Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1700 Trapped in a cocoon! (2 updates)

The terrifying thunder raged, and Ye Ting couldn't stop laughing. Ling Feng in front of him was already destined to lose.

"what happened?"

Suddenly, Ye Ting's expression changed slightly, and he stared at Ling Feng. But for some reason, he suddenly felt that Ling Feng's position seemed to have changed.

"The universe is in chaos!"

"Dream Rules!"

In Ling Feng's eyes, two rays of light shot out at the same time, hitting Ye Ting with great precision.

Under the interference of the dream rules, Ye Ting was completely unaware that the world he was aware of had been completely turned upside down.

As a result, under the stunned gazes of everyone in the audience, Ye Ting actually activated his Heavenly Punishment Spear, suddenly turned around, and shot hard in his direction.

Moreover, even the absolutely shocking field actually launched towards him.

In an instant, Ye Ting's body was covered in blood and flesh, and his skin was torn apart. However, he shouted with excitement, "Hahaha, Ling Feng, let's see if you are still alive!"

In the audience, countless spectators were dumbfounded.

"That Ye Ting, what is he doing? Is he committing suicide?"

"Did he start sleepwalking in broad daylight?"

Only a few monks saw the abnormality in Ling Feng's eyes and exclaimed, "The secret technique of the Soul Dao! Oh my god, Ling Feng is also proficient in the Soul Dao!"

"Refining Qi, refining body, refining soul! This Ling Feng is actually a fellow practitioner of the Three Paths!"

At the elders' table, the elders of Five Thunder Holy Land could not sit still. Ye Ting was completely defeated this time!

The three palace masters of the Dongling Immortal Pond were secretly happy that Ye Ting had done it for himself. This was called, "You will not survive if you do it for yourself!"

"It's a dream rule!"

On the top of the Holy Mountain, Cangwu God General's eyelids twitched slightly, "This boy is too outrageous! Even for the Jiuli God Clan, isn't this a little too scary?"

"I'm afraid he is a direct descendant of the Jiuli God Clan."

The patriarch showed a solemn look on his face and said slowly: "After the game, Cang Wu, you go and convey to that young man our clan's goodwill towards the Jiuli God Clan. If you can make good friends with the Jiuli God Clan, it will be great." It could not be better."

"Yes!" Cangwu Divine General nodded.

The Fengtian clan is aloof from the world, and even Donglingxianchi doesn't pay much attention to it. However, the Jiuli Divine Clan is different. It is the absolute overlord of the Zhongyuan Domain, a true divine clan, and semi-human beings like them are different. The gods are completely different.

On the stage.

It wasn't until the moment when the Heavenly Punishment Spear was approaching that Ye Ting suddenly reacted.

"What...what's going on?"

Facing the terrifying pressure of the Heavenly Punishment Spear, Ye Ting was immediately scared to death. He was clearly controlling the Heavenly Punishment Spear to deal with Ling Feng.

"You! How is that possible!"

Ye Ting was completely panicked, and suddenly realized that he had just fallen into an illusion, but it was already too late.

"Nothing is Impossible!"

Ling Feng smiled softly, stretched his arms, and there was a crackling sound in the bones.

The essence and blood that seep out of the body surface are drilled back into the body along the pores.

He was still dripping with blood just now, but he recovered in the blink of an eye.

It turned out that Ling Feng had been disguising himself from the beginning in order to make Ye Ting focus all his attention on himself.

With Ye Ting's ability, if he didn't activate the Nightmare Heart Technique while he was fully focused, he might not be easily attacked.

But now, Ye Ting has completely fallen into a point of no return and can no longer recover.

In a hurry, Ye Ting quickly dispelled the absolutely killing force field, but the Heavenly Punishment Spear was already in front of him, and he could only bear the terrifying power himself.



Although Ye Ting frantically weakened the power of the Heavenly Punishment Spear, the Thunder Spear still penetrated his chest, and his entire body was almost blasted into charcoal.

A thick black smoke rose from Ye Ting's body, and he fell heavily into the ring from mid-air.

There was a brief silence in the audience, and then it suddenly erupted.

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief, some were shocked and some were excited.

As strong as Ye Ting, he was finally defeated!


On the stage, Ling Feng's figure flashed and he pulled Ye Ting up from the ground.

Ye Ting reduced the power of the Heavenly Punishment Spear by half and was lucky enough to survive, but Ling Feng was obviously not prepared to let him go so easily.

"You...what are you going to do!"

Ye Ting stared at Ling Feng with some fear. Seeing Ling Feng's eyes, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"With your level of cultivation, you can actually control the Nine Heavens Punishment Thunder, and even display the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Domain. I really doubt it. However, if there is a thunder path treasure hidden in your body, it makes sense."

A hint of chill flashed through Ling Feng's eyes, and he directly pressed Ye Ting's dantian with his palm.

"No, you madman, what do you want to do!"

Ye Ting was completely panicked. Ling Feng's guess was indeed correct. It was because Ye Ting obtained a thunder treasure, the Thunder Soul Crystal, that he soared into the sky and became the strongest person and leader of the younger generation in the Five Thunder Holy Land. figure.

This Thunder Soul Divine Crystal is equivalent to his lifeblood, and it has become his natal treasure!

However, from what Ling Feng meant, it seemed that he wanted to plunder his Thunder Soul Crystal!

"It just so happens that I also practice Thunder Dao. Why don't you, my dear, let me play with you for a few days?"

A cruel arc appeared at the corner of Ling Feng's mouth, and the energy in his body turned into pure thunder power, and began to pull the thunder soul crystal out from the depths of Ye Ting's dantian.

"Ah! My Thunder Soul Crystal! Stop! Stop it!"

Ye Ting was convulsed. The Thunder Soul Crystal in his body was about to escape from Ling Feng's pull, and he suddenly screamed and screamed in fear.

This is the reason why he is powerful!

Relying on the Thunder Soul Crystal, he can be called a top genius. Without this treasure, he will only be a top genius at best!

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