Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1799 The egg of the mutated king beast! (3 updates)

"Unexpectedly, it was Elder Ye, the senior auctioneer of the Ye family, the head of the Tianmeng family, who personally presided over the auction."

"Haha, it seems that there is indeed a grand finale tonight, I'm starting to get a little excited!"

The place suddenly became excited. It seemed that Elder Ye did have a high prestige.

"I am deeply honored to have the honor of hosting this grand auction!"

Up for auction.

"The next item is a bottle of the Heaven-winning Fortune Pill! The starting price is two million!"

"The next item is a replica of the Immortal Huntian Umbrella. The starting price is two million!"

"The next thing,..."

"Next, what we are going to auction is..."

Elder Ye had a mysterious smile on his face.

The auction items were presented, covered with a piece of red cloth.

Elder Ye grabbed the red cloth and pulled it gently, and the red cloth opened with a "swish" sound.

That's an egg!

A trace of ancient wildness emanated from the egg and filled the entire place.

"This is a monster egg with the bloodline of a mutated king beast."

Elder Ye said, as if he dropped a bomb, which immediately aroused a wave of heated discussion in the auction house.

Mutated king beast bloodline, after this demon beast hatches, it will have the opportunity to grow into a demon emperor-level existence in the future.

However, the growth cycle of monster beasts is too long, and it is actually difficult to say whether things like mutated bloodline mutate in the direction of becoming stronger or weakening.

Therefore, whether to bid for this monster egg is undoubtedly equivalent to a gamble.

But it is this kind of gamble that makes people feel even more excited!

"After our verification, this is a monster egg from the Thunder-marked Shadow Leopard, with a starting price of three million high-grade Yuan Crystals!"

As Elder Ye finished speaking, fierce bidding immediately began.

"Three million and one million!"

"Three and a half million!"

"I am determined to get this monster egg, five million!"

The Thunder Marked Shadow Leopard is already a very powerful monster in itself. It has a trace of the blood of the White Tiger clan among the four spirit beasts. Although it is weak, it also makes this monster's talent far beyond that of ordinary king beasts.

Moreover, this is the egg of a king beast with mutated bloodline, so it cannot be ruled out that atavism may occur.

If it really mutates in the direction of the white tiger, no matter how high the price is, it will definitely be worth it.

Even Ling Feng was a little ready to make a move, but beside him was not only Zifeng, an elemental life form that could continuously evolve, but also a cheap donkey who claimed to be a divine beast, and a donkey with a trace of the emperor's blood that could activate the mutation of Shura Eyes. Qiongqi.

Ling Feng didn't have much demand for spiritual pets.

In the end, after an extremely hot bidding, the monster egg of the Thunder-marked Shadow Leopard was bought by a mysterious man in a box on the second floor for fifteen million high-grade Yuan Crystals.

Fifteen million, this is not a small number.

Those who can take out so many multi-crystals in one go are basically the prominent figures in the Amethyst Imperial City.

The auction is still going on, and almost every dozen or so auction items will have an extremely precious treasure. During the entire auction, everyone seems to be extremely excited, for fear that they will accidentally miss some valuable treasure.

In the blink of an eye, the auction was halfway through.

"The auction item below is called the Void Divine Jade."

Elder Ye announced: "The Void Divine Jade cannot improve your cultivation, nor can it heal injuries, but it is extremely precious, because after refining the Void Divine Jade, you can understand the artistic conception of emptiness. If the artistic conception of emptiness reaches perfection, there is still a chance. Find the opportunity to break through and understand the power of space rules!”

"The Void Divine Jade..."

At this moment, Ling Feng, who had been concentrating with his eyes closed, suddenly sat upright, opened his eyes, and shot out into the void like a sword, and a vaguely desolate and sharp aura filled the air from his body.

"Hey, Brother Ling, this is one of the most valuable auction items in tonight's auction, the Void Divine Jade!"

Xiao Zhantian on the side smiled and said: "How about it, Brother Ling is interested?"


Ling Feng's eyes were bright. As the saying goes, "If time does not come out, space is king." Any treasure that contains the power of space rules is enough to make warriors fight for it.

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