Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1828 The underworld dragon! (2 updates)

"call out!"

After waking up this time, Xiao Qiongqi's speed has reached an incredible level. Ling Feng's swordsmanship is already domineering and fierce. Coupled with the bonus of speed, every time he swings the sword, he can definitely kill a flaming man. Falling apart.

Xiao Qiongqi, on the other hand, opened his mouth wide, as if chewing some delicious food, and swallowed these immortal fires in one mouthful.

The immortal hellfire is certainly powerful, but Xiaoqiongqi's ancestor Qiongqi is a real ancient beast. Xiaoqiongqi has awakened part of his devouring ability, and in the future he can directly devoure flames to advance. This ability makes even Ling Feng envious. To die.

After all, although "Flame Swallowing Technique" is very powerful, it also has many limitations, and Xiao Qiongqi's talent has this ability to swallow, and he is so powerful that he has no friends!

Moreover, this is a Qiongqi with the Eye of Shura. I am afraid that when it fully grows up, it may be able to surpass its ancestors.

"Haha, it really can't be restored."

There was a trace of joy on Ling Feng's face, and he swung his sword more vigorously, causing the flames to fall down one after another. Xiao Qiongqi had devoured so much immortal fire that his aura obviously began to rise again.

It seems that he will break through to the Demon King level at any time!

He was hatched from Xiao Qiongqi, and it has only been only two or three years since he was promoted to the Demon King level in two or three years. This is absolutely unique in the history of the Demon Clan.

"Xiao Qiongqi, and Batou, kill them, and you should be able to be promoted to the Demon King level!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly.

"Fuck! Fuck you so damn much!"

As the saying goes, those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black. Xiao Qiongqi has been with Jian Donkey for a long time, and he is most influenced by Jian Donkey. His manner and tone of speech are exactly the same as Jian Donkey's.

Fortunately, this guy is not like a cheap donkey who is the first to come to a treasure and the first to run away from danger, otherwise Ling Feng might have doubts about life.


Xiao Qiongqi rushed out and held down a flaming man. Ling Feng's sword light arrived shortly afterwards. With the blessing of Shura swordsmanship, chopping up these flaming men was no more difficult than patting tofu.

"I'll kill you!"

"I swallow it!"

With the rise of killing one person and one beast, when the last flame man was devoured by Xiao Qiongqi, they were still a little unsatisfied.

"Master, this part of the fire of the immortal underworld fire is given to you."

Xiao Qiongqi opened his mouth and spit out a flame.

Different from the unruly and unruly immortal hell fire, the fire of this immortal hell fire is relatively easy to refine, and there is no possibility of backlash.


Ling Feng touched the back of Xiao Qiongqi's head. He finally had a reliable spiritual pet by his side!

The cheap donkey is greedy and lazy, Zifeng is more of a auxiliary ability, and Xiaoqiongqi can be used as a mount and has considerable fighting power. This is the ideal spiritual pet!

"Master, I'm going back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace first. After refining these immortal fires, I will reach the Demon King level, haha!"

The flames around Xiao Qiongqi gradually dissipated, and he was about to return to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, ready to continue sleeping.

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, it was the unloyal guy named Bian Lu who jumped out, "Xiao Qiongqi, why don't you give me some immortal fire as well, hehe."

"Give you the root hair!"

Ling Feng glared at him fiercely, "When Tianqi and I fought side by side, you knew how to pretend to be dead, but now you come out when we are sharing the benefits."

"This divine beast supports you mentally." Shi Lutian said shamelessly.

"Well, I'd better give you a little."

Xiao Qiongqi knew that Ling Feng was joking with it, so he was not stingy and spit out a mouthful of fire, "Take it."

"Haha, you little guy still has a conscience. It's not in vain that I was so good to you, Daddy."

Jianlu stepped forward and hooked Xiaoqiongqi's neck, but now Xiaoqiongqi, even in normal condition, was much taller than Jianlu, which made Jianlu sigh with emotion.

The baby I raised at home has finally grown up.

"Thank you for not leading Tianqi into trouble."

Ling Feng looked at Xiao Qiongqi. This guy followed the donkey's habit and liked to walk upright with his two front legs held in front of his chest. He was exactly the same as the mean donkey.

Ling Feng secretly warned that he must pay attention to the ideological education of Xiao Qiongqi in the future, otherwise, it won't be long before another cheap donkey will be born.


The stupid donkey looked unhappy, complained a few words, and returned to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace with Xiao Qiongqi.

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief and looked deeper into the Five Emperors' Treasure House, where there would definitely be more murderous intentions and tests.

After passing the platform of the flame man, the front suddenly became clear.

Ahead, there is a magnificent palace. From here on, it starts to look like a treasure house.

Whether it is the floor, walls, or dome, they are all inlaid with sparkling gems, which are somewhat similar to the sky cloud stone in the hands of the crazy lion before. However, such precious materials are only used for decoration here.

Ling Feng carefully grasped the Ten Directions Destruction and fully opened the Infinite Vision. The flame man in front almost killed Ling Feng. The levels behind would definitely be more difficult to deal with.

When we got here, the bone-corrosive cold air like the Nine Nether Hell became stronger and stronger, and a low and hoarse roar could be heard faintly.

"Boy Lingfeng, there is a scent of Yalong here."

The donkey's voice came again, and this time, Ling Feng could feel the fear of the donkey.

Yalong is a race that is close to the true dragon bloodline except the dragon. In the bloodline, the donkeys are born with great restraint.

"What dragon?"

Ling Feng curled his lips. In the test of the Great Desolate Sword Master, he had even experienced the pressure of the Great Desolate Domain Dragon. The Great Desolate Domain Dragon was one of the ten ancient ancestral dragons. He was not afraid at all, let alone What a dragon.

"It's the underworld dragon!"

The voice of the bitch was loudly cursing in his mind: "Damn it, this kind of creature shouldn't appear in this world either. Boy Ling Feng, in my opinion we'd better run away."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, first there was some immortal fire, and then there was some underworld dragon.

Underworld? Is there a place called the underworld besides the fairyland and the demonic realm?

Ling Feng couldn't help but ask: "Where is the underworld?"

"Why are you asking this?" Bitch snorted and said angrily: "The underworld is actually a part of the fairyland. The natives there are called the underworld. They have talents that are not inferior to the gods. The underworld is good at the divine soul. He has always kept aloof from the world, and basically has no contact with the outside world except for fighting against the demons together during the ancient war between gods and demons."

After a pause, the bitch continued: "The strange thing is that there is not only the immortal fire here, but also the breath of the underworld dragon. Weird, really weird!"

The bitch said, and then murmured to himself, "Could it be that one of the five emperors is from the underworld?"

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