Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1785 The oriole is behind! (1 update)

"'s finally over!"

Ling Feng gasped for air. Dealing with this violently bloody rhinoceros completely exhausted Ling Feng's strength.

Fortunately, Ling Feng's efforts were not in vain.

Soon, Ling Feng cut open the abdomen of the bloody rhinoceros and found the token needed by Yunluo Holy Land in its stomach pouch.

Next, as long as you spend the remaining time safely, you will be considered to have passed the Tianqi selection and can go to Yunluo Holy Land.

"Hahahaha, it's really hard to find anything without trying to find anything. It takes no effort at all to get here!"

At this moment, a wild laughter came from behind, and the voice sounded slightly familiar.

Ling Feng frowned slightly and looked back, but it was the father and son of the Tianxia Building!

The man who laughed arrogantly was Yang Jianxiong, who was staring at the corpse on the ground with evil intentions, his eyes flashing coldly, as if he was confirming something.

"Father, there is definitely a token on this bloody rhinoceros. It just so happens that we, father and son, still need a token!"

Yang Jianxiong narrowed his eyes and stared at Ling Feng sullenly.

Obviously, he was preparing to take the token from Ling Feng.

Not only that, he also wanted to take Ling Feng's life.

Admittedly, it was a bit unexpected that Ling Feng could kill a fierce blood rhinoceros, but everyone could see that Ling Feng was already exhausted.

He was almost exhausted after dealing with a violent rhinoceros, which showed that Ling Feng's strength was not that great.

But they didn't know that what Ling Feng was dealing with was a fierce-blooded rhinoceros that had transformed into madness!

Ignoring Yang Jianxiong, Yang Tai narrowed his eyes, looked at Ling Feng with a smile, bowed his hands to Ling Feng, and said with a smile: "Little brother Ling, we meet again! We really meet everywhere in life!"


Ling Feng was so weak that he simply leaned on a big tree, looking at the ill-intentioned father and son opposite, and said coldly: "I don't want to meet you at all!"

"You brat, I think you still don't understand the situation!"

When Yang Jianxiong saw Ling Feng's arrogant and rude attitude, he pulled out his long sword and said coldly: "Boy, hand over the token in your hand in a wise manner, and I will leave your body intact!"

"The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole is behind. Little brother Ling Feng, just accept your fate!"

Yang Tai said with a smile, looking like a kind and kind old gentleman.

The Smiling Tiger probably refers to this kind of person.

"Are you sure you want to take action against me? Think clearly about the consequences!"

Ling Feng secretly gathered his energy and stared at the two people opposite him at the same time: "I am a friend of the Holy Son of Yunluo Holy Land, you dare to take action against me?"

"Hahaha, who said we killed you? Is there any evidence? There is only one way for you to die, and that is to die in the belly of a monster. What does it have to do with me and my son?"

Yang Jianxiong's mouth curled up with a cruel arc, "Stop talking nonsense, are you shameless and unwilling to join my world? Otherwise, there would be no such miserable ending as today?"

"A tragic ending?"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, "I don't know who is more miserable!"


After all, Yang Tai has matured with age. When he saw Ling Feng's eyes, he felt a little uneasy, "Xiong'er, stop talking nonsense, kill him with one sword, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

"Yes, Father!"

Yang Jianxiong laughed strangely. Among the casual cultivators gathered in Yunluo Holy Land, none of them were lickers of blood. For them, killing people was as common as eating and drinking.

Ling Feng secretly sighed in his heart. In order to deal with the fierce blood rhinoceros, he kept urging Shura Sword Technique. Now his physical strength, physical strength, and even mental strength were all wasted.

He still has the strength to strike, so he can naturally kill Yang Jianxiong instantly with one sword, but what about the remaining Yang Tai?

Yang Tai's strength is even higher than that of Yang Jianxiong. If he goes crazy, he may be difficult to deal with in his current state.

You bitch may be able to delay it for a while, but for now, we can only take one step at a time.

"You bitch, get ready to take action!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and focused his attention on Yang Jianxiong. If he dared to distract himself, he would be prepared to die.

"Boy Ling Feng, these two are not your biggest enemies!"

But the bitch said with a bit of gravity: "Didn't you notice that there is a terrifying aura approaching?"


Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly, and he let go of the infinite vision for a moment, and his heart suddenly lifted.

My attention was completely focused on Yang Jianxiong and his son, but I didn't realize that there was a more dangerous guy approaching!

"how come?"

Ling Feng couldn't believe it at all. If such a powerful monster existed in the Tianqi selection venue, it would definitely be a disaster for the warriors participating in the selection!

Because this is a high-level demon emperor!

What Ling Feng didn't know was that this high-level demon emperor had been sleeping for a long time, but he woke up because he sensed the crazy blood of the fierce-blooded rhinoceros.

The ground was filled with the smell of the blood of the fierce blood rhino. Originally, after Ling Feng killed the fierce blood rhinoceros, he would quickly dispose of the body and take away the mad blood, but because of the appearance of Yang Jianxiong and his son, , delaying his time.

As a result, this sleeping monster was awakened!

The high-level demon emperor is definitely not something he can deal with!

Ling Feng's heart suddenly rose to his throat. He quickly took out some elixirs to restore his mental strength and poured them into his mouth like he was eating jelly beans.

"Hmph, is it a little late now that you are still thinking about taking pills to recover?"

Yang Jianxiong walked into Ling Feng step by step. He enjoyed the feeling of overwhelming his opponent mentally.

He just wants to use this method to inflict mental torture on his opponent, bringing him closer to death step by step.

"Humph, idiot! Didn't you notice something was wrong?"

Ling Feng slowly pulled out the Destruction in All Directions, gritted his teeth and stood up, but his attention was not on Yang Jianxiong at all.

"What other tricks do you want to play at this time?"

Yang Jianxiong sneered, "Do you think you can fool me with this kind of trick? You think I'm three years old..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yang Tai.

"Xiong'er, wait a minute!"

Yang Tai's expression suddenly darkened.

As the high-level demon emperor approached, a terrifying aura came closer and closer.

He had already sensed that a terrifying presence had locked onto him, giving him the feeling that he could not escape even if he fled to the ends of the earth.

"Father, stop being suspicious, I will kill this kid right away and seize the token of Yunluo Holy Land!"

Yang Jianxiong was still immersed in the frenzy of killing Ling Feng, and was completely unaware of the approaching danger.

He stuck out his scarlet tongue, licked the blade of his sword, and smiled sinisterly, "Ling Feng, I will make you taste all the pain and torture, and then let you die!"

After saying that, Yang Jianxiong started to take steps again, walking towards Ling Feng step by step.

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