Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1707 Using God to Control the Sword! (3 updates)


After everyone retreated, everyone was frightened by the earth-shaking scene behind them.

Such a terrifying battle was completely beyond their imagination!

Especially Ling Feng, an extreme human emperor, could be so powerful!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The earth-shattering laughter shook the entire Longxiao Holy Mountain.

Shi Haoxuan's whole body was covered with a layer of terrifying Golden Crow fire, and his hand turned into a thousand-foot sharp blade, like a great sun god king.

While laughing wildly, several inscriptions of the sun appeared on his forehead at some point, making Shi Haoxuan's aura rise to the extreme!

Now Shi Haoxuan can be regarded as half a golden crow!

Shi Haoxuan had the incarnation of the Golden Crow, and his power increased dramatically.

Ling Feng also laughed and activated the sword of consciousness, using the "Reincarnation Heaven Burial Sword Technique" to hit him head-on!

The sword intention is originally based on his own spiritual consciousness. Ling Feng integrated the sword moves into his divine consciousness, and coupled with the superposition of the realm of divine consciousness, the power that exploded was actually not the same as that used by the sword. Down.

war! war! war!

In this battle, both of them tried their best.

The crazy fighting lasted for three days and three nights!

However, it was never possible to determine the winner.

Even so, the surrounding disciples who were watching could not relax at all, because every minute, every moment, Ling Feng and Shi Haoxuan were fighting crazily!

"Junior Brother Ling, one move will determine the outcome!"

Shi Haoxuan kept an eye on Ling Feng. Since he became famous, he had never encountered an opponent like Ling Feng and forced all his strength out.

Even if he used the Golden Crow Incarnation, he still couldn't defeat Ling Feng!

The two people's eyes met, and their aura rose again.

At the elders' table, the high-ranking elders of the three holy places were all refreshed.

The moment of final determination is finally coming.

The top ten players and the remaining eight people all froze, frozen in place, with a look of deep awe on their faces.

Even Ye Ting, who was crippled by Ling Feng, also clenched his fists.

Being able to fight Shi Haoxuan fiercely for three days and three nights, regardless of the outcome, all this has shown that Ling Feng's strength is much stronger than him.

Provoking Ling Feng is definitely the stupidest decision he has ever made in his life!

"Oh my God, my heart is going to jump out of my chest!"

"Too strong! These two people have exceeded the limits of human beings!"

"It's finally a decisive battle. It's really hard to say who will win and who will lose!"

The final battle will decide the winner. Who is the real genius?

Is it the undefeated myth Shi Haoxuan?

Or the peerless dark horse Ling Feng?

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the final battle to break out.

However, at this moment.

A figure flew down from the top of the Holy Mountain and stopped right in the middle of Ling Feng and Shi Haoxuan.

"Okay, you two, let's stop this."

The person who spoke was none other than the Cangwu Divine General of the Fengtian Clan.


Shi Haoxuan frowned slightly. There was only one last step left to decide the winner.


The Cangwu Divine General couldn't help but roll his eyes and pointed at the devastated battlefield below, "If we continue to fight, you may miss the opening of the Sunset Ancient City!"

The opening time of the Sunset Ancient City is fixed, and the Sunset Selection has been going on for no more than a month.

The battle between Ling Feng and Shi Haoxuan lasted for three days and three nights!

With the power of Sunset Gate, it takes time to repair the arena. If Ling Feng and Shi Haoxuan are allowed to continue fighting, it will probably take several days just to repair the arena and the landscape of Longxiao Holy Mountain.

In this way, if you miss the opening of the Sunset Ancient City in the end, this Sunset Selection will be in vain!

"You should find some time in private to resolve it yourself!"

Divine General Cangwu glanced at the two of them and shouted loudly: "Okay, I declare that this battle is a draw, no winner or loser!"

Ling Feng and Shi Haoxuan looked at each other, and their boiling blood gradually cooled down.

Indeed, they have almost fought to the limit. They are from the same sect, and they have already obtained the qualifications to enter Sunset Ancient City. There is really no need to fight to the end.

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