Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1687 Power breaks through the void! (1 update)

Behind the two of them, the Dragon of Luck emerged. Gu Changfeng robbed Gongsun Long of most of his destiny power. The 18-foot-long Dragon of Luck increased again, reaching a length of 19 feet!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Why did the Dragon of Luck grow so fast? The nine dragons on his back did not grow at all even after absorbing so much power of luck!

Little did he know that he envied others, and others also envied him. The nine-headed and nine-foot-long golden dragon. The scene of the nine dragons appearing together still makes many people envious to the point of doubting their lives.

Flying back to the preparation area, Gu Changfeng glanced at Ling Feng meaningfully and bowed to him: "Junior Brother Ling, thank you very much."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and just smiled lightly without saying much.

He wasn't really giving guidance to Gu Changfeng. He just saw that Lie Xin was so happy that he fought with him a few more times, that's all.

Soon, after a short break, the puppet referee once again announced a new round of battle with an expressionless face.

"In the fifth battle, Ao absolutely will fight Ling Feng!"

Before the voice fell, the whole place was already boiling.

So proud!

This time, one of the three favorites to win the Sunset Selection. Ten years ago, he had won third place in the Sunset Selection. Ten years later, he made a strong counterattack and even surpassed Li Yanluo.

Will this talented king finally come to power?

Colleagues who were excited and exclaimed also secretly expressed sympathy for Ling Feng.

It looked like Ling Feng's winning streak was about to end.

His coveted supreme luck in Kowloon should be divided among others!

The people in the audience were all excited!

A stream of light, like sharp arrows penetrating the space, burning with excitement, staring at the ring.

The top leaders of the three sects were all shocked.

The battle they are most concerned about during this trip is undoubtedly the battle between the top geniuses!

Ao Jue, as a strong man who defeated countless talented people of his generation ten years ago, how strong will he be ten years later?

He, Shi Haoxuan, and Ye Ting have become the three great geniuses. Although their voices are not as high as those of Shi Haoxuan and Ye Ting, until the three of them have a head-on battle, who can say for sure who is stronger and who is weaker among the three of them.

You know, during the battle with Gongsun Long, he just stood there without moving, and Gongsun Long couldn't even hurt him.

His strength is evident.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ao Jue couldn't help but laugh up at the sky. He was looking forward to a battle with Ling Feng, but in the end, he and Ling Feng really met!

Being able to surpass Gu Changfeng, Ling Feng's strength is probably only lower than that of the three geniuses among the top ten players.

Of course, there is also a girl Yu Linglong with very strange strength, who may also be a bit troublesome.

But in comparison, Ao Jue wanted to fight Ling Feng more. After all, Yu Linglong's appearance was so cute that it felt like it was a sin to attack her.

"Ling Feng! Let me see how capable you, this dark horse, are!"

Ao Jue took the lead to enter the ring, his fighting spirit burning like a blazing flame in the sky.

Ling Feng's eyes also burned with the same fighting spirit.


The white shadow flashed, and Ling Feng flew across the ring, his eyes blazing.

Vaguely, everyone could only see Ling Feng's palm and Ao Jue's punch!

And that arrogant fist can actually shatter the void!

Ao Jue has suddenly reached the point of breaking through the void.


Punch and palm collided violently, but Ling Feng's old strength was gone with this palm, and before new strength was born, he punched hard, and the figure appeared directly in the void, and was knocked back to the edge of the ring.

In the first confrontation, Ao Jue had the upper hand!


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