Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1823: Too many ants kill the elephant! (3 updates)

"Blooded Blade, you don't have to use this clumsy provocation!"

Zhou Xuantong looked indifferent, swung his long sword in his hand, and slashed out with a sword. Suddenly, a sword light more than a hundred feet thick, like a sword from the sky, came through the void, aimed at the head in the middle of the Thousand Mountain Python, and struck fiercely. Cut it out hard.

This week Xuantong has already expressed his attitude with practical actions.

To open the Five Emperors' Treasure House, in addition to gathering five Five Emperors Seals, you first need to pass the Thousand Mountain Python level.

Seeing that Zhou Xuantong had taken action, the Blood Blade breathed a sigh of relief as everything was still under his control.

"How about these two friends of the demon clan? The mutated Qianshan python must be of great value to the demon clan. If I can kill this demon python, I won't take any of the demon pills or blood essence!"

Xue Ren continued to encourage the two demons of Shi Tian Kuang to take action.

The three-headed Thousand Mountain Pythons are so powerful that even at the peak emperor level, they cannot be taken down easily.

However, with Zhou Xuantong and his Blood Blade, plus the two demon geniuses, there may not be no chance.

What's more, if this Thousand Mountain Python makes such a big noise, I believe that it won't be long before the warriors near the Wind Roaring Woodland will gather here.

"Hmph, insidious human!"

Shi Tiankuang cursed lowly, looked at Yu Qianshan, and said in a deep voice: "Yu Qianshan, what do you think?"

"Do we have any choice?"

Yu Qianshan smiled helplessly. They were also targeted by three Qianshan pythons. Even if Xueren and Zhou Xuantong could deal with one snake head alone, the remaining snake head would be enough to chase them down.

There is no way to run, there is only one way to fight.


Yu Qianshan shouted loudly: "The two of us will not suffer any loss when dealing with a snakehead!"

"Okay, let's fight!"

Shitian roared wildly, and his figure suddenly rose up against the storm, turning into a huge male lion more than thirty feet tall, and suddenly pounced on the fire attribute snake head on the right side of the Qianshan Python.


Yu Qianshan also let out a long hiss, transformed into a huge demon eagle, and Shi Tiankuang came out in two directions, attacking the fire attribute snake head together.

For a moment, Zhou Xuantong, Blood Blade, Shi Tian Kuang and the three Thousand Mountain Pythons were locked in a fierce battle.

Zhou Xuantong's sword skills are profound, and his blood blade is mysterious and invisible. Every time he draws a claw, he can often cause a huge amount of blood from the Thousand Mountain Python.

As for the two demons Shi Tiankuang and Yu Qianshan, although they may not be as good as Zhou Xuantong in a single fight, they can still suppress the demonic snake quite a bit with their size advantages when they transform into their own bodies.

Boom boom boom!

There were strong winds and thunder, flames surged, and almost everything within a radius of hundreds of miles had been reduced to ruins.

And this earth-shattering battle naturally alarmed the surrounding warriors, and some unlucky ones were injured and killed by the energy aftermath, including quite a few.

Ling Feng headed all the way towards the Five Emperors' Treasure House, so he had already discovered the Thousand Mountain Python the moment it appeared.

Therefore, he can be said to have witnessed this shocking battle intact.

"So, is that person the leader of the Ten Greatest Killers?"

Ling Feng had also gone to the Palace of Conquest before. Because he killed Yang Zhen (originally one of the Ten Ultimate Heavenly Slayers), he was promoted to the tenth of the Ten Ultimate Heavenly Slayers, with the title of Ultimate Strength.

As for Zhou Xuantong, he had also heard of it. Although there were many legends about Zhou Xuantong in the Palace of War, it was only after seeing Zhou Xuantong's power with his own eyes that Ling Feng realized that he was still looking at the sky from the bottom of a well.

Perhaps among warriors under a hundred years old, he can already become the first-class peerless genius in the Eastern Spiritual Realm, but compared with a strong man of Zhou Xuantong's level, he still lacks some background.

And the No. 1 killer Xue Ren, I conservatively estimate that with the strength of the Blood Blade, he would not need a second move to kill Xue Hong, the No. 5 killer Xue Hong!

As for the other two powerful monsters, they are also existences that cannot be compared to the current Ling Feng.


Screams, roars, gasps, explosions, impacts...

Various voices, intertwined.

Although the three-headed Thousand Mountain Pythons were almost comparable to the peak emperor level, they were still gradually at a disadvantage under the attacks of these three groups of powerful men.

Similarly, whether it was Zhou Xuantong, Blood Blade, or the two demon geniuses, they were all panting.

The vitality of these three Thousand Mountain Pythons is truly astonishing. This battle lasted for a full day and night. If they had not all had profound knowledge, they would not have been able to sustain this level of fighting.

More and more warriors gathered around. Seeing that the three Qianshan pythons were at the end of their strength, many warriors began to pretend to go up to help.

However, most of them did not dare to deal with the heads of the three Qianshan pythons head-on. Instead, they kept attacking the bodies and tails of the Qianshan pythons from below.

Of course, their purpose is actually to carve up some scales. After all, a monster of this level, even if it is just a piece of snake scale, is of considerable value.

As the saying goes, an elephant killed by too many ants is killed.

Although most of the warriors had their own motives, this also accelerated the death of the Thousand Mountain Python to a certain extent.

Ling Feng mingled among the crowd and secretly extracted some blood essence from Qianshan Python in case of emergency.

It's a pity that the essence and blood in the eyebrows of the Qianshan Python could have been used to temper the "Eight Desolations Body Forging Technique", but he didn't think he had the strength to snatch food from the tiger's mouth in the hands of a strong man of Zhou Xuantong's level.

Unless they don't want it, that's another story.


Finally, the first snake head of the three-headed Thousand Mountain Pythons fell heavily to the ground. It hit the ground with a bang from a height of more than hundreds of feet, and a cloud of smoke and dust rolled up.

It was the wind attribute snake head on the left that Zhou Xuantong took the lead in solving.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Tiankuang and Yu Qianshan also blasted the fire attribute snake head on the right to pieces, and then eliminated the second snake head.

Finally, it was the thunder attribute snake head that the blood blade dealt with. This snake head was almost completely drained of blood and had become extremely shriveled.

This is the habit of the Blood Blade. He likes to kill his prey, whether it is a human or a monster.

Ling Feng pouted. Of the three snake heads, one exploded and the other shriveled. Only Zhou Xuantong's snake head was left, which could still be used.

After finishing off the Qianshan Python, Zhou Xuantong cut off two fangs with two "bang" sounds, then stepped aside with his sword in his arms, staring coldly at the bloody blade.

Blood Blade shrugged, as if he was not interested in Qianshan Python. He crossed his arms and had a vague arc at the corner of his mouth.

On the other hand, Shi Tiankuang and Yu Qianshan released a strong aura and forced back the warriors who swarmed around and wanted to fish in troubled waters.

Shi Tiankuang stared angrily and roared loudly: "Whoever dares to touch the demon pill will die!"

Those warriors who fished in troubled waters could only retreat angrily and turn to snake scales and snake meat.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, quietly squeezed towards the still intact snake head, preparing to collect the blood essence from the eyebrow of the remaining snake head.

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