Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1810 Refining a Talisman! (2 updates)

"Also, you come here early in the morning and disturb people's sleep, so the neighbors don't have to sleep! Is it reasonable to compensate you with 10 million yuan?"

"Street... Neighbor..." Xiao Yuntian was about to cry, "Where did the neighbors come from around here?"

Although Xiao Zhantian's lineage is only a branch of the Xiao family and has been suppressed and declined, this house is also a mansion in a wealthy area, and the nearest "neighbors" are probably several miles away.

"I'm not a neighbor!"

Ling Feng slapped Xiao Yuntian on the face, beating him to pieces.

"I will compensate you!"

Xiao Yuntian nodded pitifully. When he met this evil god today, he was unlucky for eighteen lifetimes.

Xiao Zhantian secretly murmured in his heart: No wonder everyone says Ling Feng is ruthless, so ruthless!

And the pair of Li Lin brothers, who were "cheating and abducting" in the name of Ling Feng, were trembling with fear. If they were asked to pay like this, even if they were skinned, they would not be able to compensate!

Finally, under Ling Feng's various "reasonable" demands, Xiao Yuntian had to compensate Xiao Zhantian for a total of 300 million high-grade Yuan Crystals!

In addition to the returned shops and so on, Xiao Zhantian's lineage has returned everything.

As for Xiao Yuntian, life is probably more difficult.

"Okay, sign this contract and put your fingerprints on it. If you dare to cheat, you will bear the consequences."

Ling Feng slapped a piece of silk cloth and threw it in front of Xiao Yuntian. It was directly stained with the blood on Xiao Yuntian's face and wrote a line of big characters, "Debt, 300 million high-grade Yuanjing!"

Xiao Yuntian was already blinded by Ling Feng. He quickly signed his name and fingerprints, and then was kicked out by Ling Feng.

He didn't know that Ling Feng had secretly done some tricks in his Dantian. The more he practiced in the future, the energy in his body would continue to escape. The more he practiced, the more his cultivation would regress.

If this continues, even without him, Xiao Yuntian's strength will continue to weaken, and he will no longer be able to suppress Xiao Zhantian.

"take it!"

Ling Feng directly threw the "blood letter" IOU to Xiao Zhantian and said calmly: "Brother Xiao, are you satisfied with this result?"

"Satisfied, so satisfied!"

Xiao Zhantian pushed the IOU back to Ling Feng, shook his head and said, "These 300 million yuan crystals should belong to you. I just need to take back those shops."

"It doesn't matter, running a shop also requires capital. I don't take this Yuanjing seriously."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then returned the sheepskin scroll that Xiao Zhantian threw to him before, and said with a faint smile: "Also, keep this Yuanjing vein for yourself!"

"Brother Ling..."

Xiao Zhantian felt a surge of heat in his heart.

The friends he once had were just fair-weather friends. Once he lost power and had nothing, there wasn't even a single person willing to help him.

"You don't have to be too moved. We have agreed that there is still a deal between you and me!"

Ling Feng reminded him.

"No matter what, I recognize you as my friend!" Xiao Zhantian took a deep look at Ling Feng and said solemnly: "No matter what it is, I, Xiao Yuntian, will do my best to do it for you!"


Ling Feng gently patted Xiao Zhantian's shoulder and glanced at Li Lin.

"Get up!"

Ling Feng looked at these two guys and his cheeks were swollen. In addition, he had already given Xiao Yuntian a hard lesson just now. The anger in his heart had dissipated, and he didn't bother to argue with these two people anymore. .

However, he was very curious about the fake Ling Feng's method of simulating the power of his own blood.

"Thank you, Young Master Ling, thank you, Young Master Ling!"

The two of them got up in a hurry, but still looked at Ling Feng tremblingly.

"Um, I...I don't have that many multi-crystals. Even if you beat me to death, Young Master Ling, I can't get them out! You might as well give me a good time!"

Li Lin looked at Ling Feng and said tremblingly.

"Don't worry, I don't want your money!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, still looking at Li Lin, as if he wanted to see through this guy completely.


Li Lin felt Ling Feng's eyes sweeping over him, and his entire body froze, a certain part of his body tightened slightly, and he subconsciously took a step back, "No, no, no, Young Master Ling, I will not sell my body! "

"Who wants your body!"

Countless black lines suddenly appeared on Ling Feng's forehead, and he almost kicked him out.


Yue Huaqing couldn't help but laugh out loud. This was the first time she saw Ling Feng look so uncalm.

Ling Feng glared at Li Lin angrily and said coldly: "What's your name? Which sect you belong to? Why are you pretending to be me?"


Li Lin swallowed hard and said: "My... my name is Li Lin, and I am the chief disciple of Tianfu Sect. I have met you several times... during the Sunset Tianxuan, so I pretended to be you. I make some money..."

"You can be considered a little genius to participate in the Sunset Chosen, but you actually use this method to defraud money?"

Ling Feng glanced sideways at Li Lin, this guy has ruined his reputation!

"Young Shaoxia Ling, you don't know that we, the Tianfu Sect, need a lot of talisman paper when we practice. Without money, we can't practice. However, we talisman masters have no actual combat ability. It is difficult to earn Yuanshi Yuanjing by hunting monsters." , as for any secret realm or dangerous place, I don’t even dare to set foot in it.”

"In order to continue to practice the talisman, I just...had some twisted thoughts..."

Li Lin looked at Ling Feng pitifully and said in a deep voice: "I also know that this kind of behavior is wrong, but don't worry, although we are making some money in your name, we have never done anything bad. , did not ruin your reputation!”

"Yes, yes, we didn't touch any of those girls who threw themselves into our arms!"

Xiang Pang also said quickly.

Ling Feng shook his head, but his mind was already far away, and he murmured to himself: "Are you going to refining a talisman?"

Then, Ling Feng stared at Li Lin again and said slowly: "You mean, the reason why you were able to simulate the powerful power of blood and flames just now was because of the magic talisman?"


As soon as he mentioned the magic talisman, Li Lin's expression immediately became extremely confident, "Refining talismans is broad and profound. In fact, as long as you hold the magic talisman, even an ordinary person with no power can instantly kill the emperor or even A stronger existence!”

"Oh?" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Why is your magic talisman just an appearance?"

"That's just because my level is limited!" Li Lin gritted his teeth and protested: "The ancestor of my Tianfu Sect, he is the master of talisman refining. The talisman he refines can even contain the most powerful blow of a saint-level powerhouse. !”

"A holy talisman?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Although this kind of talisman is a one-time consumable, who dares to say that it is not a life-saving treasure at critical moments.

Even if you have a large number of holy magic symbols, it is not a problem to kill a holy master instantly.

"Not bad!" Li Lin puffed up his chest, his eyes sparkling, "My dream is to become a great master of talisman refining like my ancestor!"

"That's a good ambition!"

Ling Feng nodded and asked again: "What is the most powerful talisman you have refined?"

"Hehe, during the Sunset Selection, I won a match. I relied on a magic talisman to directly suppress an emperor who was in the early stage of the Destiny Realm. That was the elite of the Dongling Immortal Pond!"

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