Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1815 The top ten! (1 update)

While Ling Feng was waiting for Ye Chu to prepare the batch of medicinal materials and prepare for the trip to the Wind Roaring Woods, a news suddenly came out in the Amethyst Imperial City.

A piece of news that Ling Feng just got!

The Green Emperor's Seal is hidden in the Wind Roaring Woodland!

The source of the news was unknown, but it was passed on like this.

Moreover, not only Amethyst Imperial City, Xiao Zhantian also told Ling Feng that people in several large cities around Amethyst Imperial City had already known about the news, and they had already begun to prepare to go to Fengxiao Woodland to find Qing Feng. The emperor sealed it.

After all, the Five Emperors' Seal is related to the Five Emperors' treasury, and no one wants to get a piece of it.

Xiao Mansion.

Ling Feng sat quietly in the room, his brows furrowed.

The news that I had worked so hard to get from the Tianji Tower actually caused uproar in the city just one day later?

Could this really be a coincidence?

But according to Xiao Zhantian, some warriors in the city even got the news earlier than him, which means that the leak of the news had nothing to do with his sneaking into the Tianji Tower.

So, from what channel did Tianmeng get the clues about the Qingdi Seal?

In other words, who is the source of this news?

In Ling Feng's heart, he vaguely realized that this matter was by no means simple. Someone might have set up a trap to lure everyone to the Wind Howling Woods.

Who is the one?

Ling Feng's brain was running rapidly, constantly speculating on various possibilities.

First of all, from the perspective of motivation, who would want to get the Seal of the Blue Emperor?

In other words, who wants the Five Emperor Seal the most?

Naturally, it should be someone who already has the Five Emperor Seals in their hands.

Therefore, the person who set up the trap spread the news that the Green Emperor's Seal was in the Wind Roaring Woodland, perhaps in order to lure the people holding the Five Emperor's Seal to the Wind Roaring Woodland.

And the person who can do this must be the person who has mastered the last Qingdi Seal.

After thinking about this, Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly: This is a game. But at the same time, this is also an opportunity!

Those who hold the Green Emperor's Seal use the Blue Emperor's Seal as bait, hoping to catch other Five Emperor's Seals.

And why can't he take this opportunity to take away the "bait"?

Once you get the Green Emperor's Seal, you'll have the Five Emperors' Treasure House in your pocket!

However, now that the news has spread, there are more competitors.

There may even be more than you imagine.

The Five Emperors Treasure House is originally the inheritance of the five peak emperors, including the demon clan.

Therefore, if the news is spread, it will even lead to competition among the demon clan.

In the wind-whispering forest, there are probably tigers and dragons crouching on top of each other, and all the heroes are gathering together.

"Junior Brother Ling, what should we do now? Everyone knows that the Qing Emperor's Seal is in the Wind Roaring Woodland. We..."

Yue Huaqing looked at Ling Feng and already had no idea.

"It doesn't matter. Without me as the protagonist, this play probably wouldn't be possible."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. Four of the five Five Emperor Seals were in his hands. This was probably something no one could have imagined.

Without him, this carefully planned layout would probably be a one-man show.

"What's the meaning?"

Yue Huaqing was completely confused and confused by Ling Feng.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and immediately told Yue Huaqing his suspicion.

After all, Yue Huaqing would definitely not stick around. Since he wanted to act with her, he had to tell her all about his plans to avoid any mishaps.

"In this case, wouldn't you be in danger?"

After Yue Huaqing listened to Ling Feng's words, she knew that Ling Feng held four Five Emperor Seals. If he was discovered, he would probably become the target of public criticism.

"Wealth is found in danger."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "But in this case, we don't have to worry. We can just let them build it slowly first."

Just as Ling Feng expected, as the news of the Qing Emperor Seal was released, all directions were shaken for a moment!

Regardless of whether this news is true or false, it will inevitably cause competition among various forces.

Dongling Fairy Pond.

In a hall surrounded by fairy clouds, nine figures each sat on a suspended throne.

Directly in front of him was a middle-aged man who looked very gentle.

That middle-aged man was none other than the leader of Donglingxianchi, the Tianyuan Holy Emperor.

Holy Emperor Tianyuan looked at the eight hall masters and said calmly: "What do you think of the Qing Emperor's Seal?"

"The Green Emperor's Seal has always been rumored to be in the hands of the Blood Shadow Alliance, but now it is rumored to be in the Wind Roaring Woodland. I'm afraid there is a scam involved."

The master of Chiri Palace flashed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Even if there is a scam, you still have to go."

The master of Liuhuo Palace stood up and said loudly: "Headmaster, I, Yan Chihuo, am willing to take a look. Whether it is true or false, we will find out once we find out!"

"Senior Brother Yan, have you forgotten the rule that you must not take action lightly unless it is a foreign battlefield or at the peak emperor level?"

Zuo Feiqing, the master of the Jingfeng Palace, said: "The Howling Forest is strictly speaking a part of the Five Thunder Holy Land. If senior brother goes there, I'm afraid a lot of trouble will happen."

"Hmph, even if you think about it, you know that this matter has nothing to do with the Blood Shadow Alliance. Those bastards from the Blood Shadow Alliance have killed countless Donglingxianchi disciples over the years. I can't bear to swallow this!"

Yan Chihuo clenched his fists tightly. One of his direct disciples also died at the hands of the Blood Shadow Alliance. Therefore, among the eight halls, the Liuhuo Palace was the most determined in clearing out the Blood Shadow Alliance.

"Junior Brother Zuo is right about this matter."

The Lord of Chiri Palace said slowly: "No matter what, we must not act rashly. However, I do have a candidate that I can recommend."


For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to the Lord of Chiri Palace.

"It's a coincidence that the war in the battlefield has been calm recently, and the leader of the ten most powerful people in the world is currently meditating in the fairy pond."

"That guy?"

Yan Chihuo seemed to have remembered something, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he nodded immediately, "It would be appropriate if he takes action."

"I agree." Zuo Feiqing also nodded.

"The first of the Ten Jue, Tianjue Zhou Xuantong, this son can take on this responsibility."

Soon, the eight hall masters all reached a consensus.

Although Tianjue Zhou Xuantong is still a disciple, his strength is already comparable to that of many inner sect elders.

As long as the Blood Shadow Alliance does not send out the peak emperor level, Zhou Xuantong will have no problem handling this matter.

And if the Blood Shadow Alliance sends out the peak emperor level, then the eight palace masters in the Dongling Immortal Pond will naturally no longer be subject to any restrictions.

The southern demon territory.

Deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, there are no less than a hundred powerful demon emperors of the same level as the Canglong Demon Emperor that Ling Feng encountered before.

And above these demon emperors, there is a higher holy land that is worshiped by thousands of demons.

The demon clan here calls themselves the totem clan and believe in the god of beasts.

"My sons, Lord Dragon Emperor's treasure is finally coming to the world!"

On a throne covered with the furs of ferocious beasts, a sturdy middle-aged man climbed up and shouted, and the people of the totem clan in the audience were all delighted.

Among the five emperors, the Dragon Emperor is the strong man of the totem clan.

This aloof demon king naturally regarded the Five Emperors' Treasure House as the inheritance of the demon clan.

The Green Emperor's Seal naturally belongs to the demon clan.

"Warriors of the Totem Clan, who is willing to go to the Wind Roaring Woods to seize the Seal of the Blue Emperor?"

The monarch of the totem clan held up a long beast bone sword and let out a roar that shook the sky.

"The warriors of the totem clan are fearless!"

Among the crowd, two strong young men slowly walked out. They were both monster geniuses with the blood of king beasts. They were only a thousand years old, but they were already powerful men comparable to high-level emperors. (PS: Monsters have a long lifespan, and a thousand years is still quite young.)

"very good!"

The Lord of Totem looked at the two people in the audience. A man in black robe on the left was the young master of the Tyrant Crazy Lion Clan, Lion Sky Crazy.

The man on the right with a bare upper body and a hooked nose holding a nine-ring machete is the young master of the Blood-winged Eagle Clan, Yu Qianshan.

These two people are both elites among the elites of the totem clan. They have the blood of high-level king beasts. As long as the demon element does not explode, they are almost indistinguishable from humans in appearance.

"Very good. When you arrive at the Wind Roaring Woodland, you will wait for the opportunity. You must bring the Green Emperor Seal back to my totem clan!"


Shi Tiankuang and Yu Qianshan roared loudly at the same time.

At the same time, the Five Thunder Holy Land and the Yunluo Holy Land each sent top experts under the Peak Emperor to the Wind Roaring Woodland.

The first-class sect forces from all sides, and even many casual cultivators, naturally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get a piece of the pie.

After all, things like chance will fall on you.

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