Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1769 A battle with this saint! (2 updates)

After a long time, Ling Feng took a deep breath, raised his head slightly, and already had a choice in his mind.

If I could only keep one of the two, I would not give up the blood of the Emperor.

His eyes regained their clarity, Ling Feng took a deep breath and regained his composure.

"Oh? Did you think about it so quickly? I thought you would hesitate for a long time."

The Great Wilderness Sword Master smiled faintly, looked at Ling Feng, and asked, "Have you made your choice?"

"The choice has been made." Ling Feng nodded: "If the Ancestral Dragon bloodline will cause me to lose my own bloodline, I choose not to accept your inheritance."

The blood of the emperor!

This is the barrier that has protected me along the way. I started from scratch, from scratch, to where I am today, all relying on the power of the blood of the Emperor.

It is absolutely impossible for him to give up.

In a sense, the bloodline of the Tiandao clan is even better than the bloodline of the Ancestral Dragon.

Otherwise, why would the Tiandao clan be feared by those so-called immortal gods, and why could they once dominate the immortal realm.

The ten great ancestral dragons combined could only accomplish what one Tiandao clan had accomplished before!

"Haha, junior, I am very surprised that you can resist the temptation of the ancestor dragon bloodline. It seems that you recognize your own bloodline very much."

The Great Wilderness Sword Master laughed, "But fortunately, fortunately, you have practiced the "Eight Wastelands Body Training Technique". It is not completely impossible for two bloodlines to coexist!"

"Depend on!"

Ling Feng suddenly cursed in his heart. He made such a choice and went through so much struggle and hesitation in his heart. In the end, this old guy actually said that the two powers can coexist!

Are you kidding me?

"Haha, junior, are you scolding me?" Dahuang Sword Master stared at Ling Feng playfully, with a trace of teasing on his lips.

"I don't dare..." Ling Feng laughed awkwardly. No matter who he was, he probably couldn't help but curse.

"Hehe, this saint is just testing your martial arts heart to see if you are determined enough. It seems that you are indeed suitable to accept my inheritance, but whether you can truly obtain this saint's inheritance depends on yourself. ability.”

Ling Feng took a deep breath and his face became solemn, "Senior, please speak clearly."

"Draw your sword and fight me!"

The Great Wilderness Sword Master's eyes were locked on Ling Feng, and a hint of fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.


Ling Feng once wondered if he had heard wrongly?

This guy, does he really want to find a successor?

Or just being bored and fooling people!

"Why, are you scared?" Dahuang Sword Master smiled jokingly, "Don't worry, it's just a competition of swordsmanship. I won't bully the small with the big."

"Senior, this junior really doesn't know what it means to be afraid!"

When Ling Feng heard that the Great Wilderness Sword Master said that it was only about swordsmanship, Ling Feng felt a little calmer.

No matter how strong the Great Wilderness Sword Master was during his lifetime, there is only a trace of his soul left behind now, and after tens of thousands of years, his strength has already been weakened to the extreme.

If in this state, I can't defeat the Great Wilderness Sword Master in swordsmanship, then why can I fight against the Xantian Clan and avenge the Tiandao Clan!

What's more, he also has the ability of the Eye of the Emperor, which is almost like a cheating device.

If we were to compare swordsmanship purely, even if the Great Wilderness Sword Master from tens of thousands of years ago came, it would be a 50-50 split at best!

"bring it on!"

Ling Feng's chest suddenly filled with pride.

A battle with the ancient sword master is an opportunity that many people could never ask for in their entire lives!

"Okay! Junior, I am indeed right about you! You are indeed interesting!"

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