Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1858 Return to the Immortal Pond! (1 update)

With the help of Xianyao Pavilion's teleportation formation, Ling Feng took Yu Junyao, bypassing the Demonic Sky Snow Ridge, and directly entered the Dongling Immortal Pond.

"Huh? Innate Spirit Pond?"

Yu Junyao raised her head and looked at the eight floating fairy islands in the sky and the fairy jade pool already guarding the center of the fairy islands, and her eyes couldn't help but light up slightly.

"I never expected that there is such a good thing as the Innate Spiritual Pool in your Eastern Spiritual Domain!"

Yu Junyao nodded and said calmly: "No wonder a Holy Land-level force can be born here. It's a pity that the spiritual energy in the spiritual pool is getting thinner and thinner. I'm afraid it will be difficult to give birth to a Holy-level master."

Ling Feng glanced at Yu Junyao in surprise. This woman was indeed a direct descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan, and she was also well-informed.

Regarding the matter of Xianyao Pond, Gui Lao also mentioned it to himself.

The Dongling Immortal Pond relies on this spiritual spring and has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. Although the Immortal Immortal Pond is an innate spiritual spring that can absorb the spiritual power between heaven and earth, one day, the pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Immortal Immortal Pond will Being consumed.

However, that is probably thousands of years from now.

"Come with me."

Ling Feng didn't say anything, but just led the way, taking Yu Junyao directly to the heaven, to the floating fairy island where the Earth Spirit Palace was located, and took her directly to his mansion.

As one of the top ten young emperors of Xianchi, Dongling Xianchi would naturally not treat Ling Feng badly. His young emperor's mansion was indeed magnificent.

"Humph, I didn't expect that a brat like you still has some status!"

Seeing that Ling Feng still had his own mansion, Yu Junyao took a look at the entire mansion, pursed his lips and said: "It's just so-so, it can barely be occupied!"

"If you want to leave now, it's still too late!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at this woman angrily. It was obvious that she was the one who insisted on following him, and he acted as if he had invited her to come.


Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng, then strode into the Young Emperor's Mansion.

The huge Young Emperor's Mansion seemed a little deserted at the moment because Ling Feng was not in the Immortal Pond all year round.

Apart from the "maid" Fang Wen, there were only a few servants responsible for cleaning.

"Senior Brother Ling! You are finally back!"

Hearing the movement outside the door, Fang Wen quickly came out of the house to welcome him.

With Ling Feng's relationship, Fang Wen was able to be promoted to the inner sect, but she still chose to follow Ling Feng and was willing to be Ling Feng's "maid", and this huge mansion really needed someone to take care of it.


Ling Feng glanced at Fang Wen and saw that he had the elixir he had left for her. Her cultivation had improved a lot. In addition, the aura of heaven far exceeded that of earth. Fang Wen's current strength could be regarded as a veritable concubine. Disciple.

When Fang Wen saw that Ling Feng had brought back a strange woman, she quickly asked respectfully: "Who is this?"

"Her name is Yu Junyao, and she is considered a friend. Fang Wen, please arrange a place for her for me. I have some things that need to be dealt with."

After saying that, Ling Feng didn't care whether Yu Junyao agreed or not. He dodged and flew directly towards the Holy Land of the Spirit Turtle.

Fang Wen looked at Ling Feng's back, then at Yu Junyao, and found that this woman naturally had an aristocratic temperament, as if she was superior to others out of thin air.

"Miss Jade, let me arrange for you to stay here first. I wonder what kind of environment you like?"

Fang Wen gritted her teeth. As Ling Feng's maid, the matter of entertaining guests naturally fell on him.

Yu Junyao looked at Fang Wen and couldn't help but murmur in her heart: Who would have thought that Ling Feng, who looked so sanctimonious, was actually a beauty hidden in a golden house! Fortunately, my cousin still misses him so much!

Thinking of this, Yu Junyao looked at Fang Wen with a less friendly look. She snorted and said coldly: "What, are you the mistress of this house?"

"Mistress?" Fang Wen quickly waved her hand and said, "Miss Jade is joking. I'm just a little maid next to Senior Brother Ling. I'm not a mistress."

"So that's it..."

Yujunyao's expression softened slightly, she coughed a few times, and said calmly: "Take me to the waterside pavilion near the lake. I prefer to see the scenery on the lake."

"Well, please come with me."

Fang Wen nodded and made a "please" gesture towards Yu Junyao.

"Wait a minute, no! Wherever that brat lives, I want to live next to him!"

Yu Junyao snorted softly, thinking that this bastard Ling Feng had driven herself crazy with anger several times, but she couldn't let his life be too easy. She had to find a chance to treat him properly. If you live next to him, you will have more opportunities!


Fang Wen was stunned for a moment, and then showed an "I understand" expression. Obviously, in her opinion, this was another woman who had fallen for Ling Feng.

However, Yu Junyao was thinking about how to "punish" Ling Feng, and did not see the ambiguous expression on Fang Wen's face. Otherwise, she might have realized that her actions seemed a little bit insignificant. reserved.

Holy Turtle Realm.

Not long after, Ling Feng entered the Holy Land of the Spirit Turtle and found him at the place where Gui Lao usually meditated.

In addition to Mr. Gui and the old turtle, that guy Lin Mu, who didn't know that something was wrong with his tendon, was actually here, and seemed to be asking Mr. Gui for advice.

"Eh? Brother Lin, you actually practice diligently? Could it be that the sun is rising in the west?"

Ling Feng walked over with a smile. He hadn't seen him for more than a month. Lin Mu's strength had improved a lot.

It seems that during this period of time, he has probably been practicing in the Holy Spirit Turtle Realm.

"Brother Ling!" Hearing Ling Feng's voice, Lin Mu was overjoyed at first, then rolled his eyes and snorted: "I wasn't stimulated by you. My sister gave me a death order. , if I don’t make it into the top ten for the next Sunset Chosen, she will take my skin off!”

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, but he didn't expect that Biluo Shengji, who was usually dignified and elegant, also had such a fierce side.

"The palace master naturally does it for your own good. You are not bad in talent, and you have the support of the palace master, and you have the guidance of the turtle. You are so uniquely blessed. If you practice well, you will have a chance to be in the top three, let alone the top ten."

Ling Feng patted Lin Mu on the shoulder. This guy was definitely the laziest companion he had ever seen.

"Hehe!" Lin Mu grinned, "I feel a little embarrassed when you say that."

"You're the only one who still knows I'm sorry?"

Turtle Lao rolled his eyes. If it weren't for Biluo Shengji's face and Lin Mu's talent, he wouldn't bother to deal with this lazy guy.

"Sexy old man, aren't you afraid that I might accidentally let you know that you were watching the female disciple take a bath?"

Lin Mu glanced sideways at Mr. Gui. Looking at the Dongling Fairy Pond, he was probably the only one who dared to call Mr. Gui "Sexy Old Man".

"Hmph, if you hadn't taken a peek, you would have found me...ahem..."

Old Turtle raised his eyebrows and quickly closed his mouth. He was so excited that he almost admitted it to himself.

No longer paying attention to Lin Mu, Old Turtle looked at Ling Feng and changed the topic: "Ling Feng, did you gain anything from your trip to Yunluo Holy Land?"

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