Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1673 Conscience discovered! (1 update)


Facing the extremely furious Wang Qian, Ling Feng just shrugged slightly, recalled the three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows, and placed them on Yi Shen's bow, pointing the arrows directly at Wang Qian.

Suddenly, Wang Qian shivered all over.

Not even the shield formed by the ten-thousand-year black turtle mask can block the power of this arrow. How can my own flesh and blood resist it?


Wang Qian swallowed hard, but he had no intention of giving up.

No matter how powerful the arrow is, it will be in vain if it fails to hit.

After all, he is also a wind cultivator, and speed is what he is best at.

"Do you want to continue the fight? Three arrows fired at once!"

Ling Feng grinned, fully drew the bow string, and shot three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows at the same time.


Wang Qian's eyelids twitched wildly and he quickly ran away like crazy.

However, the next moment, Ling Feng's figure flashed and was already blocking his escape route.


A heavy punch hit Wang Gan in the face.

Wang Qian looked confused and looked back. Where were the three arrows firing?

"Damn it, you lied to me!"

Wang Qian was so angry that he was trembling all over. He stared at Ling Feng coldly and wanted to fight him desperately.

"Three arrows fired in unison! Here they come!"

Ling Feng raised his long bow again. Wang Qian was so frightened that he trembled and retreated quickly.

However, what was waiting for him was still Ling Feng's old punch.


This punch directly knocked his two front teeth out of shape!


Wang Qian couldn't bear it anymore and stared at Ling Feng with a roar, "You lied to me again!"

"Isn't it stipulated that I can't lie to you during sparring?"

Ling Feng shrugged and said nonchalantly.


Wang Qian's lungs were about to burst with anger. He felt that he had been insulted!

"Three arrows fired in unison, it's coming again!"

"You can't even believe it!"

Wang Qian gritted his teeth and stared at Ling Feng, no longer dodge, and rushed towards Ling Feng like crazy.

However, this time, three arrows were actually shot out. By the time Wang Gan reacted, it was already too late.


Three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows pierced Wang Gan's left leg, right leg and left shoulder respectively.

The arrow shot out of his body, and Wang Qian's wounds immediately began to bleed. Furthermore, the energy in his body was rapidly draining away, and even his spirit quickly weakened.

This is the characteristic of the bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows. Wang Qian was hit by three arrows at the same time and lost the ability to fight again.

"you you……"

Wang Qian pointed at Ling Feng, feeling extremely aggrieved.

"I suddenly realized my conscience, and I think it's not good to lie to you all the time, right?"

Ling Feng stood there with an innocent face and said with a smile.


Wang Qian collapsed completely. Yang Tian spat out a mouthful of blood and fell straight onto the ring.

The audience was completely silent.

Anyone who noticed this scene was shocked.

Ling Feng is not only top-notch in strength, but his methods of irritating people are also at their peak.

The reason why Wang Qian fainted was probably because Ling Feng was angry.

Click! ——

At the elders' table.

The master of Xiaoyun Pavilion in Yunluo Holy Land crushed the teacup in his hand instantly, and the sharp fragments pierced into his flesh without even realizing it.

A pair of eyes stared at Ling Feng on the ring with a look of disbelief.

A trace of solemnity appeared on the face of Elder Haoling in the Five Thunder Holy Land, with a gloomy look on his face, and he said slowly: "Now it seems that this boy will not only be able to break into the top ten, but may even have a chance to hit the top five." !”

On the side of Donglingxian Pond, the three palace masters all showed a hint of joy.

I have long heard of Ling Feng’s glorious deeds in the Palace of War. This bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrow is also a glorious achievement on Ling Feng’s body!

Under the ring, countless spectators were dumbfounded and seemed to be a little confused.

Ling Feng, who was not favored by everyone, brutally tortured Wang Qian with his hands, like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's hearts hard. Many people seemed to feel that their hearts were shattered for an instant.

They always thought that Ling Feng was strong, but deep down inside, they were mostly jealous and distrustful.

After all, before this, Ling Feng had no reputation at all in the Eastern Spiritual Territory. Even if he had won a few games before, no one thought he could compete with a first-rate powerhouse like Wang Qian.

However, Ling Feng really defeated Wang Qian, and the defeat was so complete and clean!

This completely subverted their cognition!

Ling Feng is not only really strong, but also far stronger than imagined!

Ling Feng is completely beyond the level of Wang Qian and Ye Changge, and he is qualified to compete with Gu Changfeng, Li Yanluo and Gongsun Long in the second echelon.


The roar of the dragon sounded, and the plunder of luck was not ignored just because Wang Qian was unconscious. Ling Feng directly activated the nine-headed golden dragon, flew out, and swallowed up the power of luck from Wang Qian without any courtesy. Clean and tidy.

Wang Qian's power of luck was much stronger than that of Yuan Huaji. After completely swallowing up his power of luck, the inscription on Ling Feng's forehead suddenly became a little more dazzling.

However, the nine-foot-nine-foot-nine-inch golden dragon did not continue to grow, which made Ling Feng a little curious. After all, as far as he knew, those strong men who had participated in the Sunset Selection were all Dragons of Luck. It's ten feet away.

This also means that the limit of the Dragon of Luck is not nine feet, nine feet, nine inches.

Ling Feng shook his head and didn't bother to think about it. The Supreme Luck of Kowloon was already rare in thousands of years. Ling Feng didn't expect to be able to advance to any other level with his own luck.

When Ling Feng was teleported out of the ring, the eyes of those in the same group as they stared at him changed completely!

Wherever his eyes went, he dodges them everywhere, not daring to look at them at all.

When she returned to her seat, Yue Huaqing stood up awkwardly, her pretty face a bit stiff: "Ling... Junior Brother Ling is back."

After witnessing this battle, Yue Huaqing was completely convinced!

Having lost to Ling Feng before, Yue Huaqing was somewhat unwilling to accept it. If she had known that Ling Feng also practiced fire magic and prepared in advance, the outcome might not have been known yet.

But now she knew how much leeway Ling Feng had left when dealing with her!

On the other hand, Li Fei, Feng Ling and others were already accustomed to Ling Feng's monster.

Ling Feng defeated Wang Qian, and he was not surprised at all.

Let alone defeating a mere king, they would not be too surprised even if Ling Feng won this year's Sunset Chosen Championship.

Because Ling Feng is a man who is good at creating miracles.

Soon, the second round of the top 100 competition was finally over.

There are ten arenas, and in each group, only ten people can be promoted, and the strongest one hundred people can enter the third round.

The battle situation in Arena No. 6.

The first place, Ling Feng, has twenty consecutive victories, which is unique.

Second place, Wang Qian, has nineteen consecutive victories.

The third place, Yue Huaqing, has nineteen consecutive victories.

Tenth place, Li Fei, 16th consecutive victory.

Because Ling Feng destroyed Yuan Huaji, Li Fei finally advanced to the third round with tenth place.

If Yuan Huaji does not anger Ling Feng or provoke Ling Feng, with his strength, even if he is defeated by Ling Feng, he can definitely be promoted.

It's a pity that there is everything in this world, but there is no regret medicine.

The remaining nine groups also ended their competitions one after another.

The top 100 competition is finally over!

Among them, Donglingxian Pond occupies about fifty people, about half, which is in line with Donglingxian Pond's dominance.

Five Thunder Holy Land and Yunluo Holy Land each occupied a quarter, while all other ordinary super sects were eliminated.

There is no doubt that the three holy places have a transcendent status.

The Sunset Celestial Selection is also known as the Three Saints Celestial Selection, and the real battle of the Celestial Selection begins from this moment.

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