Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1856 Flesh and Blood Reconstruction Pill! (2 updates)

"Why, aren't you going to make it clear?"

Ling Feng's palm exerted slight force, and there was a click, and Qin Wuyang's shoulder blades shattered.


A scream rang out, Qin Wuyang was sweating like rain, gasping for air: "I... I have a bad mouth, I have a bad mouth, I... I'm just talking nonsense, Senior Brother Ling... you must not take it seriously. ah!"

"You still refuse to tell the truth, do you?"

Ling Feng shook his head and said with some regret: "I gave you the opportunity, but it's a pity that you didn't cherish it."

"You...what do you mean?"

Qin Wuyang's eyelids twitched suddenly and he stared at Ling Feng. The next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

For a moment, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a group of strange divine patterns in Ling Feng's eyes, swimming like a yin-yang fish. Then, his mind lost control, and a ray of divine consciousness forced its way into the sea of ​​spirit. .

"If you don't tell me, I have no choice but to take it myself."

Ling Feng's gaze condensed, and he had activated the Eye of the Emperor.

After a while, Qin Wuyang's entire body went limp, his whole body twitched a few times, and his vitality gradually disappeared.

The origin of his soul has dispersed, and at this moment, he is already dead and cannot die anymore.

"Qin...Senior Brother Qin!"

The few disciples who came with Qin Wuyang were all scared out of their wits. Ling Feng actually dared to kill Qin Wuyang!

Originally, they thought that the most Ling Feng could do was give Qin Wuyang a lesson.

But he never expected that Ling Feng would be so ruthless.

"Go back and tell Qing Xuanzi that his head can remain on his neck for a few days. However, time is running out!"

Ling Feng's expression was extremely cold. Those disciples knew that Ling Feng had no intention of killing them, so they breathed a sigh of relief, carried Qin Wuyang's body out with all hands and feet, and disappeared in a flash.

"Huh, what a Qingxuanzi!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. From Qin Wuyang's memory, Ling Feng only vaguely guessed that Qing Xuanzi and the Blood Shadow Alliance secretly colluded. He also knew about the blood-lettered killer sent by the Blood Shadow Alliance this time. In addition to seizing the Five Emperors' Treasure House, there is another mission, which is to kill himself.

Fortunately, I was lucky enough to kill the Blood Blade in the Yanhuang World. Otherwise, it would be really hard to defend against such a terrifying killer.

It's a pity that Mr. Qin's actions are extremely secretive, and even Qin Wuyang doesn't know much.

However, just because Qing Xuanzi colluded with the Blood Shadow Alliance, he could justifiably kill him, not to mention the rules of the Dongling Immortal Pond.

Those who rebel against the sect will be punished by everyone. What's more, Ling Feng is also one of the ten young emperors, with the power to kill first and then report.

After all Qin Wuyang's thugs had disappeared, Yu Junyao walked up with a smile, looking at Ling Feng with admiration.

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng actually has such a decisive and decisive side. His imposing appearance is a bit handsome!

"Hey, you still have a few moments left!" Yu Junyao said with a smile.

Ling Feng ignored Yu Junyao and directly helped up Fatty Huang who was lying aside. This guy was rough-skinned and thick-skinned. Although he received a few punches from Qin Wuyang, they were only superficial injuries.

"Brother Feng, I'm sorry that I have made you feel wronged."

Ling Feng cast an apologetic look at Feng Yan and the others.

"Haha, it's not really a grievance."

Feng Yan shook his head and smiled, then looked at Agui who was standing aside and cowered, and said quickly: "Brother Ling, don't embarrass brother Agui. He has indeed taken good care of us during this time."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. This Feng Yan was indeed the same Feng Yan he first met. Even after going through so many things, he was still the same as before. He could definitely be called a "benevolent person".

"Okay, you can go back first."

Ling Feng glanced at Agui, who felt like he was being pardoned. He cast a grateful look at Feng Yan and left the place quickly.

"Brother Feng, if you return to Xianyao Pavilion now, there will inevitably be some trouble. You might as well stay here temporarily."

Ling Feng thought for a while and then said slowly: "I went out this time and bought a batch of elixirs in the Amethyst Imperial City. I would like to give you a try and refine the elixir for rebirth of broken limbs. Maybe it can help you." Give birth to a brand new right hand!"

After hearing Ling Feng's words, Feng Yan's eyes flashed with hope.

Although he has been telling Ling Feng that he has taken it lightly, but as a warrior, who can really take it lightly.

His Prison Heaven Finger is very powerful, but without his right hand, he can only use 30% of his strength at most.

In this state, even for the rest of his life, I am afraid that he will not be able to make any progress, and it will be impossible to worship the Dongling Immortal Pond.

"Really? That's great!"

Lan Yingying also looked excited, seemingly even happier than Feng Yan.

"Haha, Mr. Feng, let me just say Mr. Ling is reliable!" Fatty Huang seemed to have forgotten the pain on his body and said happily.

"Brother Ling, I...I really don't know how to thank you." Feng Yan's voice was choked with sobs.

"The chance is only about 80%."

Ling Feng said slowly: "I need two or three days to prepare the flesh and blood reconstruction elixir, and supplemented by the regeneration needle, I may be able to help you regenerate your severed limbs. This process may be a bit painful, Brother Feng still needs to be patient. ”

"As long as I can give birth to my right hand, I can endure no matter how severe the pain is."

Feng Yan nodded heavily.

"Flesh and blood reconstruction pill?"

Yu Junyao, on the other hand, looked at Ling Feng in disbelief. In fact, the Jiuli Divine Clan was basically all fire practitioners. Therefore, except for the martial arts experts, almost all the clansmen were more or less familiar with it. He also dabbled in alchemy.

Among the Jiuli Divine Clan, there are several Alchemy Saint-level beings, and one of them is her grandfather.

She naturally understood that elixirs such as the Flesh and Blood Reconstruction Pill were of such a high grade that even an average eighth-level alchemist might not dare to say that they could 100% refine them successfully.

The so-called Alchemy Saint is actually a ninth-level alchemist.

This Ling Feng is so young, is it possible that he already has the attainments of an eighth-level alchemist?

"Hey, you can refine blood and flesh to recreate elixirs? Don't brag!"

Yu Junyao looked at Ling Feng with disbelief.

"Believe it or not, I won't let you believe it! In fact, if you leave now, I will be happier."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. No matter how many times he told her, this woman would always call him "hello".

From the bottom of her heart, she felt that the so-called Jiuli God Clan was superior to others.

Ling Feng never had a good impression of this kind of woman.

If he hadn't thought that she was Mu Qianxue's cousin, he would have definitely kicked her away!


Yujunyao glared at Ling Feng angrily. After staying with Ling Feng for several days, her endurance had improved a lot. After all, a wooden head like Ling Feng expected him to coax her. Two sentences are simply more difficult than reaching the sky.

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