Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1869 Promoted to the Great Emperor! (3 updates)

"What? What's going on?"

Yuan Yangzi's eyelids twitched suddenly. This sudden change made him completely confused.


Just when everyone was shocked, cracks appeared in the third soul gate suspended in the sky!

After three consecutive failed breakthroughs, cracks finally appeared in the motionless Soul Gate!

"Xuan Emperor Seal, condense!"

Ling Feng shouted again and worked hard. He knew that this was his only chance.

Either break through or die!


The last Xuan Emperor Seal soared into the sky and hit the crack in the Soul Gate.




The thick and solid gate of the soul, like a heavenly gate, shattered!


The next moment, dark clouds rolled in, and Ling Feng's final breakthrough finally triggered an even more astonishing change in the sky!

Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan and others, who were already desperate, became even more frightened the moment Ling Feng opened his eyes.

Even Yu Junyao's pupils were shrunken, full of disbelief.

The origin of the divine soul that is infinitely close to the golden fighting spirit is almost comparable to some old monsters among the Jiuli Protoss who have been immersed in the holy level for hundreds of years!

"This guy, is he a monster..."

Yujunyao swallowed hard. This was the first time that she felt ashamed when facing an "ordinary person" who was not a god.

Even hundreds of miles away, countless people felt a deep shock under this gaze on the Dongling Immortal Pond, which was facing a brutal confrontation.

"How is this going?"

The blood shadow alliance leader's eyelids twitched slightly. Could it be that something happened to Yuan Yangzi?

"It's Ling Feng, it's him! It's his breath!"

Tuoba Yan felt a burst of ecstasy in his heart, he succeeded, he finally succeeded in breaking through!

"Ling Feng? Is it really him?"

There was an incredible look in the eyes of Saint Princess Huiyue. How could she possess such terrifying divine will even though she had just broken through to the imperial realm?

"Silver level fighting spirit? It's interesting!"

Only the Tianlong Sword Master vaguely noticed something, his eyes flashed, but soon dimmed again.

The cold wind howls!

Ling Feng stood there, unmoving.

Facing Yuan Yangzi's most powerful attack, when it came with a sudden pressure, Ling Feng grabbed it with his backhand, and with Weng Ran's voice, Destruction in all directions suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand!

"Breaking the Mystery from All Directions!"

Ling Feng's expression was devoid of any fireworks, like a god, neither happy nor sad.

However, the power unleashed by this understatement of the sword was far from what it used to be.

Boom! ——

Bang bang! ——

The huge handprint formed by Yuan Yangzi's True Fire Burning Heaven Palm shattered almost instantly, disappearing like ice and snow melting away.

Not only that, Ling Feng's sword energy swept across the sky, and a ten-thousand-foot snow mountain directly behind Yuanyangzi was forcibly destroyed in half by this terrifying sword energy!

The power of a sword is so terrifying!

"This... what a power this is!"

Yu Junyao, Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan, Feng Yan and others were completely stunned, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

As soon as he broke through, he actually had the strength to fight head-on with the pinnacle emperor!

Is this guy still human?

Yuan Yangzi, who faced the power of Ling Feng's sword, couldn't help but swallow hard, and a slight cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Fellow practitioners of the Three Paths are almost equivalent to digging their own graves, but unexpectedly, some people actually succeeded!

Moreover, after the breakthrough and the baptism of the three emperors, the soaring strength is beyond human imagination!

Before the breakthrough, Yuan Yangzi could easily suppress Ling Feng with a flip of his hand.

But after breaking through, his full blow was actually resolved by Ling Feng's sword, and the aftermath of the sword attack was able to annihilate a ten-thousand-foot snow mountain!

Yuan Yangzi's face showed a solemn look, and he felt a hint of threat. This was definitely not a power that a warrior who had just stepped onto the emperor level could possess.

How could fellow practitioners of the Three Paths be so terrifying?

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