crowd, Chu Tiange shook his head and smiled bitterly. When they were in the Palace of Conquest, he and Ling Feng often acted together. Remember when Ling Feng treated several veteran emperors of the Palace of Conquest as if they were dead dogs, he But it’s really true.

There really isn't anything in the world that Ling Feng doesn't dare to do!

The disciples who had gone to the Palace of War to perform tasks together all nodded.

If you fall into Ling Feng's hands, you will definitely regret coming out of your mother's womb!


After the last slap, Ling Feng retreated ten feet away in a very cool manner, standing with his hands behind his back, his eyes cold.

"Why, your face is a little crooked. I straightened it out for you. Now it's symmetrical. You're welcome. I should have done it!"

Ling Feng gently shook off the blood on his palms and said to Liu Donglin with a calm expression.

"I kill you……"

Liu Donglin's body was almost unsteady, and his face was covered with blood, dripping down his cheeks and falling to the ground.

"How are you going to kill me when I can't even stand still?"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and he blew lightly in the direction of Liu Donglin.


In a moment, Liu Donglin's body fell heavily to the ground like pushing a mountain of gold or a jade pillar.

However, he still stared at Ling Feng with a face full of reluctance. He opened his bloody mouth with difficulty, gritted his teeth and said, "I... haven't lost yet..."

"You tried so hard with all your strength, but you couldn't even get a corner of my clothes. I really don't know how you had the courage to say that you didn't lose? Do you want to rely on your face to defeat me?" Are your hands useless?"

Ling Feng sneered and stared at Liu Donglin on the ground without any pity or sympathy. He smiled coldly: "I have to say, you have a lot of ideas!"


Liu Donglin was so angry that he spat out blood again!

It’s okay if you can’t beat him, but now you can’t even talk about it!

It’s so irritating!

You know, Ling Feng's sharp tongue is as good as that of Jinglu Zhen. If he really wanted to compete with Ling Feng, he would make even Liu Donglin angry to death.


Tuoba Yan couldn't help but laugh out loud. After not seeing each other for a year, Ling Feng's poisonous tongue became even more sharp.

Immediately afterwards, all the disciples of Donglingxianchi burst into laughter. This time, all their anger was completely released.


Quite comfortable!

Even Yue Huaqing couldn't help but shake her head and smile bitterly. When she first met Ling Feng, this guy's ability to talk nonsense almost made her angry.

However, this guy is indeed interesting, and he is so ridiculously strong.

In fact, even she felt ashamed. After all, although Liu Donglin was young, his strength was definitely not weak.

As for Wang Qian and Yuan Huaji, their faces became solemn.

The situation was originally very good, with Yunluo Holy Land taking the lead, but as soon as Ling Feng appeared, he completely lifted Liu Donglin up and beat him.

Ye Changge was also secretly glad. Fortunately, he tested Ling Feng's hand in advance today. Otherwise, he would have been regarded as an ordinary extreme human emperor. If he had underestimated the enemy during the Sunset Chosen, he might have died without even knowing how he died. .

Although Liu Donglin might not be able to move even three moves in his hands, Ling Feng's strength was enough to impress him.

You must know that although Ye Changge is arrogant and arrogant, he is still ranked ninth in the last Sunset Chosen. After ten years of hard training, his strength is already comparable to that of the top few masters. 's existence.

The purple-eyed girl next to Ye Changge actually asked: "Senior Brother Ye, who is this person?"

Ye Changge stared at Ling Feng and shook his head slowly: "This person seems to be called Ling Feng. It's the first time I've met him. I thought he was just a newcomer, but I didn't expect... I'm afraid his strength is still above Murong Bai's. "

"Ling Feng..."

The purple-eyed girl's purple pupils flashed with a strange color, and she said slowly: "Senior Brother Ye, you must pay special attention to this Ling Feng. The feeling he gives me is no weaker than that of Ye Ting."

"What? Junior sister Zhaoyan, did you read that correctly?"

Ye Changge was completely stunned. How strong is Ye Ting? With Ye Ting's strength, he has become the first among the new generation disciples of Donglingxianchi. To defeat Ye Changge, he doesn't need a second move!

Ling Feng, not weaker than Ye Ting?

He would not believe this statement no matter what, but when this sentence came from Zi Zhaoyan's mouth, it made him hesitate.

Zi Zhaoyan's gifted Xuanxin Purple Eyes, as long as she observes the opponent's moves, she will rarely make a mistake.

"I don't know, maybe it's just an illusion."

Zi Zhaoyan shook her head. There seemed to be a special power in Ling Feng's body, which blocked her Xuanxin Purple Eyes, preventing her from fully understanding Ling Feng's situation.

"It must be an illusion."

Ye Changge shook his head, "However, this kid can't be ignored."

At this time, many disciples of Yunluo Holy Land reacted suddenly after being stunned at first, and immediately rushed forward to check Liu Donglin's injuries. His internal organs were in a mess and he was seriously injured.

If this continues, let alone participating in the Sunset Selection, whether he can stand up tomorrow is a question.

Even with the healing medicine from Yunluo Holy Land, recovery would probably take more than seven days.

In fact, seven days is still a conservative estimate!

Yuan Huaji was so angry that he gritted his teeth with hatred and stared at Ling Feng coldly: "It's just a discussion! You actually do such a heavy trick?"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back and said with an indifferent expression: "A harsh attack? Some people are not strong enough, but when they lose, they blame me for being too harsh?"

"you you!"

Liu Donglin, who was lying on the ground, almost exploded with anger. Wasn't this what he said when he mocked Helian Xiao before?

Now, the exact same words are returned exactly as they were, what a mockery, how ironic!

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