Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1820 Let’s end it then! (3 updates)

"No matter where you are, there are bound to be a few scumbags."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Waves of weakness invaded his mind, making him start to feel drowsy.

He knew that this was due to excessive blood loss. Xuehong wanted to dismember him, but his bones were too tough, and he also used the force-relieving method of the Eight Desolations Body Forging Technique, which offset a lot of the force. So he hasn't become disabled yet.

"Hey, don't worry, they can't run away!"

Xue Hongyin stared at Ling Feng and sneered: "When I deal with you, you will be reunited soon! But by then, you will not be able to see that beautiful girl without your eyes." !”


Before he finished speaking, Xue Hong flew out again, slashing down Ling Feng's left shoulder again.

Ling Feng stepped aside and was hit several times on his left shoulder. He could even sense a crack in the bones of his left shoulder through his inner vision.

"Hmph, you're making great progress. We've only fought a few times, and you've been able to dodge my attacks. If we continue to struggle, you might actually be able to kill me."

Xue Hong narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Then it's time to end. I will completely destroy you with this knife!"

In an instant, a dazzling red light flashed on the blade of Xuehong. Faintly, Ling Feng felt that the blood all over his body began to become restless, as if it was about to flow out of his body along with the wounds on his body. , gathering towards the bloody knife.

"This is my last trump card, the bloodthirsty sword!"

Xue Hong laughed loudly, "Don't worry, kid, you won't die! But to be on the safe side, I will destroy your Dantian and cut off your limbs! You won't have any chance of making a comeback! I really want to You know what it feels like to step on the top genius of the Eastern Spiritual Realm, hahahahaha!”

"It's over! Kill!"

Xue Hong raised the blood knife high, and as the red light erupted, the blood all over Ling Feng's body seemed to boil, and the power of Qi and blood was uncontrollable, running wildly in the body.

Everything seemed to be under Xuehong's control.

"Is it over?"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded next to his ears, making Xuehong slightly stunned.

"Okay, let's get it over with!"

The next moment, Xuehong suddenly felt that the strength in his body seemed to be gradually disappearing, and something was becoming cold.

It seems to be my own heart.

He couldn't help but look down and saw what seemed to be a purple tentacle piercing through his chest.

Dark red blood was flowing out gurglingly, and everything in front of him seemed like a dark curtain being slowly drawn down.

"Is not likely to--"

Xue Hong couldn't believe that he was going to end everything, that the so-called top genius in the Eastern Spiritual Realm was going to be completely trampled under his feet.

"I'm sorry, you just fought for a long time, you are just a copy of me."

Ling Feng's figure walked out from behind Xue Hong, with purple meaning still floating in his eyes.

Those are the traces of the use of the Eye of the Void.

After the Pupil of the Void advanced, the Touch of the Void was no longer limited to imprisonment, but even had a certain degree of aggression.

Xue Hong thought that he had completely defeated Ling Feng. When he was so satisfied, he completely ignored his own defense.

Therefore, even the most ordinary void tentacles can easily penetrate his chest.


The sound stopped suddenly.


The body of the bloody killer No. 5 fell heavily into a pool of blood, ending his sinful life.


The blood knife fell to the ground and Ling Feng picked it up.

"The sword is a good sword! The sword technique is also a good sword technique!"

Ling Feng gently stroked the blood knife. This blood knife, which had harvested countless lives, contained an extremely strong evil spirit. However, under Ling Feng's Shura intention, he quickly surrendered obediently.

Gently shaking the blood knife in his hand, Ling Feng's eyes immediately looked at the blood eagle beside him.

This guy was seriously injured and couldn't even get up, let alone escape.

Seeing Ling Feng's cold eyes sweeping over him, Xue Ying immediately shuddered.

Even powerful men like Xue Hong died in Ling Feng's hands, and he...

Thinking of this, Xue Ying felt even more chilled in his liver and gallbladder.

"Don't... don't kill me! I will say anything!"

The blood eagle trembled and struggled to kneel on the ground, kowtowing and begging for mercy.

"No need, I have my own way to know everything."

Originally, Yue Huaqing and the others were here, and Ling Feng didn't want to expose too many secrets of the Eye of the Emperor, but now that they have left, there is no need to hide them anymore.

As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng appeared in front of Xue Ying and slowly squatted down.

However, Ling Feng's smiling face looked like a terrifying demon to Blood Eagle.

"Let me see it myself! Memory reading!"

In Ling Feng's eyes, the divine patterns of humanity condensed, and his eyes were fixed on Xue Ying's eyes.

The next moment, Xue Ying's eyes became dull. Ling Feng's consciousness forcibly occupied Xue Ying's spiritual sea, and his memory was completely exposed to Ling Feng's spiritual thoughts.

After a while, Xue Ying's body went limp. After Ling Feng forcibly read his memory, the origin of his soul completely collapsed.

"I see!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. From Blood Eagle's memory, he had basically fully understood the layout of the Blood Shadow Alliance.

Most of the situation is similar to what I guessed. However, the goal of the Blood Shadow Alliance is to gather all those who hold the Five Emperor Seals into the Five Emperors' Treasure House.

In Blood Eagle's memory, Ling Feng also knew the specific location of the Five Emperors' Treasure House.

"It seems that this time, the Five Emperors' Treasure House will indeed be opened."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, but this time, except for Blood Eagle No. 9 and Xue Hong, No. 5, all the Blood Shadow Alliance's Blood-Character killers came. .

With his own strength, if he hadn't been extra cautious and made a copy of himself in advance, I'm afraid it would have been his original self who was in a tough fight just now.

Just a bloody number five will almost allow him to use many trump cards. It seems that the competition for the Five Emperors' Treasure House will be far more intense than he imagined.

In fact, on the Yunluo Holy Land side, even the elder-level experts were dispatched!

"No matter what, four of the Five Emperors' Seals are in my hands. I am determined to get the Five Emperors' treasure house!"

After taking away the Naling Rings from Xuehong and Xueying, and then burning them with swallowing flames. After destroying the corpses and eliminating traces, Ling Feng left the place to avoid being chased by other blood-lettered killers.

"Senior Sister Yue being taken away by Duan Tianya may not be a bad thing. I act alone, but I have less worries."

Ling Feng had already learned the specific location of the Five Emperors' Treasure House, and immediately stopped delaying. He did not go back to find Yue Huaqing, nor was he too lazy to settle the score with Duan Tianya who had escaped before the battle, so he prepared to go directly to the Five Emperors' Treasure House.

Expand the infinite horizon and clearly present the situation within a hundred miles in your mind.

At this moment, Ling Feng suddenly saw a scene, murderous intent suddenly surged in his eyes, his figure flashed, and he galloped forward.

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