Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1666 A girl with strange powers! (3 updates)

"Can you stop it?"

Wang Qian smiled proudly, raised his hand and slapped Zi Zhaoyan's thunder barrier hard.

For a moment, a strong wind blew up, and the highly corrosive wind blade kept tearing at the thunder barrier.

If this continues, Zi Zhaoyan may not be able to hold on for long.

"Soul Shadow!"

However, Zi Zhaoyan was obviously very patient. It was not until the moment when the thunder barrier shattered that he activated the Xuanxin Purple Eyes and activated the soul's ability to draw shadows.

Just as Ling Feng guessed, she turned into a shadow, completely ignored Wang Qian's evil wind, and actually flew towards Wang Qian lightly.


The phantom twisted and rotated rapidly. At the moment of the attack, it had already brewed the power of thunder and attacked Wang Gan at an extremely tricky angle!


The arc surged, and a long hole was torn directly into the void!

The next moment, without any warning, he appeared in front of Wang Gan’s door!

A jade palm was only one foot away from Wang Qian's chest!

At such a distance, not to mention resisting, I'm afraid I won't be able to react in time!

Liu Donglin in the audience showed a look of unwillingness. He had been defeated miserably by this move before.

At this moment, seeing the power of thunder accumulated in Zi Zhaoyan's palm, Liu Donglin couldn't help but break out a trace of cold sweat on his forehead. If Zi Zhaoyan used this trick on him, he would probably lose half his life or fall into a coma. So simple.

"Is it going to be successful?"

There was a smile of success on Zi Zhaoyan's face. If this palm hit Wang Qian's chest, no matter how strong he was, he would definitely be seriously injured.

Sometimes, strength does not mean everything. You can win with wisdom and control of the battle situation.

However, the next moment, the smile on Zi Zhaoyan's face suddenly solidified.

"You're so naive, Junior Sister Zi!"

There is still a trace of residual evil wind beside Wang Qian!

And the moment Zi Zhaoyan launches the attack, the virtual state will definitely be lifted.

And at this moment, Wang Qian suddenly launched an attack, and the dark wind wrapped around Zi Zhaoyan's body. In an instant, Zi Zhaoyan's figure was rolled back and was directly thrown away by a vortex of evil wind!


The energy and blood in her body surged, and Zi Zhaoyan spat out a mouthful of blood, barely falling to the ground. Her figure was swaying, and she was a little unsteady on her feet.

The purple skirt on its legs had been cut by the wind blade, and turned into dust under the cold wind, revealing a small section of slender snow-white jade legs.

A severe burning pain came from the calf. The corrosive power of the sinister wind had invaded the calf. If it could not be removed in time, I might not even be able to save my legs.

"I surrender!"

Zi Zhaoyan bit her silver teeth, her strength was too far behind.

From beginning to end, Wang Qian never moved a step!

She just used one move, "Wind Rises Nine Heavens", and she tried her best, but still failed!

It's not that she is too weak, but that Wang Gan is too strong!

As the chief disciple of Yunluo Holy Land, Wang Qian's strength cannot be underestimated.

Everyone focused on Li Yanluo and Ao Jue, who were second and third last time, but they didn't know that Wang Qian was also a big killer hidden in Yunluo Holy Land.

As Zi Zhaoyan surrendered and went off, Wang Qian also won his tenth consecutive victory, but before he left the field, his eyes swept over Ling Feng.

Ling Feng pursed his lips and thought to himself: This person is very deep in the city, his emotions and anger are invisible, and he is a difficult opponent.

Returning to her seat, Zi Zhaoyan awkwardly adjusted her skirt, covered the wound on her calf, and secretly mobilized her energy to force out the evil wind that was eroding her body.

Ling Feng handed over a pill and said calmly: "Take it, it will be good for recovering from the injury."

A glimmer of light flashed in Zi Zhaoyan's eyes, "In a sense, we are competitors. Do you really want to give me the elixir?"

Ling Feng shrugged, "If possible, I hope you will be in your prime when I meet you."

"You are indeed an interesting person."

Zi Zhaoyan took the elixir, looked deeply at Ling Feng, and swallowed it without any pretense.

This elixir was refined by Ling Feng from the flame marrow of the Burning Sky Dragon, and its efficacy was unquestionable. After a while, Zi Zhaoyan's complexion recovered, and her injuries were basically no longer serious.

The game continued, and soon, Ling Feng completed the last battle, won ten consecutive victories, and was firmly promoted to the second round.

As for Zi Zhaoyan and He Lingyun, there is no problem. Although they each lost a game, their hard power is still there.

The competitions in the other nine arenas also ended one after another.

It is worth mentioning that among the players who performed very eye-catching this time, in addition to the already outstanding Shi Haoxuan, Ye Ting and others, there is also a woman who actually has a good reputation.

This woman is exactly the strange girl named Yu Linglong who rarely shows up and rarely takes action.

For Lin Mu's promise, this little girl fought tooth and nail this time. All the opponents she met were punched out of the field by her.

Na Helianxiao was unlucky and met Yu Linglong in the first round, but he couldn't escape the fate of being killed instantly with one punch.

Only then did everyone realize that there was actually such a powerful "little monster" hidden in the Donglingxian Pond.

In fact, Yu Linglong's reputation as a "girl with strange powers" has begun to rival that of Ling Feng, and may even overshadow Ling Feng's limelight.

Half a day later, the knockout round officially ended.

Among the ten thousand people, a thousand strong men were born and advanced to the second round.

At this time, the giant bronze door shook violently and let out a loud dragon roar.

This also means that the first stage of the competition is completely over, and the fate plundering battle for the remaining thousand talented people will officially begin.

In this first round, almost all the disciples from the three holy places have advanced, and there is not much suspense. Except for some really unlucky guys, they can only admit that they are unlucky when they meet the top masters from the three holy places one after another.

At the end of the first round, a thousand strong people were divided into ten groups to compete to find the strongest 100 people.


The void trembled, and a huge golden halo radiated rapidly above the bronze arena.

In the previous battles, especially strong men such as Shi Haoxuan and Ye Ting, their movements were extremely powerful and would inevitably damage the arena.

And wherever this golden light passed, all ten arenas were restored and looked brand new.

There are even some special inscriptions suspended on the transparent barrier around the arena, which is obviously some kind of reinforcement method.

Ling Feng was secretly shocked. This Sunset Chosen was truly extraordinary. Just these arenas revealed incomparable mysteries.

This method is probably also the work of those powerful people in the Immortal Realm.

Similarly, there is no more rest time, the battle for the top 100 starts immediately.

After the first round of competition, everything was randomized again, everyone's grouping was completely disrupted, and the game started again.

This time, Ling Feng was assigned to the sixth group and competed with 99 other geniuses for the top 100 spot.

From this round onwards, due to the competition for luck, the competition will definitely be much more intense than in the first round.

Ling Feng glanced around to see if there was anyone he knew.

Perhaps it was in response to the sentence, Enemies meet on a narrow road, that Yuan Huaji and Wang Qian were actually assigned to the same group as him at the same time.

One hundred people will advance to ten. In this round, every warrior needs to participate in twenty games. The probability of encountering these two people will undoubtedly increase a lot.

However, it doesn't matter to Ling Feng. No matter who he meets, he can't shake Ling Feng's determination and belief in becoming the champion.

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