Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1710 Genius from outside! (3 updates)

"Little friend, you are extremely talented. The chief of our Fengtian Clan values ​​you very much. Keep this Fengtian Token. With this token, you are a friend of my Fengtian Clan. If you have a chance, you might as well come to I, the Fengtian clan, are here to visit.”

As he said that, the Cangwu Divine General showed an ambiguous smile again, and said with a chuckle: "Don't think we are the only ones who show their faces in the Sunset Chosen this time. In fact, among my Fengtian clan, there are many outstanding-looking ones. There are a lot of girls too!”

As soon as he said this, there were extremely envious looks from around him.

The demi-god general actually extended an olive branch to Ling Feng. He really wanted to recruit him back to be his son-in-law!


Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes and cursed in his heart: This bad old man is so bad!


Ling Feng reached out to take the sealing order and nodded, "Thank you so much, senior. If there is a chance, I will definitely visit the nobles."

According to what Mr. Gui said, the catastrophe of the Dongling Immortal Pond is coming, and making friends with the Fengtian Clan at this time might also be a help.

If the god general of the Fengtian clan is willing to help Donglingxianchi, no one in Donglingyu will be able to shake Donglingxianchi in the slightest.


Suddenly, there was a pain in his waist, and Ling Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. When he looked back, it was Tuoba Yan who secretly reached out and pinched the soft flesh of his waist.

"Whoever I provoke provoked me!"

Ling Feng secretly complained in his heart, he didn't say anything yet, he was so good, why did he provoke Tuoba Yan again?

"Ha ha!"

God General Cangwu's eyes were so sharp. When he saw this scene, he suddenly showed a look of realization and said with a smile: "Okay, don't say much, just get ready. The Sunset Ancient City is about to open!"


Ling Feng nodded. According to Tuoba Yan and the others, this year's Sunset Ancient City will open up to the tenth level. Since the Dongling Fairy Pond used to open the eighth level of the Sun Gate, then, in the There must be a lot of unexcavated treasures left in the tenth level area, waiting to be discovered!

When he thought of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but get a little excited.

Soon, the top leaders of the three holy places each summoned the top one hundred disciples to their side and informed them of the relevant matters.

Anyone who enters the top 100 will have a chance to enter the Sunset Ancient City, and according to the rules, after entering the Sunset Gate, you will be randomly teleported to any level of space.

However, the higher the power of luck, the higher the chance of being sent to a high-rise area.

"Ling Feng, your performance is the most outstanding this time. After returning to Donglingxian Pond, I will ask you for credit."

Biluo Shengji looked at Ling Feng with surprise. She had never thought that Ling Feng could reach this point and tie for first place with Shi Haoxuan.

The master of Chiri Palace on the side also raised his hand and patted Shi Haoxuan's shoulder, saying calmly: "Well, you performed well."

Shi Haoxuan's face was expressionless, as cold as ever. Perhaps, he would only show expressions other than coldness when fighting.

The Lord of Chiri Palace shook his head and smiled. As a disciple, he is good at everything, but he really doesn't talk much on weekdays.

It is estimated that in Shi Haoxuan's mind, apart from fighting, he is delving into how to become stronger, which is why he is so strong.

"Okay, next, let me talk about the situation in Sunset Ancient City."

After all, the Master of Chiri Palace is the first of the eight palace masters, and he naturally knows the most about the secrets within Sunset Ancient City.

"Based on past situations, we have basically drawn a detailed map of the area within the fifth floor of Sunset Ancient City. You can take a look first."

With that said, the master of Chiri Palace took out a thick stack of maps and distributed them. There were almost forty or fifty disciples who entered the top one hundred in Donglingxianchi, because not everyone has the opportunity to enter the high-level area. Therefore, topographic maps below the fifth floor naturally have a certain value.

However, in each session of the Sunset Chosen, the number of disciples gathered in the lower area is naturally the largest, so the probability of getting a great opportunity is almost zero. But as long as you can get the opportunity, after all, it is something from the ancient times, and it can be regarded as a blessing. .

"As for the fifth floor and above, there is no detailed terrain map, but basically it will not be too complicated. It is very likely that there will be some levels and tests involved. You can just adapt accordingly."

The Lord of Chiri Palace gave instructions with a serious look on his face. Everyone was full of expectations and kept nodding, but their hearts had already flown into the Sunset Gate.

"According to past practice, you can stay there for about a month, and people in the low-level areas can go to the high-level areas, so if you feel that there are no good opportunities in your area, don't waste time and rush there as soon as possible. The high-rise area is right. There is no way to go to the low-rise area, but I don’t think anyone would be stupid enough to go to the low-rise area.”


All the disciples couldn't help but laugh loudly. Unexpectedly, the master of Chiri Palace looked serious, but he was still a bit humorous occasionally.

"In addition, there is one thing you need to pay attention to." The Lord of Chiri Palace reminded solemnly.

Biluo Shengji on one side frowned slightly and nodded towards everyone.

"The ruins of the Sunset Ancient City are not only accessible to geniuses from our Eastern Spiritual Domain. It is very likely that we will also encounter geniuses from several other domains. If you meet geniuses from other domains, try not to conflict with them."

The Lord of Chiri Palace warned with a serious look.

"Other domain geniuses?"

Shi Haoxuan's eyes flashed, "That's interesting!"

"Boy, don't take my words as deaf ears." The Lord of Chiri Palace frowned and said slowly: "Compared with the other four major regions, the overall level of our Eastern Spiritual Region is much worse. With your strength, if you encounter Geniuses from Zhongyuan Domain, it’s best not to say anything and run away quickly!”

Shi Haoxuan's face was expressionless and noncommittal, but there was a hint of displeasure in his heart: Run? In my dictionary, Shi Haoxuan, there is no word "run"!

"Hey, Haoxuan, you'd better listen to my teacher's words." The master of Chiri Palace said solemnly: "If it were before, even if the geniuses from our Eastern Spiritual Domain met the geniuses from other domains, I'm afraid we wouldn't meet Tai Strong existence, but this time is different. This time, the Sunset Gate is opened to the tenth stage, although it is a good thing, it is not all good. "

"In the tenth level area, I'm afraid there will be top-notch geniuses from other domains. Even if they are just top-tier geniuses, I'm afraid they won't be comparable to you and Ling Feng."

"This must be remembered."

The master of the Xutian Palace on the side also said seriously: "It's not that we old guys have the ambition of others and destroy our own prestige. Face and other things are really nothing compared with life."

The three palace masters repeatedly warned, and everyone nodded, but whether they all listened to it, of course, remains to be seen.

At least, Ling Feng and Shi Haoxuan naturally wouldn't take it seriously.

Their martial arts hearts are unbreakable, and when they encounter a strong person, they will naturally not give in easily.

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