Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1808 Real and fake Ling Feng! (3 updates)

The next day, in Xiao Zhantian Mansion.

Ling Feng finally came out of retreat, and his aura seemed to have changed slightly, but it was hard to say what the difference was.

"Junior Brother Ling, you finally came out of retreat. There is one thing I think you will be very interested in!"

As soon as he walked out of the retreat room, he saw Yue Huaqing coming towards him.

"Senior Sister Yue." Ling Feng glanced at Yue Huaqing, raised his sword eyebrows, and asked lightly: "What's the matter?"

"I heard that 'Ling Feng' came to the Purple Crystal Imperial City!" Yue Huaqing said with a smile.

"Huh? Has my whereabouts been exposed?" Ling Feng frowned, wondering how he could have been exposed when he had been acting under the name of "Ling Feng".

"Hahaha, it's not that your whereabouts have been exposed, but that another Ling Feng has come."

Yue Huaqing said with a smile: "I didn't expect that you, the real Ling Feng, kept a low profile, but the fake Ling Feng caused a sensation in the city."


Ling Feng's forehead darkened, and he said speechlessly: "What can I pretend to be."

"You are the leader of the Sunset Heavenly Chosen One. I don't know how many forces want to curry favor with you, how many..." Yue Huaqing's pretty face blushed, glanced at Ling Feng, and gritted her teeth and said: "How many young ladies from big families want to marry you!"


Ling Feng coughed dryly a few times. No wonder they say that fame and fortune are fame and fortune.

At this moment, Xiao Zhantian also came over. Yue Huaqing and Ling Feng stopped discussing, and saw Xiao Zhantian with a hurried expression on his face, jogging all the way.

"It's not good, Brother Ling, you'd better leave quickly. I'm afraid the agreement between us will end here."

Xiao Zhantian clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"Oh?" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "What's wrong, Brother Xiao, what happened?"

"Ah, Brother Ling, you have been in seclusion these days, I'm afraid you don't know yet!" Xiao Zhantian said with a depressed face: "A few days ago, Ling Feng, the leader of Sunset Heaven's Choice, came to Amethyst Imperial City. In just a few days, I didn't expect Xiao Yuntian to get involved with that Ling Feng. It must be that Xiao Yuntian hired him to deal with you!"

Xiao Zhantian gritted his teeth and said: "Ling Feng is the number one genius in the East Spiritual Domain, with strong strength. I can't drag you down!"

"Brother Xiao, we haven't fought yet, how do you know that I can't compare to that 'Ling Feng'?" Ling Feng pursed his lips and said lightly.

"Okay, Brother Ling, I know you are righteous, but this is not a joke. I also heard that Ling Feng is ruthless and cruel. Those who fall into his hands are so miserable!" "Puff!" Yue Huaqing on the side almost couldn't help laughing out loud. He forced a smile and nodded, saying with deep conviction: "Yes, I also heard that Ling Feng is always ruthless. Don't mess with him, don't mess with him!" Ling Feng's forehead went dark, and he had the urge to beat Xiao Zhantian up. Damn! How could he be so ruthless! "Brother Ling, leave quickly. No matter what, I am a member of the Xiao family. Xiao Yuntian dare not do anything to me." Xiao Zhantian sighed lightly. He originally thought that "Ling Feng" would be a noble person in his life and a turning point in his life. Who knew that "Ling Feng" came and made him completely desperate. Ling Feng, how could he be compared with Ling Feng! Ling Feng looked at Xiao Zhantian with some surprise. This playboy, unexpectedly, still had some loyalty. "Ahem..." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Although Ling Feng is cruel and ruthless, I also heard that he is also a reasonable person. Maybe if you explain the situation to him, he will help you?" "Brother Ling, stop joking." Xiao Zhantian looked depressed. How could "Ling Feng" be interested in his family background? Boom! At this moment, there was a shouting sound outside the gate of the Xiao family, and then there was a "bang", as if the gate was kicked over by someone. "Okay, Brother Ling, thanks to you, my father has improved a lot after your treatment. You have helped me a lot." As he said that, Xiao Zhantian took out a sheepskin scroll and gritted his teeth and said: "This is the route map of the secret Yuanjing vein that my lineage has mastered. Xiao Yuntian, that bastard, tried every means to get it but couldn't. Today I will give this vein to you!" After that, Xiao Zhantian stuffed the sheepskin scroll into Ling Feng's arms, and turned around and ran towards the gate. "This guy..." Ling Feng held the sheepskin scroll in his hand and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling. "Unexpectedly, although Xiao Zhantian looks like a dandy young man with no merits, he is quite like a man at the critical moment!" Yue Huaqing gritted her teeth, turned her head and looked at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "Junior Brother Ling, shall we help him?" "Help, of course." Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Let's go, I want to see what kind of guy is the person who pretends to be me!" ... In front of the Xiao family. The red lacquered door had been kicked open by Xiao Yuntian, and the few remaining maids in the mansion were all huddled together and trembling. "Humph, Xiao Zhantian, you coward, why don't you come out?" Xiao Yuntian swung a long sword in his hand, and with a sweep of the sword, he was about to separate the body and head of a maid. "Dang!"

A sound of metal clashing rang out, and Xiao Zhantian was seen holding a spear, blocking Xiao Yuntian's sword. The maid collapsed to the ground in fear, but she also saved her life.

On the contrary, Xiao Zhantian retreated more than ten steps before he stabilized his body.

"Xiao Yuntian, this is my territory, it's not your turn to act wild here!"

Xiao Zhantian clenched the spear tightly, and his mouth went numb for a while. His strength was far from Xiao Yuntian, and he was no match for Xiao Yuntian.

"Haha, my good cousin, you finally showed up."

Xiao Yuntian looked at Xiao Zhantian and laughed loudly: "What? Where is the helper beside you? Isn't he very strong? He killed Yue Qianfan instantly with one sword. Now I have invited Ling Feng, the number one genius in the Eastern Spiritual Region, to come. Where are others? Why are they so shy that they don’t dare to show up?”

Li Lin on the side clenched his fists. Although he despised Xiao Yuntian's behavior, he could only turn a blind eye or close one eye for Yuan Jing.

Hearing that the other party's "Ling Feng" did not show up, he felt relieved.

At this moment, a clear voice came from the inner courtyard.

"Hahaha, who said I don't dare to show up? What a coincidence, Ling Feng is the number one genius in the Eastern Spiritual Realm, and I really want to meet him!"

I saw a white shadow flying out from the courtyard, but it was not Ling Feng.


Xiao Zhantian didn't expect that Ling Feng would actually come out, and a surge of heat suddenly surged in his heart, "Okay, Brother Ling, if I can make friends like you, I, Xiao Zhantian, will not live in vain!"

"Hmph, you're a turtle with a shrunken head, are you willing to show your head?"

Xiao Yuntian glanced at Ling Feng, thinking of Ling Feng's sword that instantly killed Yue Qianfan, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he subconsciously stepped back behind "Ling Feng" and whispered: "Brother Ling, it's up to you!"

Li Lin clenched his fists, walked up bravely, and secretly crushed a qi and blood talisman. Suddenly, the power of qi and blood in his body increased more than ten times.

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