Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1729 Small progress! (1 update)

"It's actually them?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. Theoretically speaking, with Ao Jue's strength, plus Wang Qian and Yue Huaqing, it would not be difficult to deal with a desert gerbil.

But this is an endless desert. The desert gerbil itself has a home field advantage. Coupled with the desert gerbil's almost "immortality" ability, the three Aojue teamed up. Although their strength is not weak, they cannot effectively hit the desert sand. Rat's weakness, therefore, the two sides fought extremely fiercely.

The desert gerbil couldn't kill the three of them, but the three of them couldn't really kill the desert gerbil.


The giant desert gerbil was blasted in half by Ao Jue's punch. Half of its body turned into endless yellow sand and exploded, shooting in all directions.

Yue Huaqing and Wang Qian quickly retreated.

But at this moment, the other half of the desert gerbil's body seemed to be completely unaffected. It slapped its giant claws and hit Ao Jue's head hard.

Ao Jue's eyelids twitched wildly, and he had just used the "Nine Heavens Dragon's Roar Shocking Transformation", and used his strongest blow to kill, barely able to blow up half of the desert gerbil's body, but who would have expected that even so, that fierce thing Unexpectedly, he was not injured at all and was able to launch a counterattack.

Caught off guard, Ao Jue had no time to dodge, and was about to die under the giant claws of the desert gerbil.

"Senior Brother Ao Jue!"

Yue Huaqing and Wang Qian both exclaimed in surprise. Ao Jue was the strongest among the three. Once Ao Jue died, the two of them were probably not far away from death.

"It looks like we have to take action."

Ling Feng shook his head, his figure flashed, and electricity shot out immediately.

It's not that Aojue and the others are too weak, but that the desert gerbil's ability is really weird. Even Ling Feng relied on his Emperor's Eye to see through the gerbil's demonic core at a glance and was able to kill these ferocious beasts in one fell swoop.

The next moment, Ling Feng had flown close and took action boldly.

When the sword was slashed out, the air rippled, and the waves spread out. The claws of the desert gerbil exploded immediately. Then, a wave of sword pressure came, directly suppressing the desert gerbil, causing the whole body of the desert gerbil to disintegrate, leaving only A demon pill is suspended in mid-air, unable to reunite with the yellow sand.


With a surge of sword intent, the demonic core was shattered. The desert gerbil lost its source of power and could no longer regroup. The yellow sand on the ground turned into a dark green blood that seeped into the sand.

This ferocious beast that almost brought Aojue and the three of them into annihilation was finally completely dead.

Ao Jue was lucky enough to save a small life. He was shocked at first, and then overjoyed. When he took a closer look, he showed great surprise when he found out that the person coming was Ling Feng.

Although Ling Feng was indeed stronger than him, he could kill a giant desert gerbil with one move. Could it be that his strength had made great progress?

Ling Feng, indeed Ling Feng!

"Brother Aojue!"

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted Ao Jue. Ling Feng had a pretty good impression of Ao Jue.

"Brother Ling!"

Ao Jue took a deep look at Ling Feng and felt a strong sense of frustration in his heart: He was far inferior to him!

Yue Huaqing and Wang Qian, who had already flown far away, flew back immediately when they saw Ling Feng appeared and killed the desert gerbil.

Yue Huaqing had a look of surprise on her face, looked at Ling Feng, and said after recovering from her shock: "Junior brother Ling, thank you for arriving in time this time."

Wang Qian had some minor disagreements with Ling Feng before. There was a hint of shame on his face. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you... Senior... Brother Ling..."

In the world of martial arts, the strong are respected. Although Wang Qian is much older than Ling Feng, Ling Feng's strength is much higher than him.

Unless someone like Yue Huaqing, who has a good relationship with Ling Feng, would not dare to call Ling Feng his junior brother.

Ling Feng nodded slightly, not caring about the little unpleasantness that happened on Longxiao Holy Mountain before.

In the past, everyone represented the sect, so there were inevitably some conflicts, and what Wang Gan did was not too excessive. Since he bowed his head first, Ling Feng naturally wouldn't hold on to him.

In other words, with his current magnanimity and magnanimity, he would not argue with a little Wang Gan.

"Brother Ling, your strength has improved a lot." Ao Jue took a deep breath and felt deeply that the gap between himself and Ling Feng had widened a lot.

"It's just a small improvement."

Ling Feng smiled lightly. For now, it is indeed only a small improvement, but when he refines and absorbs the sword soul crystals in the forging ring, and his sword intention reaches the level of great perfection, he will truly make rapid progress!

The corner of Ao Jue's mouth twitched slightly, and his throat felt a little dry. A thousand words turned into a sigh.

Compared with Ling Feng, he was embarrassed to call himself a genius.

In particular, after he entered the tenth floor from the ninth floor of the Sunset Ancient City, he met some geniuses from other domains, and he deeply felt the gap.

Perhaps, in the Eastern Spiritual Realm, only Ling Feng and Shi Haoxuan can be regarded as true geniuses.


After thinking about it, Ling Feng looked back at Yue Huaqing and the others, and asked lightly: "Why are you here?"

"It's the signal sent by Shi Haoxuan!"

Ao Jue looked solemn, glanced at Ling Feng, and said somewhat strangely: "Didn't Brother Ling receive the message from Shi Haoxuan?"


Ling Feng was slightly stunned, "When did it happen? I was in an underground palace before, maybe I missed it."

"I see."

Ao Jue nodded and said slowly: "Shi Haoxuan said that he found the entrance to a ruins somewhere on the tenth floor, but it was difficult for him to enter it alone, so he sent a message, hoping to gather all our Dongling spirits. He also said that our Dongling Domain is the weakest compared to other domains, so we need to unite more so that we will not be oppressed by the masters of other domains until there is no room for breathing. ”

"Well, that's true."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. When he was in the Xuanjian Underground Palace, he was always ostracized by the strong men of the Western Sword Region. It is conceivable that the situation of the other geniuses of the Eastern Spiritual Region would not be too good.

"A few of us came all the way after receiving a message from Shi Haoxuan and met halfway. Who knew that this weird desert is full of dangers. If you hadn't arrived just now, Brother Ling, I'm afraid we would have been there. This fall."

Ao Jue sighed lightly. When he was in the Eastern Spiritual Territory, he was a genius. Who knew that when he arrived at Sunset Ancient City, even a small desert gerbil almost killed him.

"Brother Ao Jue just doesn't know much about the characteristics of this ferocious beast."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said: "So, brother Ao Jue should know the direction to leave this desert?"

"Well, the message Shi Haoxuan gave us did point out the direction." Ao Jue nodded and said.

"That's good."

Ling Feng was overjoyed. Fortunately, he met Ao Jue and the others. Otherwise, he would most likely be trapped in the desert until the Sunset Ancient City was closed.

Now, Ao Jue and the others have brought him another piece of good news. Shi Haoxuan has found a ruins. In this way, another opportunity is waiting for him.

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