Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1844 Self-destruction! (3 updates)

"Boy, suffer death!"

Luo Ao rushed out with a punch and hit Ling Feng's chest, denting his chest.

Ling Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood, directly met his fist, and slashed it with his sword.

Under the amplification of the evil king's arrival, Ling Feng was finally able to break through the defense and slashed with his sword, directly making a huge bloody gash on Luo Ao's chest.

"You brat, aren't you afraid of death?"

Luo Ao's eyes flashed with a cold light. He couldn't understand why Ling Feng suddenly used such a fierce and fearless fighting style.

Although this can hurt yourself, it will hurt him even more seriously!

"You can try." Ling Feng sneered: "In this world, I am immortal!"

"Humph! Who are you bluffing!" Luo Ao smiled coldly: "Only gods and demons are immortal, you are just a mortal!"

Luo Ao threw it fiercely and stabbed Ling Feng's heart hard.

This is his second-level power, Qiankun Throw, with a critical hit damage of up to 500%!

Ling Feng directly pulled it out and threw it aside. His body rushed out like a cannonball. He actually used self-destruction and hit Luo Ao's chest hard.


Terrifying energy swept across, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky, black smoke billowed, and huge power swept across crazily, directly blowing the ruins behind it into chaos.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Luo Ao covered his chest that was bloody and bloody, and spat out a mouthful of black blood. His face twisted, "Damn brat! You must die early! Otherwise, I will make you taste life worse than death." The taste!”

"Junior Brother Ling!"

"Little friend Ling Feng!"

Yue Huaqing and the other two exclaimed and jumped out suddenly. Yue Huaqing even burst into tears. She twitched her long sword and prepared to fight Luo Ao to the death.

"go back!"

The next moment, a familiar voice sounded out of thin air.

It's Ling Feng!

"This... this is impossible!" Luo Ao stared at Ling Feng in disbelief, "How could he not die? How could he not die? You obviously self-destructed!"

Ling Feng grinned, "I told you, I am immortal!"

"Fart! Except for gods and demons, there is no immortality!"

Luo Ao suddenly laughed, "I know, you must have used a resurrection scroll to be immune to death!"

"Don't you believe it yet?" Ling Feng roared, "It's powerful enough to break the sky!"

"Use force to break the sky, level -10, power increased a hundred times!"

"The talent of the King of Power is awakened and transformed into a powerful god and demon. You can transform into a powerful god and demon. Your power will be increased ten times. There is no consumption. You can use it once a day!"

"Haha! No consumption, right?"

Ling Feng laughed loudly and directly used this newly awakened innate skill. His body suddenly grew taller and turned into a three-foot-sized giant, and he rushed towards Luo Ao again.


"You crazy person!"


There was another terrifying explosion that shook the earth. Luo Ao was once again blown to pieces. The increase in power brought by the King of Strength was even greater than that of the Evil King. Coupled with the increase in the Powerful God and Demon Transformation, this time, Luo Ao Ao was injured even more seriously, and his right hand was almost blown into pieces.

With a flash of golden light, Ling Feng was resurrected again.

"This! This is impossible!"

"Hehe, I can almost blow you up without using any force." Ling Feng grinned and rushed out again, "Self-destruct!"


resurrection! Explode!

resurrection! Explode!

Ling Feng relied on his immortality to create an unprecedented fighting style, the self-destruction flow!

boom! boom! boom!

"You brat, I'm going to be cruel to you!"

Finally, Luo Ao trembled all over, exhaled his last breath, and fell to the ground unwillingly.

"Luo Ao, I want your head!"

Ling Feng sneered, raised his sword, and cut off Luo Ao's head.

"Kill the level 75 lord and raise the level to level 50!"

"Chaos Sword God's job transfer task is completed, and he successfully transferred to his first job, Chaos Sword God!"

"The Chaos Sword God's talents are activated, with strength +100, speed +100, physique +100, soul +1000, and a reward of 10 universal attribute points!"

"Talent Awakening: Chaos God King. Once activated, you will be immune to all control and damage, gain invincibility, ten breaths! No consumption!"

The light all over his body kept flashing, and in a series of prompts, Ling Feng finally completed the job change!

"Finally it worked!"

After the job transfer was completed, Ling Feng could feel that his power of chaos seemed to have undergone some subtle changes. There seemed to be a force calling him in the dark.

In the endless void.

The Yellow Emperor narrowed his eyes, and with a flash of golden light in his hand, a golden ancient clock more than three feet high appeared. The ancient clock shook slightly, seeming a little restless.

"What's going on? After that boy changed his job, did the power of chaos automatically summon the East Emperor Bell?"

After a while, the Donghuang Bell stopped shaking and gradually stabilized.

Huang Di breathed a sigh of relief, gently stroked the East Emperor Bell, and murmured to himself: "It seems that it won't be long before that boy's power of chaos will be completely stimulated, and the East Emperor Bell will only I’m afraid I will take the initiative to recognize the master!”

"Although I am a little reluctant, this is Donghuang Zhong's choice, and I have nothing to do about it!"

Huang Di shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I just hope that after everything is over, I can return to the place called Earth. That is where I truly belong."

After successfully changing jobs, Ling Feng took out the sheepskin scroll that contained clues to the Xuan Emperor's Seal and opened it.

This time, I can actually read it.

Ling Feng opened the scroll and read it for about half a quarter of an hour, with a happy look on his face.

"How to say?"

Elder Luo and Yue Huaqing both looked at Ling Feng with excitement.

Ling Feng said lightly: "We're pretty lucky. The direction of the Emperor's Seal happens to be in the west. We continue westward along the coast and enter a place called Skeleton Canyon. I happen to have a Sky Cloud Stone in my hand. When we get there, I guess The Xuan Emperor Seal will be found soon."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly!" Elder Luo seemed impatient.

After about half an hour, the three of them finally arrived at the destination of their trip, Skull Canyon.

This is a bare barren mountain. Because it is daytime, the mountain looks very empty. These undead creatures usually only move at night. At night, they will emerge from the ground.

Ling Feng took out the Sky Cloud Stone, and sure enough, the Sky Cloud Stone lit up, and its target was a ten-thousand-foot peak in the canyon!

"If the Tianyun Stone reacts, the Xuan Emperor's Seal must be nearby!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and called Xiao Jin back. The three of them immediately set off while it was still dark, heading towards the depths of the canyon. As we walked further in, the fog gradually became thicker. Although it was still daytime, the visibility was extremely low. In addition, in the Yanhuang world, spiritual perception cannot be used. In this gloomy environment, it is somewhat creepy.

"This seems to be a cemetery."

Elder Luo pinched the weapon in his hand and said cautiously.

"Ling Feng, I have a holy light purification skill that can dispel the fog."

Yue Huaqing raised her staff slightly, trying to dispel the thick fog around her.

"Don't mess around." Ling Feng quickly held down Yue Huaqing's arm, "There are undead creatures here. Why don't you use the holy light to expose your position?"

"Look, the coffin there was smashed, and there seemed to be signs of a fight." Elder Luo pointed at the row of tombstones in front of him and said, "I'm afraid someone else has been here."

"It's normal. People in this world have the ability to think independently, so it's not surprising to come here. And all the people sent into this world by Huangdi started from Jiukun City."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said: "The monsters here are all around level 65. Now I estimate that everyone's level should have stopped at level 50 to 60. It is normal to come here to upgrade."


Suddenly, a group of skeleton soldiers holding long knives appeared in front and rushed towards Ling Feng and the others.

The fog here is so thick that it completely blocks the sun's light, so these undead creatures can run rampant.


Ling Feng destroyed one horizontal stroke in ten directions, broke the mystery in all directions with one move, and scattered the surrounding monsters.

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