Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1801 Crazy bidding! (2 updates)

After the twin waitresses left, Xiao Zhantian clenched his fists and sighed softly: "It's...the Xiao family!"


Yue Huaqing covered her delicate lips and stared at Xiao Zhantian with a pair of beautiful eyes, "Xiao family?"

"Strictly speaking, it should be Xiao Yuntian's lineage!"

Xiao Zhantian shook his head and sighed, "That lineage also belongs to the Xiao family branch. However, Xiao Yuntian is extremely talented and is almost stronger than the juniors in the main lineage, so the status of that lineage has also risen. Compared to To him, my lineage... haha, let’s not mention it.”

Xiao Zhantian said half-heartedly, but kept silent, as if he was afraid that Ling Feng knew that he had no real power, and if Ling Feng refused to help him, he would be in trouble.

Ling Feng knew it well and did not reveal it. The situation in the Amethyst Imperial City seemed to be more complicated than he imagined.

At this time, a loud voice came from another private room, "Yue Qianfan, I, Lei Hongze, have also taken a liking to this Void Divine Jade!"


There were gasps of air from the field.

Lei Hongze, a member of the Lei family among the five clans of the Tianmeng, is in for a good show.

"Huh, let's each rely on our abilities." Yue Qianfan shouted coldly.

"I, Shen, am also very interested in the artistic conception of space. Why don't you two give up."

A gentle voice sounded. Although there was no one in sight, listening to the voice automatically created an impression in people's minds. It was a warrior who looked like a scholar.

"Fart, you Shen Yushu is just a dabbler. If you take the Void Divine Jade, it will be a waste."

Lei Hongze cursed loudly, and Yue Qianfan also laughed.

Obviously, no one intends to give up the Void Divine Jade.

"Whether Shen is qualified or not is not up to you."

The voice was still gentle. Among the five clans of the Tianmeng, the overall strength of the Shen family was higher than that of the Lei family. Even with their financial resources, he was worthy of Lei Hongze.

"Okay, what you want to bid for depends on your ability."

A voice sounded, with a bit of majesty, which immediately suppressed the others. It was the bidding officer, Elder Ye, who spoke.

Elder Ye is the elder of the main line of the Ye family, and the Ye family is the head family of the Tianmeng. In this amethyst imperial city, his existence is no different than that of a local emperor.

The Ye family is so majestic that no one dares to provoke them.

For a moment, the auction room became quiet, and then Elder Ye announced that the bidding for the Void Divine Jade had begun. The starting price was 20 million high-grade Yuan Jing. Each increase in price must not be less than 500,000!

The starting price is 20 million high-grade yuan crystals, which shows how precious a spiritual treasure that contains the power of space is.

After all, the Void Divine Jade is a treasure that allows people to understand the attributes of space.

What are the spatial properties?

One of the highest attributes, only slightly inferior to the power of time and superior to other attributes. If the power of time is the king, then the attribute of space is the king!

However, it is too difficult to comprehend the power of space. It requires not only super high understanding, but also appropriate opportunities, otherwise there will be no chance.

The Divine Jade of the Void is a treasure that allows people to comprehend the artistic conception of emptiness. As long as they are not pigs, they can awaken the power of space by refining the Divine Void Jade and comprehend the artistic conception of emptiness. Of course, how far you can comprehend the power of space depends on your own ability.

What's more, things are rare and valuable. For such a large piece of Void Divine Jade, it is estimated that it will be impossible to find a larger piece in the next few hundred years.

The starting price of 20 million is worth it.

"Twenty-five million, I'm determined!"

Yue Qianfan's sharp and rough voice echoed throughout the audience.

"Twenty-six million." Lei Hongze also made a high-profile offer.

"Twenty-eight million." Shen Yushu's gentle voice came.

"thirty million!"

A strange voice sounded, and the price immediately calmed everyone.

"Thirty-five million!"

Yue Qianfan made another offer. He had disappeared in the past few years and had plundered a lot of wealth. In addition, he had the support of Xiao Yuntian's lineage behind him, so he was quite confident.

After all, he himself has practiced a space secret technique. If he refines this void jade, he is sure that he can reach a higher level in understanding the power of space.

For this, no matter how much he pays, he will never give up this sacred jade of the void!

In Yue Qianfan's box, there was also a young man in a golden robe sitting. He looked a few years older than Xiao Zhantian. He was quite handsome, but there was a hint of sinisterness between his eyebrows, giving him a kind of sinister look. Very uncomfortable feeling.

This man in golden robe is Xiao Yuntian whom Xiao Zhantian mentioned, and he belongs to the young master of another branch of the Xiao family.

"Yue Qianfan, don't increase the price too much in the early stage!" Xiao Yuntian glanced at Yue Qianfan and warned in a low voice.

"Young Master Xiao, this Void Divine Jade is of great significance to me, I must get it!"

Although Yue Qianfan was fierce, he seemed to be quite wary of the young man in front of him, and he was a bit polite when he spoke.

"I will lend you up to 50 million high-grade Yuanjing!"

Xiao Yuntian glanced at Yue Qianfan and directly gave his bottom line.

"Fifty million, plus my own fifty million, one hundred million high-grade Yuanjing, it is definitely enough!"

Yue Qianfan licked his lips excitedly, as if the Void Divine Jade was already in his possession.

At this moment, someone shouted a quote again.

"Thirty-six million!"

That was Lei Hongze's voice.

"Thirty-seven million!" Shen Yushu gritted his teeth, obviously determined to get the Void Divine Jade.

"Thirty-eight million!"

"Forty million!"

For a time, all the VIP boxes made quotations one after another. Everyone knew the value of the Void Divine Jade, so they all wanted to compete for the price.

Of course, there are also many people who are afraid of the evil gods Lei Hongze, Shen Yushu and Yue Qianfan. They originally wanted to intervene, but in the end they chose to give up.

For the time being, Ling Feng just watched with cold eyes and did not participate in the quotation.

In terms of financial resources, there is still a big gap between the junior members of the family and the great thieves compared to myself, an "upstart" who has "robbed" several ancient sect treasure houses.

"Forty-one million!"

"Forty-two million!"

The warriors on the first floor of the auction venue were all stunned.

In just a blink of an eye, the price of the Void Divine Jade soared to 50 million.

Is this price high?

Very high!

does it worth?

If you can understand the power of space, everything will be worth it!

Ling Feng still didn't bid because the time hadn't come yet.

Yue Qianfan still looked calm on the surface, but he was starting to feel a little anxious in his heart.

More than 50 million means that he must borrow part of Xiao Yuntian's Yuan Jing.

However, in order to win the Void Divine Jade, he continued to quote, "Five thousand, one million!"

The voice was almost a roar, and anyone could tell that there was fire in Yue Qianfan's voice.

That's anger!

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