Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1767 The power of the ancestral dragon! (3 updates)

Dragon's might!

You know, before the human race, in the more ancient Dragon Era, the dragon race was the master of this world.

Suddenly, cold sweat broke out on Ling Feng's forehead, and the sweat soaked his robe.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth tightly, and he could not give up the last nine levels of the ladder no matter what!

No wonder, no wonder the Great Wilderness Sword Saint said that it was not easy to obtain his inheritance, no wonder no one had finally obtained the inheritance of the Great Wilderness Sword Saint for tens of thousands of years.

Dragon's might!

And it came from the ancient dragon race, how could mortals bear it?

Even the so-called God Race might not be able to resist it.

However, Ling Feng was an outlier.

The Son of Heaven was a powerful race that rose in the fairyland after the Dragon Era, and a super master of another era.

That was a powerful creature comparable to the Ancestral Dragon!

Although Ling Feng's Son of Heaven bloodline was far from strong enough, the Ancestral Dragon bloodline obtained by the Great Wilderness Sword Saint was also very thin.

At most, the two were evenly matched.

"What about the might of the ancient dragon?"

Ling Feng's eyes were full of brilliance.

The Eye of the Son of Heaven was involuntarily moving.

Divine patterns appeared in his eyes, and an incomparable aura of terror erupted from Ling Feng's body, as if he was an almighty master.


With a loud bang, Ling Feng's left leg landed on the ground, and he finally crossed the ninety-first step.

Then, the ninety-second step!

The ninety-third step!

Going up one step after another, Ling Feng's speed of lifting and lowering his feet became slower and slower.

When he stepped to the ninety-sixth step, it often took him dozens of breaths to lift his feet, and it took even longer to lower them.

Even when Ling Feng's feet fell, a watermark with a hint of bright red could be seen on the steps!

That was the mark of sweat mixed with blood!

Under the terrifying might of the ancient dragon, Ling Feng's sweat was mixed with blood.

However, from beginning to end, Ling Feng straightened his spine.

Even the pressure of the dragon could not make the Tiandao clan bend their noble spine.




The ninety-ninth step!

Ling Feng's figure swayed, and he stood firmly on the last ascending dragon ladder with difficulty. Under the torment of the dragon's pressure, he was almost completely emptied and drained. He only felt that his body was light and fluttering. For a moment, it seemed that his soul had left his body and he could not feel his body.

Ling Feng knew that the more he had to stabilize himself at this time, otherwise all his previous efforts would be wasted.

"This guy."

Xiao Juanyun couldn't help shuddering, and stepped on the ninety-nine steps at once, completing something that no one had been able to do for tens of thousands of years!

"It's more than ninety steps, just one step away from reaching the top."

Luo Hanzhou's eyes were full of brilliance.

He is indeed a man that he values!

After leaving the Sunset Ancient City this time, he will rush to the East Spiritual Territory without stopping!

Under the gaze of Xiao Juanyun and others, at the same time, a huge monster appeared in Ling Feng's spiritual world.

It was a huge figure sweeping across the nine heavens. Unlike ordinary dragons, there was only a huge vertical pupil on the forehead of that huge dragon.

A single eye, blooming with an indescribable divine light, seemed to have insight into the universe, and everything could not escape the scrutiny of that vertical pupil.

Great Wilderness Dragon!

Ling Feng was shocked beyond words. At this moment, the shadow of the dragon hovering in the sea of ​​​​spirit was the Great Wilderness Dragon, one of the so-called ten ancestral dragons!

The overwhelming dragon power was like a torrential rain, which almost completely collapsed Ling Feng's spiritual world.

If the previous nine steps were just facing a trace of pressure from the ancestral dragon, now, it is almost facing a real ancestral dragon.

"A tiny human ant, can you withstand the supreme dragon power of this seat?"

The terrifying dragon filled Ling Feng's entire spiritual world. Just by opening his mouth, Ling Feng's entire spiritual sea was almost about to explode.

In an instant, Ling Feng's body was bleeding from all seven holes. The whole body was unstable and golden, flickering, as if it would explode at any time.

"Even if you were the master in the past, don't forget that the era of the dragon clan has long passed!"

In the spiritual space, Ling Feng's soul incarnation, with eyes wide open, stared at the dragon in front of him, and shouted loudly: "Cut!"


The spiritual world trembled violently. In Ling Feng's hand, a long sword exactly the same as the Ten Directions Annihilation appeared. He went forward without any moves, just a simple slash, and then fiercely chopped the dragon.

No matter what kind of ancient beast you are, or the ten great ancestor dragons

Something that has long been dead, in front of me, in my spiritual world, what are you so arrogant about!

Instantly, the sword light surged, like lightning splitting the sky, killing the Great Wilderness Dragon.


The shadow of the Great Wilderness Dragon disappeared in his mind.

At the same time, Ling Feng finally took the last step.

Offstage, Xiao Juanyun, Luo Hanzhou and Yi Ming all widened their eyes.

Even if they were unwilling, they had to obey!


Ling Feng took a deep breath, stood firmly, and swallowed several pills to restore his energy. In just ten breaths, he adjusted his state.

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