Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1780 It’s hard to become the Great Emperor! (3 updates)

Because Sunset Ancient City has been open for a month, the senior elders of the three holy places have already returned to their sects, leaving only a small number of elders to take care of them.

With the disappearance of the Sunset Gate, it also means that the Sunset Chosen is finally over.

The next sunset selection will have to wait ten years.

Next, naturally, everyone went back to their respective homes. After getting an opportunity in the Sunset Ancient City, they also needed to find a place to meditate for a while.

It is worth mentioning that when Ling Feng left Longxiao Holy Mountain, the Cangwu Divine General of the Fengtian clan actually came to see him off in person, which made Ling Feng a little flattered.

It seems that even though they are both members of the God Clan, the status of the Jiuli God Clan is indeed very transcendent.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and a look of solemnity appeared on his face.

The bigger and more powerful the family behind Mu Qianxue is, the more difficult it will be to get Mu Qianxue back.

There’s a long way to go!

When returning to the sect, there were no means of transportation such as Bingling Tianque. It took the group almost half a month to finally return to Donglingxian Pond.

Returning to Donglingxian Pond, Ling Feng suddenly felt like returning home.

During the time when I came to Donglingxian Pond, although I had made enemies with many people, because of Old Turtle, because of Biluo Shengji, because of Lin Mu, and many other senior brothers and sisters, Ling Feng was somewhat dissatisfied. I have a sense of identity and belonging to Donglingxian Pond.

At least, he would not want to see Donglingxian Pond destroyed.

Because, in his heart, this is his home!

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Thanks to Old Turtle, Ling Feng stayed in seclusion in the Spirit Turtle Holy Land for a full month.

Ling Feng has mastered most of the ninety-nine kendos. In addition to the previous thirty-three Hinayana kendos, he has also mastered all the Mahayana kendos. However, in the process of comprehending the superior kendos, he has been hindered at every turn.

However, there was no progress in the first superior swordsmanship, Sealing Heaven Swordsmanship.

He has never doubted his own understanding. It seems that superior swordsmanship is indeed different from ordinary swordsmanship. If he wants to understand superior swordsmanship, his own swordsmanship level is still too low.

After returning from the Sunset Ancient City, his sword power has reached the level of Dacheng, and he is very close to the level of Small Perfection. Unfortunately, because he improved too quickly before, his foundation was a bit weak, so this month, Ling Feng did not continue to use the Sword Soul Crystal to improve his sword power, but focused on consolidating the foundation.

After a month, the sword's strength has become much more stable.

In addition, Ling Feng also began to practice the forbidden technique of controlling corpse puppets, the technique of reincarnation!

Now, he can control an emperor corpse puppet and attack.

And this emperor's corpse puppet was a peak emperor during his lifetime. Even though he has died, he can still at least display his cultivation level above the eighth level of the Destiny Realm.

However, with Ling Feng's current level, he could only control the Emperor's Corpse Puppet for about a quarter of an hour before it became ineffective.

I believe that as you continue to practice this reincarnation technique and control eighteen peak emperor corpses at the same time, even if you encounter a strong semi-saint, you may not be without the power to fight.

In terms of body training, with the full version of the "Bahuang Body Training Technique" and the "Dragon and Elephant Hegemony Body Technique", Ling Feng grasped it with both hands, and gained a lot in terms of defense and strength. improvement.

In terms of Qi refining, Ling Feng has also relied on the extremely pure heaven and earth energy of the Spirit Turtle Holy Realm to reach the ultimate level of the third stage Human Emperor.

At this point, Ling Feng's three Great Emperor's Gates have almost reached a critical point of breakthrough. However, no matter how Ling Feng continues to practice, he can never continue to break through.

It was as if these three gates to the emperor were completely locked, but he didn't have the key, so he could only worry outside the door.

Although Ling Feng's current strength is comparable to that of the mid-level emperor, if he does not step into the realm of the emperor, Ling Feng will never be considered a top powerhouse in the true sense.

"I had already guessed that it would be extremely difficult to break through the three gates of the Great Emperor, but I didn't expect that it would be so difficult!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Could it be that he really wanted to be trapped under the realm of the Great Emperor for the rest of his life?

In the Holy Land of the Spirit Turtle, bathing in the fairy spring that leads to the Immortal Yao Pond, every breath of air he breathes is filled with extremely rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth. In this environment, he cannot break through. He really wants to If you don't get out, where else can you make a breakthrough?

If he couldn't break through in his lifetime, let alone the calamity of the Dongling Immortal Pond mentioned by Mr. Gui, he wouldn't be able to deal with it at all.

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng clenched his fist and slapped the water hard. With a "pop" sound, the water splashed everywhere, and a terrifying energy spread out, almost shattering the void.

In this month, Ling Feng's "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique" has broken through to the power of a hundred dragons, which is equivalent to another qualitative change.

With a flash of golden light, a curtain of light spread out around the hot spring pool, completely canceling out Ling Feng's power.

"Isn't this your style?"

In a flash of light, the Turtle Saint appeared in front of him at some unknown moment, sitting on the old turtle's shell, staring at Ling Feng with a smile.

"Old Turtle."

Ling Feng bowed to Mr. Gui. Naturally, he did not dare to make any mistakes in front of Mr. Gui.

"Boy Ling Feng, have you encountered a bottleneck in your practice?" Gui Lao seemed to see through everything and glanced at Ling Feng with a smile.


Ling Feng was dejected for a moment and said slowly: "That's right. The disciple originally chose the three paths to practice together. Now, whether it is body refining, qi refining, or soul refining, the three paths have reached the limit that the creation realm can achieve, but in the end One step, but I still can't take it. The disciple is worried that if I can't knock on the door of the Great Emperor, I may not be able to step into the Great Emperor's realm for the rest of my life."

Ling Feng knew that after returning to the Dongling Fairy Pond, Tuoba Yan, Fairy Qingping, and even Bai Qi, Chu Tiange and others had successively broken through to the realm of the Great Emperor.

On the contrary, it was always difficult for him to break through, so it was no wonder that he was a little upset.

"It's not like you to be interfered by the outside world so easily." Mr. Turtle said with a smile.

"Disciple is just worried..." Ling Feng clenched his fists, "Old Turtle said that a catastrophe is coming to the Dongling Immortal Pond. If the disciple is as strong as he is now, he won't be able to help at all! I don't want to see Dongling Immortal Pond. The pool is destroyed!"

Ling Feng looked deeply at Mr. Gui, gritted his teeth and said, "I want to protect this place!"


Gui Lao stroked his long beard and burst out laughing, feeling comforted by his embrace.

I really didn’t find the wrong person!

"Silly boy, do you still remember that the old man once said that the person who saves the Dongling Immortal Pond will first obtain the inheritance of the Five Emperors. Now, you have not collected all the seals of the Five Emperors, so you naturally cannot break through."

"The seal of the Five Emperors?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, he gritted his teeth, and took out three imperial seals directly, "Old Turtle, the disciple only has three in his hands, and the remaining two are nowhere in sight!"

Turtle Saint glanced at Ling Feng and smiled lightly: "I have already calculated it for you using the turtle mirror technique. Your chance of breakthrough may be in Yunluo Holy Land."

"Yunluo Holy Land?"

Ling Feng's heart moved slightly. The reason why Yunluo Holy Land sent people to the Demon Clan Holy Land to steal the Yellow Emperor's Seal was probably because Yunluo Holy Land already had one or several Five Emperor Seals.

Now, Gui Lao mentioned Yunluo Holy Land again, and it seemed that he was indeed right.

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