Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1663 Zi ​​Zhaoyan! (3 updates)

After a while, the power of luck behind everyone dissipated and turned into special inscriptions, condensed at the center of the eyebrows. The longer the dragon of luck is, the more complicated the inscriptions are at the center of the eyebrows.

But in Ling Feng's case, not only the center of his eyebrows, but also his entire forehead and even his face were covered with golden threads, emitting a bright and dazzling light that made it difficult to open his eyes.

Fortunately, these inscriptions can be retracted into the body on their own, otherwise Ling Feng would really be crying without tears. After participating in a competition, he ended up with a face full of flashy tattoos!

"Hey, there seems to be writing on my palm!"

Soon, many people discovered that in addition to the special inscriptions between the eyebrows, a golden number appeared on the palms of all contestants.

Ling Feng raised his palm and saw the word "ten" appearing on it, which meant that he would be assigned to the tenth ring to compete.

The rules of the Sunset Selection have long been memorized in the hearts of the elders of each sect, and they immediately informed the disciples or clan members around them.

Finally, the crowd began to move.

Ling Feng was not in the same group as Tuoba Yan, Fairy Qingping, and Yu Linglong. After saying goodbye, Ling Feng left and entered Arena No. 10.

When he arrived, almost everyone was there, as many as a thousand people.

There were so many people and heads everywhere, it was hard to tell who was who.

However, as he entered the sea of ​​people, Ling Feng suddenly noticed a sharp light coming from behind him.

Looking back, his eyebrows raised slightly.

Liu Donglin was glaring at Ling Feng with a cannibalistic gaze. His hatred was as if he wanted to eat Ling Feng's flesh.

Ling Feng shrugged nonchalantly. If this guy didn't learn well, he wouldn't mind sending him away in the first round.

Soon, Ling Feng discovered that not only Liu Donglin, but also many strong men he had met in the martial arts competition were grouped into the tenth group. For example, Wang Qian and Yuan Huaji from Yunluo Holy Land were actually with them. He was in a group, and Zi Zhaoyan, a very mysterious purple-eyed girl from the Five Thunder Holy Land who had never made a move, was also in a group with him.

Therefore, you may not encounter them in the first round.

However, the first round is a points competition. Every warrior has the opportunity to compete ten times. Those with the top 100 points in the end will advance to the second round.

"Ling Feng!"

Naturally, Yuan Huaji and Liu Donglin breathed out from the same nostril. They cast a provocative look at Ling Feng and cursed: "Don't let me meet you, otherwise, you will be in trouble!"

Although Wang Qian didn't say much, Ling Feng caused their Yunluo Holy Land to lose face during the martial arts competition at the Three Holy Lands. Not only was Liu Donglin made a laughing stock, but he, the chief disciple, was also reprimanded by the elders. .

Naturally, he also hates Ling Feng with a passion. If he encounters him, he will definitely make Ling Feng suffer a lot!

Naturally, Ling Feng didn't care about the threats from these people. In his eyes, he was always focused on the throne of first place.

Although Wang Qian is not weak, he has not been taken seriously by him yet.

Suddenly, the inscription between Ling Feng's eyebrows flashed, and a burning feeling came.

At the same time, another message came to my mind.

"The rules of Sunset Chosen are that you are not allowed to kill anyone."

There is only one rule.

Ling Feng had already known this, and his face was expressionless.

The rest of the people looked uncertain and tensed up.

It is not allowed to kill, there is no regulation, and it is not allowed to seriously injure or even maim the enemy.

Those who come to participate in the sunset selection are all talented people.

We are both strong men from the mainland. If there is no hatred, a normal person will not be cruel and seriously injure or maim his opponent.

However, if you encounter a strong person with twisted psychology and cruel methods, you will have no choice but to admit that you are unlucky.

Once permanent disability is caused, it is almost equivalent to stopping the martial arts.

Since the news about Liu Donglin eventually spread, in the eyes of most disciples of Yunluo Holy Land, Ling Feng was undoubtedly such a vicious person.

Even the disciples of Donglingxianchi are quite afraid of this evil god. But fortunately, they are from the same sect after all. Anyway, if they really meet, Ling Feng should be merciful.

The next moment, ten arenas flashed with green light at the same time, and two contestants from each group were teleported to the arena.

The two warriors in the tenth group were obviously still a little confused and did not expect that they would be drawn in the first round.

In the knockout stage of the first round, the competition is based on random matching.

But soon, in this serious competition atmosphere, the two warriors adjusted their condition and began to fight.

One of these two people is a disciple of the Five Thunder Holy Land, and the other is a disciple of an ordinary sect. Although their cultivation levels are both Extreme Level 3 Human Emperors, the ordinary sect's disciple couldn't even catch it. The disciple of the Five Thunder Holy Land was immediately eliminated with his second move.

The foundation of the three holy places can be seen from this.

The game ended in an instant. The inscription on the winner's forehead shone a little, while the loser's inscription dimmed a little. However, whether they can advance further depends on the subsequent total points.

After the knockout rounds are over, the top 100 players will be selected based on this ranking.

Each person has ten chances. Although there is a certain amount of luck involved, it is still relatively fair.

As for those lucky ones, the power of luck is often higher than that of ordinary people. When these enter the second round, in a sense, they contribute the power of luck to the truly strong.

However, under normal circumstances, if there is not much difference in the power of luck between the two, the impact on one's own luck will be minimal.

Only by reaching the top 100, or even the top ten, will the impact on one's luck be infinitely magnified.

In the next few games, Ling Feng quietly watched the battle.

Uh-huh! ——

Two figures flickered in the ring. Looking closely, it was Liu Donglin fighting He Lingyun!

Ling Feng was slightly interested. He had already experienced Liu Donglin's trump card, which was just average.

He Lingyun is a powerful person in the Five Thunder Holy Land. He is also a practitioner of Thunder Dao and Body Refining. His strength is not weak. The two men competed once during a martial arts competition.

That time, both of them retained their strength, but He Lingyun chose to admit defeat.

"Senior Brother He will lose."

As the fragrant breeze blew over, a girl in purple clothes appeared and sat next to Ling Feng very naturally. Her expression was calm and calm, and her purple eyes were very eye-catching.


Ling Feng was a little confused. He and Zi Zhaoyan seemed to have never spoken to each other. They only met once during the martial arts competition.

Ling Feng was quite curious about this purple-eyed girl.

However, I didn't expect that she would come to the door.


Ling Feng coughed a few times and said calmly: "Why, He Lingyun is not from the same sect as you, shouldn't you be cheering for the sect brother?"

Zi Zhaoyan gently stroked the ends of her hair with her bare hands and shook her head lightly: "Losing means losing, there is no point in trying hard."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, this woman was quite honest.

Indeed, although Liu Donglin was his defeated general, he was indeed capable of defeating Helian Xiao and Xu Ming one after another.

"However, I am very optimistic about you. You are very strong! Maybe you are a master who can compete with Ye Ting?"

Zi Zhaoyan added, a hint of brilliance flashing in her purple eyes. Even she was a little unsure about the second half of the sentence, so she used a rhetorical tone.

"Haha, senior sister, do you think so highly of me?"

Ling Feng smiled, without comment, and just looked at Arena No. 10. In comparison, the battle between He Lingyun and Liu Donglin was finally worth watching.

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