Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1852 Yu Junyao! (1 more)

One day later.

The matter of the Five Emperors' Treasure House finally came to an end, and Ling Feng also returned to Fengyuan City with Fengyuan City Lord Zhao Mingcheng.

Unlike the first time Ling Feng came to Fengyuan City, most of the warriors who went to Fengxiao Forest to look for the Five Emperors' Treasure House had left, so this thousand-year-old city, although still prosperous, was no longer as crowded as before.

Following Zhao Mingcheng to the City Lord's Mansion, Ling Feng finally met the visitor from the Zhongyuan Domain, the Nine Li God Clan!

Zhao Mingcheng took Ling Feng all the way to a quiet courtyard in the West Garden of the City Lord's Mansion and knocked on the door gently.

"Miss Yu, your subordinate Zhao Mingcheng has something to ask for."

From a distance, thirty steps away from the door, Zhao Mingcheng bowed and saluted with a very respectful attitude. Obviously, the identity of the person who temporarily stayed in this courtyard was not simple.

Ling Feng frowned slightly, Miss Yu? It seems that she should be a woman.

Although Zhao Mingcheng also had the aura of the Jiuli God Clan, it was very thin and almost negligible. It can be seen that he was at most a side branch of the Jiuli God Clan, and that Miss Yu should be the core disciple of the Jiuli God Clan.

After a while, the door opened and a graceful woman walked out of the room.

She was a very young girl, with willow eyebrows and cloud-like hair, eyes like stars, a white dress like snow, a slim figure, and seemed to be younger than Mu Qianxue.

However, judging from the aura she exuded, she had actually reached the third level of the Destiny Realm!

"So young, but already the third level of the Destiny Realm!"

Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly. The Jiuli God Clan, worthy of being called a God Clan, had such a profound foundation that even Dongling Xianchi could not match it.

Miss Yu's eyes swept over Zhao Mingcheng. When she saw Ling Feng, her phoenix eyes slightly frowned and she frowned, saying, "Zhao Mingcheng, didn't I tell you not to bring people to disturb me casually?" Zhao Mingcheng hurriedly explained, "Miss Yu, this is Ling Feng." "Ling Feng?" Miss Yu stared at Ling Feng. When she found that he was only the Extreme Human Emperor, she immediately showed a trace of contempt, "Is this the first genius of the East Spirit Realm you mentioned? Is the East Spirit Realm weaker than I imagined!" "Uh..." Zhao Mingcheng showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, "Miss Yu, although Ling Feng's cultivation level is not high, he can fight across levels. Ordinary middle-level emperors may not be his opponents." "Okay, no need to say more." Miss Yu raised her hand, signaling Zhao Mingcheng to shut up, and walked in front of Ling Feng with lotus steps. A fragrant breeze wafted into his nose. Miss Yu stared at Ling Feng, turned around him, and then snorted coldly, "It is indeed the breath of my cousin's divine blood!!"


Ling Feng's eyelids jumped, his eyes fixed, staring at Miss Yu, and asked anxiously: "Are you talking about Qianxue?"

"Humph, you also called my cousin's name?" Miss Yu glared at Ling Feng angrily, "She is the saint of my God Clan, and a mortal like you is destined to be in a different world from her! I advise you to give up this idea and don't be wishful thinking. My cousin's divine blood is already a great opportunity for you! Humph, I don't know what's so good about a waste like you. She actually passed all the divine blood to you, and she also talked about you every day, and even disobeyed the marriage contract set by the clan leader"

After that, Miss Yu directly Turning around, he said to Zhao Mingcheng, "Okay, I've seen this Ling Feng, but that's all. You can send him away."

"Wait a minute!"

Ling Feng grabbed Miss Yu's arm, "Speak clearly, what engagement!"

In a hurry, Ling Feng didn't care about much. Miss Yu didn't expect Ling Feng to dare to attack her. She wanted to break away from Ling Feng with a surge of momentum. She stared at Ling Feng coldly with a pair of phoenix eyes and gritted her teeth and said, "You are so brave!"

Unexpectedly, when she struggled, Ling Feng's palm did not move at all. He still held her wrist tightly. He stared at Miss Yu with a serious and serious face and asked coldly, "Speak clearly to me!"


Miss Yu was furious, but when she saw Ling Feng's eyes, she couldn't help but feel a little fear in her heart!

What kind of eyes was that?

As if he was the master of the world, as if he was a god above the nine heavens!

In front of him, she was as small as an ant, a drop in the ocean, and a grain of sand in the Ganges.

The next moment, Miss Yu hurriedly shook her head, threw away the fear rooted in her heart, gritted her teeth and stared at Ling Feng, saying hatefully: "Stinky boy, don't think that I won't kill you just because your cousin likes you!"

Zhao Mingcheng, who was standing by, was also frightened and sweating, and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Little brother Ling, let Miss Yu go, don't mess around!"

This Miss Yu, whose real name is Yu Junyao, is Mu Qianxue's cousin. She has pure blood and outstanding talent, and is highly valued in the clan.

Even though Zhao Mingcheng is already a strong man in the late stage of the Fate Realm, he is still respectful in front of Yu Junyao, like a servant. And Ling Feng actually dared to offend Yu Junyao like this.

"I don't like to repeat myself!"

Ling Feng's eyes were cold, and he grabbed Yu Junyao's palm, exerting a little force. Yu Junyao felt pain and hated Ling Feng even more.

"My cousin is naturally going to marry a son of the God Clan who is a good match for me. Could it be that she is going to marry you?" Yu Junyao stared at Ling Feng with hatred, struggling desperately, gritting her teeth and saying, "Why don't you let me go!"

Ling Feng then slowly let go of Yu Junyao's wrist and took a deep breath.

"Is it an engagement..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists, feeling a little confused for a moment.

"You brat, I'm going to teach you a lesson today!"

Yu Junyao finally regained his freedom and quickly took a few steps back. He immediately pulled out a soft whip and whipped it on the ground several times. On the soft whip, flames burned blazingly, and it actually carried the fifth-level fire system rules. the power of.

This soft whip is probably a low-grade fairy weapon after all!

As expected of a direct descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan, he could use it casually and turn out to be an immortal weapon!


The sound of breaking wind came, and a searing wave of air swept towards Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold, swallowing flames surged around his body, and a violent aura exploded, and he actually forcefully bounced the soft whip back.


Yu Junyao's eyelids twitched suddenly, "Swallowing flames? How can you master swallowing flames?"

"I'm not interested in messing around with you!" Ling Feng took a deep breath, stared at Yu Junyao and said, "Take me to Qianxue!"


Yu Junyao suddenly laughed and said, "You brat, who do you think you are? Even if I take you to find your cousin, with your strength, you can't even get through the gate of our Jiuli God Clan!"

"I said, take me there!"

A trace of anger flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. Now he could no longer keep calm. He thought of Mu Qianxue's efforts and sacrifices for him, but he seemed to have never done anything for her.

"Hmph, if you want to find your cousin, you have to pass my level first!"

Yu Junyao swiped the long whip in her hand, and circles of blazing flames swept across all directions and once again shrouded Ling Feng!

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