Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1690 Public anger is hard to offend! (1 update)

After a long time, a stormy discussion broke out in the shocked crowd, and the entire auditorium seemed to be boiling. Everyone was staring at the aloof figure on the ring!

"A new generation of peerless talent is born!"

"Defeat Ao Jue and join the top three! This Ling Feng is too strong!"

"Oh my God, this time the Sunset Chosen, Donglingxianchi is too scary. Shi Haoxuan is firmly ranked first and remains standing. Ling Feng defeats Aojue and counterattacks strongly. There is also Yu Linglong, who is wearing a weird outfit. With strength, I might be able to fight against the top geniuses! Dongling Fairy Pond is going to defy the heavens!"

On the ring, the other eight top ten players were all shocked.

Ling Feng was strong, but no one expected that he could reach the top three!

Ye Ting was finally moved. Being able to defeat Ao Jue meant that he was already qualified to be among the top strong men!

Previously, in his eyes, Ling Feng was just a weakling, a slightly stronger ant, but at this moment, he had to admit that Ling Feng was a strong man on the same level as him!

Shi Haoxuan said with a faint smile: "It's really interesting. I look forward to fighting with you."

Everyone's expression changed. Shi Haoxuan's strength was still superior to Ye Ting's. Even when dealing with these two people, he did not reveal his true strength. Only Ling Feng interested him.

Ye Ting frowned, pointed his thumb at the bridge of his nose, and said loudly: "You have only one opponent, and that's me!"

Shi Haoxuan shook his head lightly: "Ling Feng is my only opponent this year, you are not!"

"You mean, I'm not as good as him?"

Ye Ting's bright light flashed and he sneered at Shi Haoxuan's words.

Shi Haoxuan did not shy away and nodded in response: "Yes, he is better than you!"

"Haha! What a joke! It's just that I narrowly defeated Ao Jue with a thousand moves, so what's the big deal? If it were me, I could defeat Ao Jue within a hundred moves!"

Shi Haoxuan turned a deaf ear and slowly closed his eyes.

Ye Ting clenched his fists tightly and snorted coldly: "What a Ling Feng, I want to see how strong you are!"

On the stage, Ling Feng symbolically absorbed half of Ao Jue's luck power and flew off the stage.

After all, it is a battle of the top ten. The puppet referee in the bronze ring no longer uses coercive means to get players on and off the stage. Naturally, the top ten players should give them a certain amount of respect and give them a card-carrying way of getting on and off the stage.

After a short break, the puppet referee once again announced the roster for the next match.

"The next match will be between Ye Ting and Yu Linglong!"

What? Ye Ting is coming on stage!

The audience who had just taken a breath felt their hearts boiling again!

Ye Ting, that is the most outstanding genius only under Shi Haoxuan!

Even better than Aojue!

And his opponent is the mysterious girl who once defeated Gongsun Long with her strange power, Yu Linglong.

Before this, almost no one had heard of this name, but in the Sunset Chosen, the top ten battle, Yu Linglong defeated Gongsun Long, who was sixth in the previous year, and she became famous in one battle.

Such a harmless girl was able to make it all the way to the top ten, and even defeated a strong man like Gongsun Long. No matter from any angle, she was already considered a legend.

Moreover, she seems to be younger than Ye Ting!

It's a pity that this time, the opponent she met was Ye Ting, the unparalleled genius who broke through the times!

Yu Linglong flew onto the ring timidly. As before, she always looked timid when meeting every opponent, and she never took the initiative to attack.

But anyone who has watched her play will know what it means to strike from behind!

Moreover, the enemy is often defeated with one move!

Because the power contained in this girl can only be described in one word, that is: terrifying!

Uh-huh! ——

With a flash of lightning, Ye Ting rushed to the ring, his eyes were ruthless and cold. Even though Yu Linglong looked cute and cute, she could not make any waves in him, giving people a feeling of ruthlessness and coldness: "Get out! You are not worthy of me to take action! "

Yu Linglong's eyes immediately turned red when Ye Ting yelled like this. It's a game, it's a game, the sound is so loud, it's scary!

Seeing Yu Linglong being yelled at by Ye Ting, the crowd immediately became excited.

"Damn it, Ye Ting, you are not a man, you actually treat a weak woman like this!"

"You don't have the strength to restrain a chicken?"

Some people also raised questions. Although this girl looks weak, she is a fierce man who knocked away Gongsun Long with one punch. If it were someone like you, you could kill hundreds of them with one punch. You can't fight back. Chicken power?

"Anyway, it's not okay to bully cute girls!"

Many female monks even shouted loudly, "The little sister is so cute, how can you bully the little sister!"

"That's right, the competition is a competition, there is no personal attack! I also made it into the top ten based on my ability, why am I not qualified to play against you!"

The crowd was agitated, and it had to be said that Yu Linglong's cute appearance, coupled with her aggrieved expression, made it too easy to win the sympathy of others.


Countless black lines suddenly appeared on Ye Ting's forehead. Especially when he saw that there were many fellow disciples of the Five Thunder Holy Land among the people scolding him, he became even more angry.

Damn it!

Aren't you just pretending to be cool and saying harsh words? Why are everyone taking it so seriously!


Helpless, public anger is inevitable, Ye Ting had no choice but to squeeze out a smile, suppress the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Well, Junior Sister Yu, please give me some advice!"

Yu Linglong glanced at Ye Ting timidly and found that the senior brother opposite had a better attitude. Then she held her pink fist and said, "Please... senior brother, please give me some advice!"

At this time, an earth-shaking roar erupted from the audience. It was Lin Mu who directly used a magic weapon to amplify and shouted: "Xiao Yu'er, you're so scared, beat him!"

As soon as Yu Linglong heard Lin Mu's call, her whole expression suddenly changed, and a look of extreme seriousness flashed through her bright eyes.


Feeling the change in Yu Linglong's momentum, Ye Ting also became a little more serious. He raised his palm and patted it in the direction of Yu Linglong!

In an instant, the air within ten miles suddenly changed wildly!

Boundless airflow, rolling thickly, gathered above the ring!

Dark clouds are gathering, the wind is blowing, and the situation looks like the end of the world!

Boom! ——

A giant sky-high hand formed by dark clouds and strong winds, with the power of thunder to suppress everything, descended from the sky and slapped Yu Linglong hard!

This Ye Ting is worthy of being the leader of the new generation of the Five Thunder Holy Land. He is the genius who suppresses all the geniuses of his generation. He can have such terrifying power with just one strike!

On the preparation table, there was a hint of fear in Ao Jue's eyes.

I originally thought that in the past ten years, I had overtaken Li Yanluo and would be able to shine in this Sunset Chosen Arena. However, I never expected that when I came back ten years later, I might not even be able to keep the top three spots. .

Talents have emerged from generation to generation, and it seems that our own era has passed before it even comes!

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