Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1731 Dragon Sword Tianfu! (1 update)

(PS: I’m pretty good at infusing fluids with my left hand and coding on my phone with my right hand~)

While Ling Feng was in retreat, there was no peace in this dilapidated ancient city.

"Senior Brother Murong!"

"Senior Brother Gongsun!"

Along with several exclamations, almost everyone in the temporary residence of the genius in Donglingxianchi was alarmed.

As the recognized strongest man in the Eastern Spiritual Territory, Shi Haoxuan naturally had to step forward, but he saw Murong Bai, Gongsun Long and other talented warriors from the Eastern Spiritual Territory being seriously injured and unconscious!

"what is going on?"

Shi Haoxuan frowned deeply, stared at the other warriors who sent people back, and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes... from the West Sword Region!"

A Yunluo Holy Land disciple clenched his fists and said bitterly: "They... what did they say they are, a disciple of Longjian Tianfu!"

"It's someone from the West Sword Region again!"

Anger surged in Shi Haoxuan's eyes. He asked himself that he had been forbearing enough when facing geniuses from other domains. He had even been hiding in the ancient city. In the outermost area, he never had any direct conflicts with the people from their Western Sword Domain. .

And even so, those people from the Western Sword Region are still looking for trouble!

"Damn it!"

Shi Haoxuan clenched his fist tightly and punched a stone pillar hard. The originally dilapidated hall trembled with a buzz and almost collapsed.


Ao Jue sighed softly, took out some pills from the Naling Ring, and fed them to the injured disciples. In comparison, among the three holy places in the Eastern Spiritual Realm, Yunluo Holy Land does have the highest level of alchemy.

At this time, Murong Bai and Gongsun Long's robes were broken and stained with blood in many places, their faces were pale, and they looked like they were dying.

After a while, the medicine dissipated, their eyelids trembled, and then they slowly opened their eyes.

The geniuses in the surrounding Eastern Spiritual Realm were all delighted.

Perhaps in the outside world, the geniuses of the three holy places were dissatisfied with each other, and even had some friction. However, facing the oppression of other outside geniuses, the disciples of the three holy places naturally became more united than ever before.

Ao Jue checked the situation of the two of them again, shook his head, and sighed softly: "Hey, although his life is not in danger, I'm afraid I won't be able to resume normal actions in a short time. For the rest of the time, I can only lie here. Retreat until Sunset Ancient City closes and is teleported out.”

When Murong Bai and Gongsun Long heard Ao Jue's words, their faces turned pale. They finally got the opportunity to enter the Sunset Ancient City to seek opportunities, but they ended up lying on the bed like a useless person.

Don’t even think about chance or anything like that!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside.

"What's wrong?"

Shi Haoxuan's expression changed. Only after entering Sunset Ancient City did he deeply feel the powerlessness of being a weak person.

"Hahaha, you little guys from the Eastern Spiritual Territory actually found such a 'good place'? Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, you actually stayed there shamelessly. Why, you didn't even ask us, Longjian Tianfu, for our opinion. Do you dare to live here?”

I saw two young men walking in from outside.

One looks like a dandy young master, and the other is burly, looking like a guard around the young man.

"People from Longjian Tianfu!"

Shi Haoxuan frowned, pointed at Murong Bai and Gongsun Long who were lying on the straw pile, and asked in a deep voice: "Were you the ones who injured our people?"

"So what?"

The young man in white said with an arrogant look: "Who do I, Long Tengyuan, want to beat? Do I need to ask your opinion?"


Shi Haoxuan was immediately furious. He was the top genius in the Eastern Spiritual Territory. Among his peers, he had almost no rivals. He had never suffered from such a bird-like attitude.


A trace of disdain flashed across Long Teng's distant eyes, his gaze fell on Murong Bai and Gongsun Long, he smiled coldly and said, "You're actually alive, you're really lucky!"

Shi Haoxuan clenched his fists, took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "Your Excellency, you have gone too far to bully others!"

"Too much bullying?"

Long Tengyuan pointed at Murong Bai and shouted sternly: "This despicable person, I think highly of him and asked him to help me pass the message, but he doesn't know how to be grateful, and he dares to attack me! Do you think he deserves to die?"

As soon as these words came out, all the geniuses in the Eastern Spiritual Territory were filled with hatred. They were beaten like this by you, but you still said with a big face that they deserved to die!

You deserve to die!

"What message do you want them to spread?" Shi Haoxuan asked through gritted teeth.

"Isn't this young master coming to the door in person?"

Long Tengyuan grinned, "You people from the Eastern Spiritual Territory dare to live in my territory of Longjian Tianfu without giving us some reasonable compensation. I'm afraid it's inappropriate, right?"

"What do you mean your territory?"

"When did Sunset Ancient City become the territory of your Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion?"

For a moment, the geniuses of the Eastern Spiritual Territory suddenly exploded. The people from Longjian Tianfu were too arrogant.

"Hmph, how do you losers from the Eastern Spiritual Region know that this is the territory divided between our Western Sword Region and the Northern Cold Region? Even though it is your first time here, you must abide by it!"

Long Tengyuan glanced at him, and a terrifying aura came over him, causing the yelling Eastern Spiritual Domain geniuses on the field to shrink their necks and no longer dare to speak.

Indeed, it is indeed the first time for people from the Eastern Spiritual Domain to enter the tenth level of the Sunset Ancient City, but this is clearly the most fringe area of ​​the ancient city. How come it has become your territory of Longjian Tianfu.

To put it bluntly, it depends on whose fist is bigger.

The weak are destined to be oppressed and exploited.

"Don't say that I won't give you a chance. There are two roads before you now."

Long Tengyuan said coldly: "For one thing, all of you in the Eastern Spiritual Region will be wiped out, leaving no one alive! You should understand that I, the Dragon Sword Tianfu, have this strength!"

Shi Haoxuan clenched his fists tightly and said bitterly: "What about the second way?"

"The second one, huh, my Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion is big enough to accommodate others. Naturally, I will not be unable to tolerate others. As long as you pay enough compensation, you can stay in this place as long as you like. Not only that, my Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion I can also protect you on my behalf so that other forces cannot attack you easily."

Long Tengyuan narrowed his eyes and said with a cold smile: "What, this condition is not bad, right?"


The geniuses of the Eastern Spiritual Realm were almost so angry that they breathed fire.

This is simply a bandit, a robber!

Shi Haoxuan almost exploded with anger on the spot, but was held tightly by Ao Jue and several others.

A small impatience will ruin a big plan. Now that the strength of the Eastern Spiritual Territory is lagging behind, if they forcefully break their faces, I am afraid that as Long Tengyuan said, all the geniuses in the Eastern Spiritual Territory will bleed on the spot.

When the time comes, I am afraid that even someone as strong as Shi Haoxuan may not be able to survive.

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