Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1778: Killing with a Sword! (1 update)

The clamoring crowd rushed towards Ling Feng to fight for the inheritance of the Great Wilderness Sword Master.

It's a pity that they are destined to leave their lives behind.



Blood spilled forever!

Almost all the ground with a radius of hundreds of feet was stained red with blood.

Ling Feng was covered in blood, like a Shura who had broken out of purgatory.

Under his sword domain, no one can come close to him within ten feet. There are more than forty kinds of sword techniques, which are a bit unfamiliar at first, but as the killing begins, he gradually becomes harmonious in his hands.

Life after life, just like slaughtering chickens and dogs, is constantly dying under the sword of Ling Feng.


Xiao Juanyun and others stood far away on the edge of the battlefield. Even if they did not face Ling Feng's cold murderous intent, they could still feel a trembling feeling in their souls.

Even though Ling Feng looks very gentle on weekdays, when he kills people, he is not merciless at all.

Time passed little by little, and the number of swordsmen who fell under Ling Feng's hands reached eighty.

Gradually, the swordsmen who besieged Ling Feng retreated.

They are afraid!

Under Ling Feng's cruel and ruthless sword, he felt the shadow of death approaching infinitely.

This is a demon!

He is an invincible devil!

The clamoring warriors stepped back one after another, looking at Ling Feng's figure with deep fear in their eyes.

Fear spread like a plague.

The corpses on the ground and the pools of blood all irritated people's eyes.

Being Ling Feng's enemy is the only way to die!

"Who else is coming to die?"

Ling Feng raised his right hand high and destroyed everything in the ten directions. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, his whole body seemed to be gilded, and the blood stains on his body shone under the light.

It was all the blood of the enemy, but he was unscathed!

With more than forty kinds of sword skills, coupled with the realm of swords, Ling Feng's height far exceeds those of these people.

Unless there is a master who has also comprehended the sword field, Ling Feng has no fear of anyone.

However, there are probably not many geniuses of that level in the West Sword Region, let alone the tenth level.

At this moment, Ling Feng was invincible.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at Ling Feng, either angry, fearful, or horrified...

However, no one dared to take action again, no one dared to approach Ling Feng again.

After weighing the situation, some people finally started to give up.

Ling Feng is too strong. Judging from his swordsmanship, I am afraid that he has completely integrated the Sword Master inheritance. Even if he is killed, I am afraid that he will no longer be able to get the inheritance.

What's more, they couldn't kill him at all.

One person retreated, and then the rest naturally retreated as well.

No one is not afraid of death, and they cannot afford to offend Ling Feng, the evil god.

Soon, the crowd dispersed.

The afterglow on the horizon is gradually disappearing completely.

This also means that Sunset Ancient City is about to close, and these talented warriors from all major regions will return to their respective sects.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

A group of warriors from the Eastern Spiritual Realm rushed forward and grabbed Ling Feng excitedly.

He did it, with one man and one sword, he forced back hundreds of enemies!

Moreover, those are hundreds of strong men from the outside world!

Recalling the sincere teachings given by the Lord of the Blazing Sun Palace and the Holy Lady Biluo before they were included in the Ancient City of Sunset, the first thing they did when they encountered a powerful person from the outside world was to run away.

But now, Ling Feng proved it with facts.

In the Eastern Spiritual Realm, there is no need for the strong in the outer regions to be weak!

Even, far more than them!

Ignoring the extremely strong smell of blood on Ling Feng, everyone hugged Ling Feng, threw him high, caught him, threw him away, and caught him...

Ling Feng is the pride of Dongling Territory!

"Brother Ling, if you come to our West Sword Region to travel in the future, you can come to the Duyue Palace to find me!"

Xiao Juanyun flew over at the right time and was about to leave Sunset Ancient City. He would always remember Ling Feng, his friend from the Eastern Spiritual Territory.

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