Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1833 The Yanhuang World! (1 update)

"It is indeed the treasure trove of Lord Dragon Emperor!"

Seeing the phantoms of the five gods and demons, Shi Tiankuang and Yu Qianshan of the totem clan were obviously a little excited.

The Dragon Emperor was, after all, a strong man belonging to their clan.


Xue Ren clenched his fist and suddenly rose into the sky, trying to seize all the Five Emperor Seals.

"Don't even think about it!"

Zhou Xuantong shouted loudly and rushed out as well, seemingly determined to win the Five Emperors Seal.

At the same time, Zhao Mingcheng, Elder Luo and others also rushed out suddenly, not to be left behind.

Only Ling Feng stayed where he was, motionless.

However, he has already begun to secretly perform the hand gestures, preparing to use the reincarnation seal to resurrect Tianyan Emperor.


At this moment, a terrifying energy wave burst out, directly knocking away everyone who tried to snatch it.


Everyone spurted blood and flew out upside down.

The blood blade rushed forward and was injured the most. He was seen covering his chest, looking at the Five Emperor Seals in the sky with a horrified look on his face, and exclaimed: "What...what's going on?"


Suddenly, an eerie laughter came from the void.

Everyone just felt a chill running down their spines. The voice sounded like it was coming from the Nine Nether Hell, and it carried a suffocating pressure.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!..."

At this moment, the five Five Emperor Seals, as if they had eyes, automatically flew to the Five Emperors Pagoda, and were embedded in the matching grooves with great accuracy.

In an instant, the Five Emperors Pagoda was filled with light and glory, as if a door to a new world had opened.

The intense and dazzling light shone so brightly that everyone present could not open their eyes at all.

"Master! It's the master's breath!"

The underworld dragon prostrated on the ground obediently and docilely, without any arrogance at all.

The master it talks about is not Ling Feng, but the powerful man who once dominated the Eastern Spiritual Realm, the leader of the Five Emperors, Huangdi!


That creepy laughter came out again.

The Five Emperors Pagoda, surrounded by various lights, gradually materialized and seemed to turn into a door filled with brilliance.

The door opened, and a slender figure slowly walked out from behind the door.

It was a man wearing a black robe, who looked very young and handsome.

"Are you the ones who gathered the Five Emperor Seals and opened the secret of this deity?"

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly. From his tone, he seemed to be Huang Di!

Ling Feng secretly compared Huang Di's aura with Gui Lao's, and was shocked to find that Huang Di's aura was actually more powerful than Gui Lao!

Is he really just a peak emperor?

The "Yellow Emperor" touched his hairless chin, looked around, then shook his head and said: "Why are there not even half-saints? It's bad, it's really bad!"

"However, now that we have collected the Five Emperor Seals, I should hand over the treasure to you. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people."

Huang Di rolled his eyes and suddenly laughed, "How about this, let's play a game!"

"Game?" Everyone had a bad feeling in their minds.

"Don't be nervous." Huang Di chuckled, "Even if you lose, it's just death."


Everyone's hearts clicked at the same time, they were really going to risk their lives!

The next moment, the Yellow Emperor waved his big hand, and gray rays of light penetrated into everyone's bodies. Then, everyone's bodies began to become illusory, and seemed to turn into rays of silver light, which were absorbed into the body. In the gate transformed into the Five Emperors Pagoda.

"What's this!"

Everyone was horrified. Such a method was beyond the scope of applying rules, but controlling the rules!

Even create rules!

Blood Blade, Zhou Xuantong, Elder Luo, Fengyuan City Lord Zhao Mingcheng, etc. were unable to resist and were also involved in the Light Gate.

Ling Feng felt dizzy in his mind, and his body immediately became illusory, turning into a white light and shooting into the door.

After a while, all the warriors gathered in this secret room were all admitted through the door.

"This is fun now, I have to have fun!"

Huang Di chuckled and glanced at the underworld dragon lying on the ground again, with a trace of nostalgia flashing in his eyes.

The underworld dragon crawled on the ground and said respectfully: "Greetings to the master!"

Huang Di looked at the Shura magic ring around the neck of the underworld dragon, and said with some surprise: "It seems that you already have a new master?"

"No, in the hearts of my subordinates, you will always be the only master!"

The underworld dragon blurted out quickly.

"It doesn't matter, but it seems that there are indeed a few interesting little guys among these people."

Huang Di narrowed his eyes and smiled, then waved his hand, and the light door that the Five Emperors Pagoda transformed into gradually closed and turned into a cold stone wall again.

"Then, the game begins!"

I don’t know how much time passed.

Ling Feng's consciousness gradually regained consciousness.

"Where am I?"

Ling Feng rubbed his temples and found that he was actually in a chaotic space, with a white ball of light in front of him.

On his body, he was inexplicably wearing a pure white gown.

And his own ten directions were destroyed, the Space Spirit Ring, and the Five Elements Heavenly Palace were all gone!

"What's going on!"

Ling Feng was so depressed that he almost vomited blood, because the next moment, he discovered that he could not feel his Yuan Power, could not release his consciousness, and had no sword intention or sword power.

He clenched his fists and found that even the dragon-elephant divine power was gone!

Even the Eye of the Emperor, the foundation of his life, is completely unable to sense it.

"Hey hey hey..."

The familiar laughter sounded in Ling Feng's ears again.

"Yellow Emperor!"

Ling Feng yelled at the top of his head: "What on earth did you do to me? Where are the things on my body?"

Anyway, I have nothing, why should I be polite to Huang Di? If I wasn't afraid that the other party would kill me, I would have to call him a bastard!

"Do not worry."

Huang Di's voice was still as calm as ever, "You are just in a special space created by me with the power of rules. If you can finish this game alive, I will naturally return everything to you. "

"Special space?"

Ling Feng was stunned, "You can create the world? You... what level of power are you?"

"Hahaha, creating the world? You think too highly of me."

Huang Di burst out laughing, "I just control the rules of the soul." My power is quite special. My rules are different from those of the Five Elements. They are soul rules. Therefore, I can build a soul world and let you play this game with me. Hmm, you can call this space the Yanhuang World for the time being. "

"Yanhuang World?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

Huangdi murmured to himself: "It can be regarded as a kind of nostalgia for my original world. That place called Earth, that country called China, haha, it's funny to say that I was also They are called descendants of Yan and Huang.”

Ling Feng was completely confused when he heard this. Naturally, he couldn't understand it, because this Yellow Emperor was actually an extraterrestrial visitor who had traveled from another world.

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