Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1668 Ling Feng’s anger! (2 updates)


Bai Qi rubbed the back of his head and laughed dryly, "Well, I remembered something else, so I'll leave first!"

After saying that, he ran away quickly, far away from this "place of right and wrong".

Ling Feng was confused for a while, shrugged, and sat down again, waiting for the game to start.

Yue Huaqing also sat next to Ling Feng very affectionately, and introduced him to some information about Wang Qian and his trump cards. After speaking, he winked at Ling Feng playfully, "Junior Brother Ling, I'm optimistic about you! "

"Haha...thank you, senior sister!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. It seemed that Yue Huaqing was really full of guilt for himself and had revealed the situation of his senior fellow apprentice to him.

Speaking of which, I feel a little bit ashamed!

On the other side, Wang Qian and Na Yuan Huaji were furious when they saw Yue Huaqing actually sitting affectionately with Ling Feng.

At this moment, Yue Huaqing is actually on the same front as outsiders?

What a joke!

The three top beauties who were both members of Group 6 gathered around Ling Feng. Just such a blessing made the surrounding Group 6 players extremely jealous.

What's more, Ling Feng also has the luck of being "Nine Dragons Supreme"!

Maybe, after plundering his luck, my own luck would be so invincible, which would be really cool.

At the same time, there was a mountain top.

The elders of the three holy places sat here collectively, with the best viewing angle to take an overview of the overall competition.

The first thing Biluo Shengji paid attention to was naturally the disciples of the Earth Spirit Hall, and she had high expectations for both Ling Feng and Yu Linglong.

These two disciples can probably reach the top ten.

However, Ling Feng has a high chance of meeting Wang Qian in this round, which is not a good thing.

Wang Qiannai is the number one in the inner sect among the new generation of disciples of Yunluo Holy Land. In a sense, he is equal to Shi Haoxuan of Yunluo Holy Land.

It's hard to say who will win or lose in a battle between Ling Feng and him.

Even if Ling Feng wins, he will probably reveal a lot of his strength.

Although Biluo Shengji knew that Ling Feng had improved in strength after a month of hard training with Gui Lao, it was not easy to say to what level he had improved.

Yunluo Holy Land.

The Xiaoyun Pavilion master's eyes were filled with cold light as he stared at Ling Feng coldly. When he saw that Yue Huaqing was actually quite close to Ling Feng, he tightened his fists even more.

As a saint of Yunluo Holy Land, how could Yue Huaqing have anything to do with that boy Ling Feng?

However, Yue Huaqing's status is extraordinary. Even if he is one of the three major pavilion masters, it is not easy for him to preach to Yue Huaqing.

"Humph, but this time, if that boy is met by Wang Qian, he will definitely be more handsome than him!"

Thinking that Liu Donglin swallowed feces, he had also reprimanded Wang Qian severely. Wang Qian must still be holding back a burst of anger. When he met Ling Feng, it would burst out. That Ling Feng would definitely be defeated. It’s so ugly!

The elders of the other major holy places are also watching the situation below. Although the battles in the ten arenas are going on at the same time, the focus of attention is naturally on the seed players who have the opportunity to compete for the top ten spots.

For the three major holy places, it is inevitable to be in the top 100, but only the top ten can truly rank!

The first knockout round was not too challenging for the Holy Land disciples.

But in the battle of the top 100, the strength of the opponents has obviously increased a lot, and some very strong players have emerged.

For example, Li Fei, Feng Ling and others started to feel a little difficult in some battles.

Finally, it was Ling Feng's turn again.

This time, Ling Feng's opponent was Yuan Huaji.

Facing Yuan Huaji who provoked many times, Ling Feng showed no mercy.

This is destined to be another bloody massacre.

Just a quarter of an hour later, Yuanhuaji was defeated miserably. The disciples of Donglingxianchi cheered for joy.

Compared to the excitement of the disciples of Donglingxianchi, Wang Qian from the Yunluo Holy Land side had a sinking face.

I thought that with the strength of Yuan Huaji, I could at least withstand a few moves from Ling Feng, and even force out some of Ling Feng's trump cards, but who would have thought that he would be killed instantly with just one move, and it was completely bloody.

However, Wang Qian didn't have much sympathy for Yuan Huaji's deliberately provocative and stupid behavior.

Since he angered Ling Feng, he had to bear the consequences himself.

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