Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1719 The fourth floor of the underground palace! (1 update)

Strong energy fluctuations, different colors, eight colors of divine light, complement each other!

In the core of the eight completely different energy light groups, a secret door suddenly appeared.


Xu Jie and others showed a hint of joy on their faces, and then everyone scrambled to rush over.

At the same time, all the warriors on the third floor of the underground palace also noticed the movement here and flew towards this side.

"Oh? The fourth level is about to open. We must speed up."

"Sima Xu" who regained consciousness narrowed his eyes and ran out at the same time.

"Boy Lingfeng, this is the entrance to the fourth floor. It appears for a very short time, so you must hurry up!"

Bitch reminded.


Wang Bodang gave a low shout and rushed out first.

Everyone rushed out together. Ling Feng and Jianlu looked at each other and rushed in quickly, not wanting to lag behind.

After a brief period of blindness, everyone finally entered the fourth level of the legendary Xuanjian Underground Palace.

As soon as they entered the fourth floor, the three major camps became immediately distinct.

As for some disciples who have not yet joined the camp, they are all divided among the three major camps. After all, in this fourth level, there are many crises. Having a strong leader will undoubtedly provide greater guarantee for their own safety.

Xu Jie, in particular, seems to be very well-informed. When he opened the formation monument, his performance convinced many people. Therefore, almost half of the people in his team gathered together.

The warriors from the three major camps quickly dispersed.

Naturally, Ling Feng would not join any team. Jianlu had once entered the fourth level. His understanding of the fourth level of the Xuanjian Underground Palace was unmatched by others.

move on.

The front gives people an increasingly depressing feeling. It is hazy and seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog, making it easy for people to lose their sense of direction.

Even Jianlu, in order to prevent him from getting lost with Ling Feng, returned to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and communicated with Ling Feng through the divine consciousness contract.

After a while, Ling Feng saw a sword tomb in front of him.

"Boy, you are lucky!"

The stupid laugh came from my mind, "Let's see if we can dig something out!"


Ling Feng hesitated for a moment. Although it was not good to dig people out of the sword tomb, he had already come, how could he return empty-handed?

According to Jianlu, the fourth level of the sword tomb is also divided into king level, emperor level, emperor level and saint level! Above the Saint level, it is said that there is also the Ancestral level, but the Sword Tombs of the Ancestral level are very rare.

Not only the ancestor level, but also the saint level is quite rare.

"King level, emperor level, emperor level?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and murmured: "Is it related to the realm of the warrior, and the emperor-level sword tomb is the inheritance of an ancient sword emperor?"

"It should be roughly the same, but don't compare the emperors of ancient times with the current era."

The bitch curled his lips, with a hint of disdain in his eyes, "The emperors of that era, even if they were just junior emperors, could kill a lot of the peak emperors with one slap. The rules of heaven and earth have changed, so There’s not much comparison.”

Ling Feng took a breath of cold air. From this point of view, it seems that the opportunities hidden in this emperor-level sword tomb are already very great.


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